You ARE the granny here. You're also the same one that accused me of trashing your deceased grandmother. Didn't happen. Another made up lie.
Then you went on to say, such and such post of mine, on such and such page of this thread, shows I'm a racist. Didn't happen. Another made up lie.
Keeping men out of the women's restroom, when a female child is in it alone, makes me morally right. Bigot? Whatever. I wear that proudly.
Keeping MTF athletes out of female's sports, because they AREN'T female, makes me morally right. Go play co-ed. I wear that proudly, too.
When someone says they want to set women's rights back a good 20-years, you should receive the first call.
O.k. let's parse this apart.
1. I'm not a grandmother, so again, who were you referring to? Pew maintained when I said "go cry to your mama" I was referring to your actual mother, instead of saying "you are a whiney little baby instead of a real man". Unless you know something about my kids (in which case I thought the entire thing was we weren't bringing kids into this) that I don't, when did I become the granny? It must refer to someone else, hence my grandmother or my mother, right? Otherwise who's the granny? I don't get it.
2. I never said you were racist. I said you were fixated on black colleges (which you said exclude whites, which they don't) and then that african americans can use the n word but it's bad for white people. I asked the question why's that? If you're the one connecting the dots, you're doing that to yourself. So now you are lying.
3. As to your post 373, you never used the word "alone". You said "same public bathroom my daughter is in". You never qualified the age of your daughter, despite being invited to. You never qualified what you meant by "man". So those are all revisionist lies. What's worse is this now the 11th time you've been asked to qualify your statements, such as with "and that person is doing something illegal in there" that would justify your violence in self defense of others. Lie.
4. Proudly? Again I challenged you if you are so proud to unmask yourself. Let's hear it and see what society thinks about it. So another lie.
5. So you make this big deal about me finding your quote, and I finally do and it shows exactly what I said it did, with "target" and violence ("by the throat/jury") and you are trying to gaslight me now into that it doesn't say what I think it says, despite that you've been given 11 TIMES the chance to clarify your statement. Now you are lying not only to me, but to yourself and reality itself.
6. So for someone that is so incensed at my supposed lying, you seem to be engaging in quite a bit of hypocrisy here.
7. That would, by logical extension, make you not only a bigot, but also a liar and a hypocrite. Good times.