Ventura Coach Accused of Inappropriate Acts

The cited page references statistics from one researcher (wow he's creepy) and claims 20% of girls and 5% of boys are "is a victim of child sexual abuse" (no definition). As lifeisgood noted, many of these studies that push agendas define "child sexual abuse" to include all sorts of conduct that most would not consider molestation, including children playing games with each other's privates at young ages, someone making a sexual advance, or even being exposed to pornography (even inadvertently.)

OTOH, a Bureau of Justice Statistics report shows 1.6 % of teens are victims of sexual assault.
Interesting snip from the club
"We have never, until now, known of any issues with any of our coaches with law enforcement."

Interesting choice of words here. Written as such, it leaves the possibility that the club could have previously been made aware of issues of this nature from sources other than law enforcement (I.e. Parents, players, other coaches).
Are they including all child sex charges as "sexual assault"? There are several individual types of acts that are each labeled and charged separately - also, these stats are for teens - does not include those victims under 12 so % would be higher after including them.

At the end of the day, does it matter if it is 1% or 25%? I know it doesn't to the victim that experiences life long consequences
Have any large clubs been forced to close over a situation where board members decided to deal with issues such as this internally instead of getting the authorities involved?

(By no means am I saying thats whats going on here)

this could be a first....
Have any large clubs been forced to close over a situation where board members decided to deal with issues such as this internally instead of getting the authorities involved?

(By no means am I saying thats whats going on here)
Like Joe Paterno did with Jerry Sandusky? Turn a blind eye and maybe it will stop or go away? Does the club leadership get held responsible over something like this? Maybe not with in a criminal suit but a civil one? It's just bad all the way around and what this must have done to this poor girls life we will never know. And all because a grown ass man thought he was above reproach and that this was ok. It's deplorable and sickening on every level.
Did this case get tried yet? Pretty sure we should still consider innocent until proven guilty. If guilty and if the club knew, an example should be made of them. Until then, we wait.
Like Joe Paterno did with Jerry Sandusky? Turn a blind eye and maybe it will stop or go away? Does the club leadership get held responsible over something like this? Maybe not with in a criminal suit but a civil one? It's just bad all the way around and what this must have done to this poor girls life we will never know. And all because a grown ass man thought he was above reproach and that this was ok. It's deplorable and sickening on every level.
No it hasn't been tried yet. Vince reappears in courton August 31. Since he's been a girls coach for 20 years, if others have something to add, either in favor of guilt,innocence, or personal experience, they have time to come forward.
Did this case get tried yet? Pretty sure we should still consider innocent until proven guilty. If guilty and if the club knew, an example should be made of them. Until then, we wait.

Bushwa. "Innocent until proven guilty" is a legal guideline (and it is often ignored) not a personal moral or social constraint.
When you have a conversation with a detective about an alleged crime and they end up arresting you on the spot.........the word innocent has little meaning
What caught my attention in the article was that based on the conversation the police had with him, they decided to arrest him. It makes it sound like he said something incriminating. But he is innocent until proven guilty and even then juries get it wrong sometimes. And there is no evidence that the Eagles know anything so lets not start bashing them for this. Poor choice of words by the DOC who is also a good friend does not make them guilty of turning a blind eye. Remember people, not all soccer coaches can be rocket scientists.
looking at all the teams that attended the Eagles summer classic - business as usual... Just curious, does anyone thing that the club should have some accountability if the coach is convicted? In the media the president said there were no changes to be made in policies or club rules. There must be something that they might tighten up to make something like this less likely to happen ? If there are restrictions around coach-player contact outside of practice and games that would help to prevent opportunities.
looking at all the teams that attended the Eagles summer classic - business as usual... Just curious, does anyone thing that the club should have some accountability if the coach is convicted? In the media the president said there were no changes to be made in policies or club rules. There must be something that they might tighten up to make something like this less likely to happen ? If there are restrictions around coach-player contact outside of practice and games that would help to prevent opportunities.

I would assume that if the coach is convicted there will be a civil suit from the victim with her going after the coach, club, CalSouth and US Soccer. I was talking to a friend, attorney, about this case and he said he would sue them all. It would never make it to court since the club, CalSouth and US Soccer have insurance to cover this type of thing and would settle out of court. He said he would probably start at $4-5 million and probably settle for $1-3 million.
looking at all the teams that attended the Eagles summer classic - business as usual... Just curious, does anyone thing that the club should have some accountability if the coach is convicted? In the media the president said there were no changes to be made in policies or club rules. There must be something that they might tighten up to make something like this less likely to happen ? If there are restrictions around coach-player contact outside of practice and games that would help to prevent opportunities.
Key word there is "business"....VT was a winning coach. If you had your eye on a scholarship, VT was the man. He delivered on this for many players and families and many of these grateful Eagles parents were present in support of VT at his arraignment. A coach like that, who affords a club such bragging rights and makes their program so attractive to hopeful parents willing to pay 2000$/ye to have the club develop their little player into the next big thing, is valued, respected and possibly even...protected. Eagles SC is "family run" and like many families, there is a fair amount of dysfunction. At best, they were in denial. At worst, they were protecting their asset and reputation. Either way they should be held accountable if he is found guilty.
Key word there is "business"....VT was a winning coach. If you had your eye on a scholarship, VT was the man. He delivered on this for many players and families and many of these grateful Eagles parents were present in support of VT at his arraignment. A coach like that, who affords a club such bragging rights and makes their program so attractive to hopeful parents willing to pay 2000$/ye to have the club develop their little player into the next big thing, is valued, respected and possibly even...protected. Eagles SC is "family run" and like many families, there is a fair amount of dysfunction. At best, they were in denial. At worst, they were protecting their asset and reputation. Either way they should be held accountable if he is found guilty.

"At best, they were in denial". Is there anything to show that the club leadership had some reason to suspect misbehavior before the arrest?
looking at all the teams that attended the Eagles summer classic - business as usual... Just curious, does anyone thing that the club should have some accountability if the coach is convicted? In the media the president said there were no changes to be made in policies or club rules. There must be something that they might tighten up to make something like this less likely to happen ? If there are restrictions around coach-player contact outside of practice and games that would help to prevent opportunities.

I'd guess they're waiting to see what happens, will more women come forward and most don't know he's gone or why at this point.
So a coach up in Ventura County (DOC for the Eagles at least at one point) has been arrested for allegedly inappropriate contact with a female minor. Story attached. Reiterate my point in the drug thread...stuff like this is a greater threat and despite all the controls they have in place, it still happens.
Does anyone have any follow up information on this? Has VT been back to court?