Is that the team who has the player come in from vegas?
Their front line is incredible and cannot be stopped, they are quick, fierce, relentless and will capitalize on any mistake made. Legends will most certainly be marking Anaheim's two target forwards, hopefully Anaheim's new player from Strikers will step up next weekend for them. Looking forward to a SURF vs. SURF final on Sunday!
Start over....Mulligan ....Replay State Cup from the beginning....I like it, see you all at Gallay Downs for Round 2haha jk good luck to LAGSB looks like the soccer gods were on your side.
yes....Is that the team who has the player come in from vegas?
My money is on Surf vs. Legends in the final.
All the teams at this point have their merit but Surf's consistency and style of play has always had me hooked. In their matchup at TOC, frankly I thought Surf was far superior to Strikers North for all but a few minutes. Possession and opportunities were in their favor, they just couldn't capitalize on it. However Strikers plays with a determination and is a gritty team that has nothing to lose and will take the win however they can get it, even if it means having to hang on in their defensive third and weather a brutal storm. If they go to PKs, Strikers will be as close to a lock as you can have in a PK situation.
Legends has been phenomenal in this run, Evans has his girls playing with the skills of a quick 1-2 combination team that plays to it's strengths. They're not a "possession" team in comparison to the few teams that are able to pull it off, but most Legends teams follow the same formula that has worked over and over again. They're big in the back and go for results over style when the ball is in the defensive third, their work in the middle is down right beautiful when they blitz to win back the ball, and they're very effective in connecting passes going forward into the attack. They won't look to re-position the defense by purposely moving the ball back, but rather they will dare you to stop their combinations going towards goal. Everything is clicking right now for Legends and as much as I admire Galaxy's game and the "over the top" friends I know on that team, I believe Legends is on a collision course with Surf in the finals.
Best of luck to all the little ladies, may the games be played with love and respect for the sport. Stay safe, enjoy the small victories and help dry away those tears with ice cream and reminders to the little ones that it's a long journey and this is but a step among many.
Who won Governor's????I'm not--- they've been bagging all year. Haven't played a decent team yet. That's Coach Ayala and the Manager's M.O.--- beat up on inferior opponents to make themselves feel good. It's a disservice to their players, many who are very talented.
They'd get crushed in Presidents and won't last long in Governors. Untested, they'll fold under the slightest adversity.
Thank you Goalie1310 I do know the coach and manager personally sandbaggers. First year TOGETHER - no one said FIRST YEAR PLAYERS. ONLY 5 girls played together from the loser Rangers and horrible coach Tyler and 4 girls came from Sgt Jeremy. The girls had never played together as a group until April 2016. Keeper is new and 2 other girls came from different clubs. So definitely no sandbagging on anyone's part. The team followed protocol. The team was a flight 2 team and the DOC instructed the group to follow suite with Governors. BY THE WAY- to Bruce - I mean LaLaLamela - WHO WON GOVERNORS???I don't know the coach or manager personally but I can say in our experience with Strikers North you have to earn your flight 1 status. We as a team Strikers North SM came out of rec undefeated we then went flight 3 undefeated, flight 2 undefeated and finally flight 1 where we lost our first 2 games in regular season play in three years. Are we sand bagging? I don't think so. I don't know what team you are with or club but maybe some flight 2 teams should have stayed flight 3? The Ayala team is new to Strikers North and built a new team for the 2016-2017 season and probably exceeded expectations but I'm not sure that's sand bagging. I think these girls have worked hard all year and deserve to be applauded for having a successful year in flight 2 as they are a new team and if you are correct in saying they would get smashed on in presidents bracket then they are where they should be.I'm sure they will be flight 1 next season so wish them luck as I don't know them personally you might have more insight but maybe they just had a good year and trained hard. Good luck to everyone at State have fun!
Thank you Goalie1310 I do know the coach and manager personally sandbaggers. First year TOGETHER - no one said FIRST YEAR PLAYERS. ONLY 5 girls played together from the loser Rangers and horrible coach Tyler and 4 girls came from Sgt Jeremy. The girls had never played together as a group until April 2016. Keeper is new and 2 other girls came from different clubs. So definitely no sandbagging on anyone's part. The team followed protocol. The team was a flight 2 team and the DOC instructed the group to follow suite with Governors. BY THE WAY- to Bruce - I mean LaLaLamela - WHO WON GOVERNORS???
Thank you Goalie1310 I do know the coach and manager personally sandbaggers. First year TOGETHER - no one said FIRST YEAR PLAYERS. ONLY 5 girls played together from the loser Rangers and horrible coach Tyler and 4 girls came from Sgt Jeremy. The girls had never played together as a group until April 2016. Keeper is new and 2 other girls came from different clubs. So definitely no sandbagging on anyone's part. The team followed protocol. The team was a flight 2 team and the DOC instructed the group to follow suite with Governors. BY THE WAY- to Bruce - I mean LaLaLamela - WHO WON GOVERNORS???