The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

It was part of Manafort's defense team blunder and then confirmed by Gates.

My response was directed at your previous subject matter of whether Cohen was in Prague...
So far it's been proven it was a different guy, unless you have valid data to show otherwise....

As for Paul Manafort I feel there was some sort of vendetta that Robert Mueller AKA " The Filthy Cop
had to settle against him.....

It's obvious as hell that Manafort was under Comey and Mueller's skin way before then DJT citizen
announced his bid for Presidency.....he committed crimes under Mueller's watch as FBI director and
under Comey's watch as FBI director...not only that Rod Rosenstein gave Manafort a pass years back.

Why would he want to literally destroy Paul Manafort's life as he has done.....
All of Manafort's crimes are Tax, Bank Loan Fraud and " Process " crimes....nothing More !
Bad month? Paul Gotgout? is going to jail for at least 4 years, and probably close to 10. Mikey Cohen dropping checks off with Schiff. HR1 passing house. I'm having a lovely month... oh and this...

How's your month going? Find something to drink yet?

Seen my huli huli boi? Did you take my bet?

Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff Met With Cohen for TEN Hours Prior to Testimony
Posted at 3:00 pm on March 8, 2019 by Bonchie


Former Trump lawyer, Michael Cohen, testified before the House publicly at the end of February. While promoted as a coming “bombshell,” it quickly fizzled into nothing but petty sniping, even as CNN and their cohorts desperately tried to latch onto anything they could. You can read a breakdown by RedState contributor Elizabeth Vaughn here.

One revealing statement given by Cohen was that he had met with “the party” (in this case the DNC), as well as other Democrat members before testifying.

“Did you or anyone else on your team cooperate with the Democratic Party in preparing for this hearing?” Hice asked Cohen last week.

“We’ve spoken to the party,” Cohen replied.

He later noted that he’s spoken with the Democratic chairs and their staff on the House Intelligence and Oversight panels, and that Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) in large part convinced him in these meetings to publicly testify.

Well, that sounds totally above board. A witness meeting with a political party prior to his testimony seems like witness tampering to me, but hey, I’m sure they were just a legitimate part of the investigation, right?

This led some Republican House members to request more information about the meetings.

Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio) delivered a letter on Wednesday to Cohen as he was testifying a second time before the panel, asking him to answer a series of questions regarding the extent of contact he had with Democrats on the House and Senate Intelligence committees as well as the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

“Clearly, there will be questions as to whether or not such contacts, if they occurred, constitute witness tampering, obstruction of justice, or collusion, collaboration, and cooperation between the House Democratic majority, their staff, and you,” he wrote.

The extent of those meetings was a mystery until now but things are beginning to leak out.

Per, Rep. Adam Schiff, who’s recently decided Robert Mueller can’t be trusted and now wants his own collusion investigation (click here for a breakdown), met with Michael Cohen for TEN hours prior to him testifying before the House. Not only that, these meetings occurred over four trips (paid for with your tax dollars) to New York by Mr. Schiff and his staff. In other words, a lot of effort went into this.

President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen told House investigators this week that staff for Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., traveled to New York at least four times to meet with him for over 10 hours immediately before last month’s high-profile public testimony, according to two sources familiar with the matter — as Republicans question whether the meetings amounted to coaching a witness.

The sources said the sessions covered a slew of topics addressed during the public hearing before the oversight committee — including the National Enquirer’s “Catch and Kill” policy, American Media CEO David Pecker and the alleged undervaluing of President Trump’s assets.

The possible impropriety of this is clear. You may recall the thermonuclear freak out that occurred just days before when a Republican committee member poked at Cohen on Twitter. The media-verse lit up with claims of possible witness tampering and a coming ethics investigation.

Here we have the ranking member of another committee, which Cohen wasn’t even testifying before, holding ten hours of meetings leading up to his public testimony. Given Schiff’s tattered history of falsely claiming evidence of collusion and just generally acting like a partisan snake, the idea that he and his staff didn’t give Cohen any “advice” during these sessions or pressure him on topics simply doesn’t pass muster.

The fact that so much petty sniping and so many verbatim Democratic talking points made it into Cohen’s testimony reeks of collusion between the two. There’s only one reason you meet with a political party and the most partisan members of the House prior to testifying. You do it to coordinate testimony and ensure that all the “points” are hit, which is exactly what Cohen did before the committee.

Republicans need to keep pulling this string. Showing these investigations for what they are is going to be important going forward. For Schiff’s part, he claims he only met with Cohen to “allay his concerns about the President’s threats to him and his family” (narrator: no such threats happened). You can decide whether you believe that or not
That's scary, as that means he has no one that will tell him the truth.

Mr Rodent you continue to display the evidence of a Jealous, Envious and Miserable
human being.....

As of yet there has been NO verification of any accusations that the scummy Democrats
paid for and assembled into a rotten Dossier that was passed around thru the FBI, Media
and the DOJ like one of your old Hustler Mags to set up a false narrative that was used to
spy on then citizen DJT and open up a two year investigation based on the false premise
of " Russian Collusion "....

So it is quite evident that you and your fellow Lemming are " Shit out of Lies " ... Jealous,
Envious and Miserable human beings just as the bug eyed liar Adam Schiff for Brains ....
If he didn't work for Trump would he be in jail right now?
Probably not but that is not the point. Just because you are not found out does not mean the crimes are not demanding of the legal punishment. Most drug dealers don't go to jail until something brings them out into the scrutiny of law enforcement. Kushners dad did all sorts of awful crap before he ended up on the wrong side. POTUSPG is facing many of the same things in New York. Where his tax returns and his personal financial statements he used to apply for loans and lower insurance costs are now being brought out into the open by his ex lawyer. If those prove out to be what he used, he could be looking at state and federal time in the pokey. That is why Deutsche Bank and his Insurance broker have been subpoenaed for those records.
Yes crimes, that people should go to prison for.

White collar crimes that have NEVER seen a person treated as he has been....

Robert Mueller
Andrew Weissmann
and the rotten judge
Amy Berman Jackson

will all answer one day for how they treated this man.....!

They used him as a prop to try and send a message like
Mueller did with the convenient prison killing of Whitey Bulger....
They can spin it all they want.... he was spilling the beans on
Mueller and his criminal activities in Boston and else where.
So an appropriate " disposal " method was used in the " Prison Transfer "....

Wait... is this the bad week I had?

Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano said that President Trumpcan’t survive “another week like the last one” after the tumultuous hearing of his former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

Napolitano wrote in a Washington Times opinion piece on Wednesday that the president’s “serious and powerful tormentors” cannot be beaten by “mockery alone.”

“He needs to do more than demean them with acerbic tweets, because many of those tormentors can legally cause him real harm. He needs to address these issues soberly, directly and maturely,” the former judge wrote.

Napolitano said it had been a bad week for Trump because of the unsuccessful summit in Vietnam with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in addition to the Cohen hearing.

On North Korea, he said Trump was wrong to think he could force a deal through personality alone.

Napolitano also pointed to reporting by The New York Times this week that the president authorized top-secret security clearance for his son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner.

Hope so. I'll take more bad weeks like that any... wait for it... day of the week...
QUOTE="Andy Dukes, post: 252634, member: 1268"

That is bullshit.
Really now ....Andy.

Ask Jared Kushner about his Dad
Charles Kushner - 14 months in a MINIMUM security prison in Montgomery Alabama...

or Gene Haas,
Gene Haas - 16 months at a Los Angeles half way house HERE in California....

or Bernie Madoff
Bernie Madoff - 150 Years in prison....For a $ 64.8 Billion Ponzi scheme
( I fail to see the comparison to Manafort )

or any number of other asshole tax cheat pricks.
Without names it's just " Turds " in the bowl for you....


The first two you listed are " White Collar " crimes.....
The other Idiot you pulled out of you ass doesn't even relate.....

QUOTE="Andy Dukes, post: 252634, member: 1268"

That is bullshit.
Really now ....Andy.

Ask Jared Kushner about his Dad
Charles Kushner - 14 months in a MINIMUM security prison in Montgomery Alabama...

or Gene Haas,
Gene Haas - 16 months at a Los Angeles half way house HERE in California....

or Bernie Madoff
Bernie Madoff - 150 Years in prison....For a $ 64.8 Billion Ponzi scheme
( I fail to see the comparison to Manafort )

or any number of other asshole tax cheat pricks.
Without names it's just " Turds " in the bowl for you....


The first two you listed are " White Collar " crimes.....
The other Idiot you pulled out of you ass doesn't even relate.....

Gene did 20 months in LOMPOC Federal Pen not a half way house. That was for one crime he plead guilty to. He would have done a lot more if he did not plea out. manafort, went all mafia on the Feds. Refused to take a deal, lost in a court battle and then lied, pled guilty and lied some more. Also about a dozen crimes not one.

Kushner did 14 months in prison and then finished his 2 years at a halfway house.