I don't know the coach or manager personally but I can say in our experience with Strikers North you have to earn your flight 1 status. We as a team Strikers North SM came out of rec undefeated we then went flight 3 undefeated, flight 2 undefeated and finally flight 1 where we lost our first 2 games in regular season play in three years. Are we sand bagging? I don't think so. I don't know what team you are with or club but maybe some flight 2 teams should have stayed flight 3? The Ayala team is new to Strikers North and built a new team for the 2016-2017 season and probably exceeded expectations but I'm not sure that's sand bagging. I think these girls have worked hard all year and deserve to be applauded for having a successful year in flight 2 as they are a new team and if you are correct in saying they would get smashed on in presidents bracket then they are where they should be.I'm sure they will be flight 1 next season so wish them luck as I don't know them personally you might have more insight but maybe they just had a good year and trained hard. Good luck to everyone at State have fun!
That team has eight (8) players from 2 exceptional flight 1 teams---- three (3) from a U9 team that won CSL Cup and five (5) that won their U10 Silver (highest) bracket in CSL last year. All eight (8) are from the same club and most have been playing together for several years.
They are not a "new" team--- and they'd be a much better, tougher group if they were challenged week in and week out--- such a waste of time and talent. The real losers are the players themselves. I feel sorry for them.