
You're too stupid to see the difference. Normal is acknowledging who you are.
Not normal is like the pastor I referenced...lying every day about who he is and campaigning against homosexual sinners.

Gay sex isn't normal. If it was, it would spawn life.
Gay sex isn't normal. If it was, it would spawn life.
Is S&M, bondage, paying for sex, pornography, golden showers, wife swapping, play acting as a fictional character, sexual assault, bragging about sexual assault, cheating on your wife while she is nursing your new born child, paying women to stay quiet about affairs, calling women sluts, pigs, slobs, judging women based on appearances etc.?
Is S&M, bondage, paying for sex, pornography, golden showers, wife swapping, play acting as a fictional character, sexual assault, bragging about sexual assault, cheating on your wife while she is nursing your new born child, paying women to stay quiet about affairs, calling women sluts, pigs, slobs, judging women based on appearances etc.?

You're the one supporting naked men marching in the street dressed in wigs and makeup. I'd say you know "weird" as well as anybody.
Gay sex abounds throughout the animal kingdom.
I have noticed a clear correlation between those who are concerned about it (or find it “weird”) and those who have latent feelings in that direction.

Funny you'd draw that 'animal' comparison... I usually do the same thing.

Next time I get the urge to dress up like a woman and march through town, I'll call you for makeup advice.
Funny you'd draw that 'animal' comparison... I usually do the same thing.

Next time I get the urge to dress up like a woman and march through town, I'll call you for makeup advice.
Why do care about how others live their lives if they aren't harming anyone? Is that your idea of freedom?
Is S&M, bondage, paying for sex, pornography, golden showers, wife swapping, play acting as a fictional character, sexual assault, bragging about sexual assault, cheating on your wife while she is nursing your new born child, paying women to stay quiet about affairs, calling women sluts, pigs, slobs, judging women based on appearances etc.?
Is this a question?