Bad News Thread

"There are now more connections emerging from the Wuhan Institute that should be explored further. These connections involve the United States government, the National Institutes of Health and Dr Anthony Fauci -- and he should have to explain them before Congress.

These questions could of course pose complications to the mainstream media storyline that Fauci is a great hero, a man lionized, even fetishized by the political left for being the antithesis to then-president Donald Trump. If the NIH and Anthony Fauci played any role in financing or assisting the Wuhan Institute, including outsourcing the study of BSL-4 novel coronaviruses, the good doctor should have to answer for it.

To boil things down: the United States was outsourcing the study of novel coronaviruses to a group called EcoHealth Alliance, a group which according to NPR was doing the bulk of collection of coronavirus samples from bats and transferring those samples and research to the Wuhan Institute.

The original grant money provided to EcoHealth was $3.7 million, $76,000 of which was slated for the Wuhan Institute. This funding was approved with the backing of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the agency that Anthony Fauci heads, according to Newsweek.

That contract was canceled in April 2020. Those grants were approved by the National Institute of Health. According to a blockbuster piece in New York magazine, one of the first outlets to take the lab leak hypothesis seriously, EcoHealth Alliance 'has channeled money from the National Institutes of Health to Shi Zhengli's laboratory in Wuhan, allowing the lab to carry on recombinant research into diseases of bats and humans'."

One more reason our state is F'ed up in regards to Covid.

So my daughter, a junior, was scheduled to take the SAT in 3 weeks and has been studying diligently. They just cancelled it today because of Covid. So now she either has to go to Arizona to take it, or wait until August to take it, giving her only one shot at the exam and hope it isn't cancelled again.

This year's California seniors had no opportunity to take the ACT or the SAT last year. While many schools have gone test optional or test blind for admissions that is not the case for merit money. We know a few families that can't afford the out of state school of their choice because they didn't have test scores. Compounding the problem is that more in-state students have then been applying to UC schools because of the pandemic, but unless you have a unique sob story, or check all of the woke identity boxes you aren't getting in. The UC schools prefer out of state students because of the higher tuition.
That would make me very grumpy. You need to take her out of state to take that test in case you need another run at it OR as you state to avoid the risk of the idiots in charge cancelling the Aug test.

@Grace T.

A follow on to a link you posted last week.

The real interesting thing is the funding fingers are now being pointed at fauci. I couldn’t follow though the rand Paul exchange to it so I’m not sure what the basis of Faucis denial of it is or Paul’s evidence to support.
Looks like ivermectin works. If world had prioritized repurposing of meds, they would have had enough to reduce deaths on the current wave in India.

More interesting the side effect of lockdowns and lack of border control. India reimposed lockdowns. Caused a lot of Nepalese workers to lose their jobs and head home. Created an outbreak in Nepal. Nepal's capital Kathmandu went into lockdown. Caused wage workers to go home to their villages. Spread the illness throughout Nepal.

In the AIIMS study cited, the results looked promising -- 2% of those treated with a prophylactic dose were later confirmed to be infected by PCR analysis as opposed to 11% of those untreated. The participants were divided into 2 groups by self-selection and testing was done only on those who reported symptoms. Not exactly a proper research project, but it suggests that there might be some value to testing it.

Things like this --

Among adults with mild COVID-19, a 5-day course of ivermectin, compared with placebo, did not significantly improve the time to resolution of symptoms. The findings do not support the use of ivermectin for treatment of mild COVID-19, although larger trials may be needed to understand the effects of ivermectin on other clinically relevant outcomes.
I had forgotten about the prohibition on elective surgeries. Just FYI, elective surgeries are not just facelifts and boob jobs. Elective surgeries for the most parent are anything other than emergency surgery. Elective surgeries includes surgeries to relieve or fix some very serious, debilitating and/or life threatening conditions.
My ct scan and procedure were both rules elective since the condition was no longer life threatening but chronic. No such problem in Utah.
The real interesting thing is the funding fingers are now being pointed at fauci. I couldn’t follow though the rand Paul exchange to it so I’m not sure what the basis of Faucis denial of it is or Paul’s evidence to support.
Why interesting? I've been expecting them to go after CDC and NIH funding ever since Trump started listening to Atlas and sidelining his civil servants.

Not the story I'd choose to push. I think it sounds better to brag about how the good old GOP was smart enough to support these wonderful new vaccines. Point to those long wait lists in Europe, and the walk up clinics here with no appointment necessary. It's a persuasive story.

But that story is only good for winning general elections. The GOP these days is more interested in winning primaries.
That would make me very grumpy. You need to take her out of state to take that test in case you need another run at it OR as you state to avoid the risk of the idiots in charge cancelling the Aug test.

Just found out today about the cancellation, were trying to get her signed up to take it in Prescott. Thank god for Arizona :cool:. Despite how I've made fun of Zonies in the past, they seem to have much more common sense than Californians.
Why interesting? I've been expecting them to go after CDC and NIH funding ever since Trump started listening to Atlas and sidelining his civil servants.

Not the story I'd choose to push. I think it sounds better to brag about how the good old GOP was smart enough to support these wonderful new vaccines. Point to those long wait lists in Europe, and the walk up clinics here with no appointment necessary. It's a persuasive story.

But that story is only good for winning general elections. The GOP these days is more interested in winning primaries.

This isn't about electoral advantage. If there has been a failure of oversight by investing in doing this in a Chinese lab with improper procedures, it's about accountability and making sure it doesn't happen again.

Please it will be really interesting if the architect of the pandemic response had something to do with starting it.
Back in January, Michael Osterholm, who's been an adviser to Joe Biden on the virus, warned that the next six to fourteen weeks would be the worst of the pandemic.

We're now beyond fourteen weeks from that moment.

The case numbers are down 76 percent:
"I want to be so wrong on this one," Osterholm said. "I will publicly celebrate me being wrong if this [surge] doesn't happen, because I just wish we didn't have to go through this."

Well, I'm sure our inquisitive media will follow up with him and give him an opportunity to celebrate publicly.

They wouldn't fail to pursue a story like this just because it undermines the panickers. I mean, these are curious people, and professionals to boot!


This, by the way, is the same person who said on October 9 that Florida would be a "house on fire" within weeks because it wasn't listening to him. We know how that one turned out.

You'd think after a while he'd stop and wonder: "Maybe I don't fully understand this virus. Maybe I should keep the shaming and the unnecessary panic to a minimum. Because it sure seems as if the resumption of normal life doesn't affect anything."

But of course not.

I'm spending a few days in the Florida panhandle. I cannot believe how (relatively) unmasked it is here compared to central Florida, where I live. And everything is fine. No overwhelmed hospitals, nothing.

This, I am convinced, is why many of them don't want the masks coming off. Not because they fear a spike, but precisely because they fear nothing will happen. At which point the handful of remaining skeptical thinkers will wonder how they got snookered into all this in the first place.

MAYBE Dad4 is Michael Osterholm
No. What is an interesting story is if the virus was man made from China and it turned out the US was funding a portion of the research.

That would be the story of the decade.
I have some friends Hound over in Europe and they say people are starting to get really pissed off at us because we allowed this to happen. If what I always knew to be true, then boy you better sit back and pray and watch the movie of a lifetime. This is not decade story news, this is the greatest story ever told of planet earth. I'm glad to have met you in person and I look forward to some great beers someday. What a time to live is all I can say. Dr F and Billy. I hear higher ups also will be involved. I dont know, but something smells like poo poo bro. I'm now looking to bail out of the city life and live off the land.
This pretty much sums up the mentality of the lock downers. Don't worry about delayed medical care for a serious illness because you only have a 2 in 5 chance of that happening, but really worry about a Covid infection because you have a 1 in 5 chance of that happening.
You are reading a great deal into that post . . , almost makes it unrecognizable.

This isn't about electoral advantage. If there has been a failure of oversight by investing in doing this in a Chinese lab with improper procedures, it's about accountability and making sure it doesn't happen again.

Please it will be really interesting if the architect of the pandemic response had something to do with starting it.
Total dollar value was 76K. That's less than some families spend on ECNL.

I have no doubt PRC was diverting resources to their bioweapons program. The 76K would have been an appreciated, if small, donation towards that end.

Think about it. If 76K were enough to make meaningful progress towards bioweapons, you'd see them all over the place. Hamas alone would have dozens.

Much as I dislike PRC, this isn't about PRC as much as it is a distraction for domestic purposes. This is payback for having made Trump look bad.
Total dollar value was 76K. That's less than some families spend on ECNL.

I have no doubt PRC was diverting resources to their bioweapons program. The 76K would have been an appreciated, if small, donation towards that end.

Think about it. If 76K were enough to make meaningful progress towards bioweapons, you'd see them all over the place. Hamas alone would have dozens.

Much as I dislike PRC, this isn't about PRC as much as it is a distraction for domestic purposes. This is payback for having made Trump look bad.
It’s not about the total money. It’s that the public health officials in the us either were or should have been aware of the program had proper due diligence been used and that they trusted the Chinese despite their slovenly record of taking care and safety with something as potentially dangerous at this. Whoever authorized that without looking at the controls (fauci or otherwise if it didn’t reach his level) is responsible for the deaths of millions along with the Chinese.

distraction? There’s plenty more distractions out there that are better than thus for the rs including without limitation: the jobs reports, the gas shortages, Israel, increased crime including the recent spat of anti Asian and anti Jewish hate crimes, the border, the cdc and it’s stupid camp and school recommends, inflation. The 70s are back baby! Who’s up for some disco?
It’s not about the total money. It’s that the public health officials in the us either were or should have been aware of the program had proper due diligence been used and that they trusted the Chinese despite their slovenly record of taking care and safety with something as potentially dangerous at this. Whoever authorized that without looking at the controls (fauci or otherwise if it didn’t reach his level) is responsible for the deaths of millions along with the Chinese.

distraction? There’s plenty more distractions out there that are better than thus for the rs including without limitation: the jobs reports, the gas shortages, Israel, increased crime including the recent spat of anti Asian and anti Jewish hate crimes, the border, the cdc and it’s stupid camp and school recommends, inflation. The 70s are back baby! Who’s up for some disco?
How many minutes of Fauci's time do you want to spend on a 76K international subcontract over which he has no direct control? Or do you want him to have some underling dive deep into PRC obfuscation on the contract? That’s fine. But it won't help any.

This has nothing to do with accountability. For better or worse, no one expects international partnerships like this to have accountability. You don’t even want him to try to make it accountable, because that would be a complete waste of time. PRC does not turn over their real documents just because US bureaucrats ask nicely and talk about accountability.

If someone asks agency heads about 76K indirect subcontracts through international agencies, it isn’t because they think the US Congress can get accountability. It means they are playing gotcha and the goal is political payback for some other offense.