The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I believe it's the other way around.

Looks like your right...
Can't help but notice, once again 'Sheriff Joe' the guy who brags about law and order hasn't made a peep about this clowns light sentence. Wonder if Joe's not outraged about the very light verdict because Manafort's a white collar criminal, or because he's conservative?
Looks like your right...
Can't help but notice, once again 'Sheriff Joe' the guy who brags about law and order hasn't made a peep about this clowns light sentence. Wonder if Joe's not outraged about the very light verdict because Manafort's a white collar criminal, or because he's conservative?
Or because Mueller overreached. Or because you are pissed there was no collusion. Or because none of his crimes involve Trump.
Too Funny.
He went through the justice system and now he is in jail, sounds like law and order to me.
Check out post 15439 in this thread, sore loser.

BTW Happy Womens Day.

Jim Reeves - Snowflake - YouTube

  1. Similar
Paul Manafort: Beneficiary of America’s Sentencing Gap

Class and race work together in the prosecutor’s office, judge’s chambers, and juror’s box, providing something close to a systemic guarantee: A poor person, or person of color — or one of the millions of Americans to which both identities apply — will not face the same criminal-justice system that men like Paul Manafort experience.

When a black woman gets more time for unknowingly casting an illegal vote in a local election than for everything Manafirt did, you cannot deny white privilege is real.

Manafort stole 25 million over 10 years and the judge treated it like a "first time" offense.
And if someone had been breaking and entering people's homes for 10 years and stealing a total of 250,000?
Would a judge say "first time?"

Seriously? Four years? Seriously? If the average mugging victim carries $250, Manafort = 100,000 muggings. Four years? Seriously?

This should help some to understand why Black athletes kneel during the National Anthem - Little Joey Shitstain excluded, that dudes brain is fried.
Paul Manafort: Beneficiary of America’s Sentencing Gap

Class and race work together in the prosecutor’s office, judge’s chambers, and juror’s box, providing something close to a systemic guarantee: A poor person, or person of color — or one of the millions of Americans to which both identities apply — will not face the same criminal-justice system that men like Paul Manafort experience.

When a black woman gets more time for unknowingly casting an illegal vote in a local election than for everything Manafirt did, you cannot deny white privilege is real.

Manafort stole 25 million over 10 years and the judge treated it like a "first time" offense.
And if someone had been breaking and entering people's homes for 10 years and stealing a total of 250,000?
Would a judge say "first time?"

Seriously? Four years? Seriously? If the average mugging victim carries $250, Manafort = 100,000 muggings. Four years? Seriously?

This should help some to understand why Black athletes kneel during the National Anthem - Little Joey Shitstain excluded, that dudes brain is fried.
White Privilege Is A Myth.
Paul Manafort: Beneficiary of America’s Sentencing Gap

Class and race work together in the prosecutor’s office, judge’s chambers, and juror’s box, providing something close to a systemic guarantee: A poor person, or person of color — or one of the millions of Americans to which both identities apply — will not face the same criminal-justice system that men like Paul Manafort experience.

When a black woman gets more time for unknowingly casting an illegal vote in a local election than for everything Manafirt did, you cannot deny white privilege is real.

Manafort stole 25 million over 10 years and the judge treated it like a "first time" offense.
And if someone had been breaking and entering people's homes for 10 years and stealing a total of 250,000?
Would a judge say "first time?"

Seriously? Four years? Seriously? If the average mugging victim carries $250, Manafort = 100,000 muggings. Four years? Seriously?

This should help some to understand why Black athletes kneel during the National Anthem - Little Joey Shitstain excluded, that dudes brain is fried.
Black athletes kneel because they hate America.
Paul Manafort: Beneficiary of America’s Sentencing Gap

Class and race work together in the prosecutor’s office, judge’s chambers, and juror’s box, providing something close to a systemic guarantee: A poor person, or person of color — or one of the millions of Americans to which both identities apply — will not face the same criminal-justice system that men like Paul Manafort experience.

When a black woman gets more time for unknowingly casting an illegal vote in a local election than for everything Manafirt did, you cannot deny white privilege is real.

Manafort stole 25 million over 10 years and the judge treated it like a "first time" offense.
And if someone had been breaking and entering people's homes for 10 years and stealing a total of 250,000?
Would a judge say "first time?"

Seriously? Four years? Seriously? If the average mugging victim carries $250, Manafort = 100,000 muggings. Four years? Seriously?

This should help some to understand why Black athletes kneel during the National Anthem - Little Joey Shitstain excluded, that dudes brain is fried.
Manaford went through our criminal process and was sentenced, you don't like it then change the laws or just shut the fuck up.
Paul Manafort: Beneficiary of America’s Sentencing Gap

Class and race work together in the prosecutor’s office, judge’s chambers, and juror’s box, providing something close to a systemic guarantee: A poor person, or person of color — or one of the millions of Americans to which both identities apply — will not face the same criminal-justice system that men like Paul Manafort experience.

When a black woman gets more time for unknowingly casting an illegal vote in a local election than for everything Manafirt did, you cannot deny white privilege is real.

Manafort stole 25 million over 10 years and the judge treated it like a "first time" offense.
And if someone had been breaking and entering people's homes for 10 years and stealing a total of 250,000?
Would a judge say "first time?"

Seriously? Four years? Seriously? If the average mugging victim carries $250, Manafort = 100,000 muggings. Four years? Seriously?

This should help some to understand why Black athletes kneel during the National Anthem - Little Joey Shitstain excluded, that dudes brain is fried.
Fake News.
What a beautiful morning for Paulie Onlygonnahaftaserve10yearsandgiveupafewmillion.

I wonder how his gout will do after 9 more years in big house?

Lucky Paulie. He'll only be 79 or so when he gets out... A lifetime ahead of him.
Manaford went through our criminal process and was sentenced, you don't like it then change the laws or just shut the fuck up.

Hey Racist Sterno Joe, didn't get your swill this morning?

Remember, my bet is still open to you and huli huli boi (and anyone else that wants to stock up on some free booze.)

Just think what 100 cases of sterno can do to your mood! Don't worry, be sterno-happy!
Manaford went through our criminal process and was sentenced, you don't like it then change the laws or just shut the fuck up.
He still has another court date. By the way, celebrating the Campaign Manager of the US President ONLY getting four years is a bit wild, don't you think? At the same time the 10 year in house lawyer for the same President is getting ready to start his own 4 year stretch. Is that what is considered WINNING for you folks?
The measure would have had no practical effect even if it had passed. Illegal immigrants — and indeed noncitizens as a whole — are not legally able to participate in federal elections.
Legally, yes, but that never stops democrats. Giving illegals drivers licenses and then registering them to vote on "accident" come on big guy.
He still has another court date. By the way, celebrating the Campaign Manager of the US President ONLY getting four years is a bit wild, don't you think? At the same time the 10 year in house lawyer for the same President is getting ready to start his own 4 year stretch. Is that what is considered WINNING for you folks?
I am not celebrating, just turning it back on the dopes in here that are crying about the light sentence.
Yes, for crimes that have nothing to do with Trump.
Hey Racist Sterno Joe, didn't get your swill this morning?

Remember, my bet is still open to you and huli huli boi (and anyone else that wants to stock up on some free booze.)

Just think what 100 cases of sterno can do to your mood! Don't worry, be sterno-happy!
You libs are sure having a bad couple of months, maybe when Mueller's report drops it will cheer you up?
I am not celebrating, just turning it back on the dopes in here that are crying about the light sentence.
Yes, for crimes that have nothing to do with Trump.
But we know he worked with his Ukrainian commie buddy to get the polling data to the GRU. We know that because gates was at the Havana bar with them and told Mueller. It is in the sentencing memo. That is fucking collision/conspiracy and a direct link to Pussy Grabber.