
What are you babbling about? Meth is man made. It's not normal. Maybe it should be legal so your hero, George Floyd, could start being a good guy instead of the piece of shit human he was?
So didn't read the link nor know the history eh? Excellent, at least you are consistent with your commenting while purposely remaining ignorant.
Everybody is waking up to this Trump divisive and dangerous nonsense.

Washington (CNN Business)Twitch, the video streaming service popular with online gamers, has suspended an account belonging to the Trump campaign, becoming the latest tech platform to take action against President Donald Trump.
In a statement provided to CNN, Twitch, which is owned by Amazon (AMZN), said that "hateful conduct is not allowed."
"In line with our policies, President Trump's channel has been issued a temporary suspension from Twitch for comments made on stream, and the offending content has been removed," said Brielle Villablanca, a Twitch spokesperson.
Gaming companies are responding to a wave of sexual misconduct allegations

The content that Twitch said violated its policies on hate included a video of Trump's 2016 campaign rally in which he called Mexicans rapists and criminals. Video of that rally was recently rebroadcast on Twitch, the company said.
Everybody is waking up to this Trump divisive and dangerous nonsense.

Washington (CNN Business)Twitch, the video streaming service popular with online gamers, has suspended an account belonging to the Trump campaign, becoming the latest tech platform to take action against President Donald Trump.
In a statement provided to CNN, Twitch, which is owned by Amazon (AMZN), said that "hateful conduct is not allowed."
"In line with our policies, President Trump's channel has been issued a temporary suspension from Twitch for comments made on stream, and the offending content has been removed," said Brielle Villablanca, a Twitch spokesperson.
Gaming companies are responding to a wave of sexual misconduct allegations
The content that Twitch said violated its policies on hate included a video of Trump's 2016 campaign rally in which he called Mexicans rapists and criminals. Video of that rally was recently rebroadcast on Twitch, the company said.

oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Another 'credible' story from CNN.
No... just laughing at the group that wants to be included and equal... but insists on being naked and drawing attention with idiotic looks. That's not judgmental... that's calling them what they are... attention whores.
You seem to harbor some jealousy and a bit of envy in this regards.
Oh I see. The reference to "not just women" isn't referring to biology, it's referring to how queers, etc. choose to identify. It does get confusing sometime! But that's ok with me.

They "choose to identify" by being naked, painted in rainbow colors and trying to shock and offend people. It's an incredibly intelligent strategy by a poor, oppressed people that just want to be accepted and blend in like everybody else.

~ Nobody
Roberts has had to make some tough calls. I wish we could adopt more babies before we abort them and keep them from entering the planet. Messy, you want to save old people lives and livelihood but want babies prevented from living? Interesting the way some think and act. Some folks don;t like kids and don't want the kids playing youth sports. Tough decisions humans have to make to make their personal lives better.
Babies? I'm all for babies living. Abortion doesn't kill babies. Baby is a word with a definition. So don't lie about what an abortion is.
Oh, go gay sex is only normal when YOU say it is. Got it.
You're too stupid to see the difference. Normal is acknowledging who you are.
Not normal is like the pastor I referenced...lying every day about who he is and campaigning against homosexual sinners.
Ya' think? Poor guy is so ashamed of his own white male privilege and how little he's done with it that he's freaking out on everybody else.
He needs all the advantages he can get! Obviously . . . but just like trump given millions, inheriting millions and then losing billions, outted hasn't done very well with his limited opportunities.
Obama was the first "mainstream African American"? Joe are you sure about that?

Jan. 31, 2007

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Joe Biden talking about Barrack Obama.
Biden on criminal justice reform....
"We've got to recognize that the kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger,"
A few years back, Uncle Joe talking crap....again...
"In Delaware the largest growth in population is Indian Americans,” Biden said. “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”
Babies? I'm all for babies living. Abortion doesn't kill babies. Baby is a word with a definition. So don't lie about what an abortion is.
Abortion is legal and they call the baby a fetus. Look, its a valid point. I'm asking for babies to be born. I can use that word, right? It's just a word, big baby....lol. I get called a lie for the first time in a long time and it's over a word I used. Oh my Messy, you are one interesting dude....lol!!!! You can call it a fetus, go right ahead. I will call it a beautiful baby looking for a home. I'm only asking for more adoptions and less abortions. I love adoption. Please don;t get confused. Messy, if the court was 5-4 the other way I would have just said the same thing. I hope many babies could be adopted when their born.