I truly appreciate that you are keeping politics out.
My concern is that it seems you are considering racism as politics. I don't get why that is?
An example, someone says Biden is this or that, or Trump is this or that,sure, that's politics. In reality I don't care about that. I'm sure most of us don't. (But having the forum clean from this is good).
There is a problem when you give what the Outlaw spews the same weight as true politics. Go and read his racist speech, the latest I saw, "hood rats". Obviously he's taking about black people. Go even further back, he has a whole rant where he is tacitly accepting his racism based on all this statistics and "facts" that he twists to fit in his narrative.
Why is that? Do you truly see racism the same as politics? Does saying "liberals suck" is the same to you as calling black people "hood rats"?