Wow I don’t know whether to be impressed (it’s a nice call back to an earlier robin williams quote I made) or shocked. In any case it’s close slobi but you slightly miss the mark. I have said before that I am a four time minority.
But I found it moonpie. I found it.

. I was looking for my quote on the n word which I couldn’t find (again take it up with dom) but I did find yours. It’s 373. “When a male in lipstick takes the field against my daughter he will either become a target or our team will leave the field.” Then “when I see a man in a dress walk into the same public bathroom my daughter is in, he’s coming out willingly or by the throat. I’ll take my chances with the jury”. No qualification on what “target” means. No qualification that the person has to be in the bathroom doing something wrong. You said “by the throat”. I found it slobi. Doesn’t get much worse than that. Care to take up this seventh opportunity to clarify what exactly you meant????