
Babies? I'm all for babies living. Abortion doesn't kill babies. Baby is a word with a definition. So don't lie about what an abortion is.

FLASHBACK: Remember What Planned Parenthood's Founder Said About the Black Population
Source: AP Photo

Cancel culture advocates have been desecrating statues across the nation, all in the name of "justice" and "equality." Their claim is that they're removing America's evil, racist history. The problem, however, is they're targeting all statues and memorials, regardless of the person's history. Just look at the statues of President Abraham Lincoln and Union General Ulysses S. Grant. Both of their statues were demolished, all in the name of "Black Lives Matter," yet both men fought to free slaves.

What these activists fail to understand or bother to look into is Planned Parenthood's evil past. Margaret Sanger, the abortion giant's founder, believed that the worst sin in the world was bringing children into the world that "have no chance in the world of being a human." Apparently killing an innocent child isn't the greatest sin. But then again, Sanger didn't see infidelity as a sin, even though "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is one of the 10 Commandments.

"I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world that have disease from their parents, have no chance in the world of being a human being practically delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things marked when they are born," Sanger explained to Mike Wallace in 1957. "That, to me, is the greatest sin that people can commit."

"But sin, in the ordinary sense that we regard it, do you believe or do you not believe?" Wallace asked.

"I believe," she responded.

"Do you believe in infidelity is a sin?" he asked.

"Well, I'm not going to specify what I think is a sin. I've stated what I think is the worst sin," Sanger replied.

She went on to say that she "doesn't know about infidelity because it has many personalities to it and what a person's own belief is, generalize those things."
Why do care about how others live their lives if they aren't harming anyone? Is that your idea of freedom?

I don't give a shit... they can do what they want in the privacy of their homes just like me. You want a parade? You want to advertise your sphincter boy HIV medication while I'm trying to watch television with my kid, nah... not having it. If you need some kind of drug to delay your dying because of your unnatural behavior, go buy that shit at CVS. I don't want your tranny commericals during my shows.
I don't give a shit... they can do what they want in the privacy of their homes just like me. You want a parade? You want to advertise your sphincter boy HIV medication while I'm trying to watch television with my kid, nah... not having it. If you need some kind of drug to delay your dying because of your unnatural behavior, go buy that shit at CVS. I don't want your tranny commericals during my shows.
They show that on state run tv? And my kids are well aware of the world around them and aren't afraid of people expressing themselves. I guess mine have inner strength and self confidence, they are strong enough to accept there is a great big world out there that they have no control over, nor would they want to control others freedom. I never question someone else's freedom.
They show that on state run tv? And my kids are well aware of the world around them and aren't afraid of people expressing themselves. I guess mine have inner strength and self confidence, they are strong enough to accept there is a great big world out there that they have no control over, nor would they want to control others freedom. I never question someone else's freedom.
You’re babbling
They show that on state run tv? And my kids are well aware of the world around them and aren't afraid of people expressing themselves. I guess mine have inner strength and self confidence, they are strong enough to accept there is a great big world out there that they have no control over, nor would they want to control others freedom. I never question someone else's freedom.

It actually BECOMES state run tv when your tranny bullshit gets shoved down everyone's throat just so you clowns feel important. Nobody needs to be aware of your fucked up lifestyle unless they choose to be. It doesn't take strength or confidence to watch a black man do ballet in leg warmers.
It actually BECOMES state run tv when your tranny bullshit gets shoved down everyone's throat just so you clowns feel important. Nobody needs to be aware of your fucked up lifestyle unless they choose to be. It doesn't take strength or confidence to watch a black man do ballet in leg warmers.
I have never noticed any "tranny bullshit" on any of the stations I frequent. Is that just an LA thing maybe? I have been to the ballet often and find the discipline and strength required to perform properly amazing. Possibly if you had some strength and self-discipline you might do better in life and not feel the need to complain so much.
I have never noticed any "tranny bullshit" on any of the stations I frequent. Is that just an LA thing maybe? I have been to the ballet often and find the discipline and strength required to perform properly amazing. Possibly if you had some strength and self-discipline you might do better in life and not feel the need to complain so much.

Apparently not... since I'm not in L.A. I don't have a problem with the ballet. I have a problem with watching gay men roll around in tights while promoting their "lessons your chances of dying due to dicking some other dude" drugs. It's unnatural and gross. You're welcomed to be freaks in the privacy of your own homes. Same goes for your pansy ass parades. You're nothing but attention whores. That's why all of you have to be half naked walking down the middle of a street.
Apparently not... since I'm not in L.A. I don't have a problem with the ballet. I have a problem with watching gay men roll around in tights while promoting their "lessons your chances of dying due to dicking some other dude" drugs. It's unnatural and gross. You're welcomed to be freaks in the privacy of your own homes. Same goes for your pansy ass parades. You're nothing but attention whores. That's why all of you have to be half naked walking down the middle of a street.
You seem jealous, they seem to be having fun.
I have never noticed any "tranny bullshit" on any of the stations I frequent. Is that just an LA thing maybe? I have been to the ballet often and find the discipline and strength required to perform properly amazing. Possibly if you had some strength and self-discipline you might do better in life and not feel the need to complain so much.
Husker and her husband are off to the ballet.