
Most epidemiologists believe you are wrong in your assessment. Masks work better as source control than as PPE.

I know this will not at all reduce the frequency with which you repeat yourself on this point. Don’t forget to tell us that some non-zero number is actually zero.
Most? 20%, 50%, 75%? they got plenty wrong early on. remember when "most" were saying no masks, just for health workers? Most "epidemiologists" were concerend about surface spread and concered that masks would help to spread the virus.

The novel virus just did it's thing...whatever we threw at it, it just did its thing, kinda like it's doing it's thing again in china. masking not working out so well there. It's unfortunate that we don't really know what's goin go on over there.
Most epidemiologists believe you are wrong in your assessment. Masks work better as source control than as PPE.
Most epidemiologists know the studies have long shown that masks don't stop respiratory viruses.

They are also aware that in the past 2 yrs there have been no studies contradicting what has been known now for decades.
Most? 20%, 50%, 75%? they got plenty wrong early on. remember when "most" were saying no masks, just for health workers? Most "epidemiologists" were concerend about surface spread and concered that masks would help to spread the virus.

The novel virus just did it's thing...whatever we threw at it, it just did its thing, kinda like it's doing it's thing again in china. masking not working out so well there. It's unfortunate that we don't really know what's goin go on over there.
Sure. They told us not to buy masks in March 2020. This was because they didn‘t want selfish jerks buying up the surgical and N95 masks that were needed for doctors and nurses.

Sadly, some people are like that. If you tell them N95 masks work, the first thing they do is buy a 100 pack to make sure they have enough for themselves.
Sure. They told us not to buy masks in March 2020. This was because they didn‘t want selfish jerks buying up the surgical and N95 masks that were needed for doctors and nurses.

Sadly, some people are like that. If you tell them N95 masks work, the first thing they do is buy a 100 pack to make sure they have enough for themselves.
I actually saw people fight of over TP first. Mask was next, plus wash hands and stand 6 feet back and close down your small business until they know what's going on. Restaurants were told to close and do delivery and then told only 50% allowed to come in with mask and then take off mask when sit down as the Rona will now leave until your done eating & drinking. Then jab, then another jab and told no more mask and back to normal. Well, that didn't last long and mask was forced even those who took two jabs. Thai places was told wear mask everyone but 6 feet away and 50% open. No jab, you wear mask as well + get fired. I obeyed the mask but not the jabs. I always wore my mask. I will not inject whatever Dr. F made. This whole thing has ruined relationships. We the people will soon find out how much people were bought off and why they would hurt other humans for money. We will see massive bribes to the mighty rich cats and blackmail that will scare the crap out of anyone of us. My pal sold everything a few years ago and bought a big Diesel Motorhome that gets 9 MPG. His plans now are to to just chill and not drive much. He wants to travel the country but it's triple the cost when he first set out before t took office.
Sure. They told us not to buy masks in March 2020. This was because they didn‘t want selfish jerks buying up the surgical and N95 masks that were needed for doctors and nurses.

Sadly, some people are like that. If you tell them N95 masks work, the first thing they do is buy a 100 pack to make sure they have enough for themselves.
And some of those people “like that” are still bitterly bitter.
Sure. They told us not to buy masks in March 2020. This was because they didn‘t want selfish jerks buying up the surgical and N95 masks that were needed for doctors and nurses.

Sadly, some people are like that. If you tell them N95 masks work, the first thing they do is buy a 100 pack to make sure they have enough for themselves.
Funny the visceral reaction to government mandates. The government tells you masks don't work, don't buy them, so people buy masks - even though the CDC clearly stated, for some time, masks really don't work.

But let's not re-hash the terrible mask studies - because it's impossible to seal with a surgical masks and hardly anyone has the discipline to wear an N95 correctly for any length of time (except for those fitted and trained).
Sure. They told us not to buy masks in March 2020. This was because they didn‘t want selfish jerks buying up the surgical and N95 masks that were needed for doctors and nurses.

I’m in agreement that the trench lines have been set by this point on masks. Most continued discussion is just a rehash of existing viewpoints.

However, the PPE (personal protective equipment) that they told us was not needed at the time was intended to be protective of the medical staff, not the other way around.

If masks fall into that category then it seems reasonable to wear them if you are concerned over your own health
And just like that, violent protests and storming the halls of a government institution will be in favor again in 3..2..1
Remember, this is all about wanting to brutally snuff out a helpless unborn baby - these people are shameless and psychotic. Change my mind.
My pal on the left is not doing well this morning. He canceled our coffee debate time because he's not feeling well again ((has all the shots)). The fact is, he can't look at me in the eyes this morning and tell me how happy he is for me with the big news that got leaked last night by a very naughty clerk, who clerks for one of the judges. Never has a Supreme Ruler Judge leaked like this. Why leak the good news now? What these monsters have done to our little precious babies is sick shit and millstones are being custom made as a write for those who knowingly torture innocent children to death to make a buck! Human Trafficking is the # profit center in the world and the biggest one is the forced organ donations from humans who were only born to be donors. We all think they were killed at the abortion clinic, ya right :( What they have done to many babies is going to shock you all. If you have a soul and have not woken up yet to the facts of life on planet earth, you will soon WTF up and learn what is really going on. You won;t have a choice except to cry. If you have no soul, you will fight to the end to kill free speech, kill babies, force jabs on babies, force jabs on kids, force jabs on adults and force jabs on everyone and you must stand with Ukraine, Joe, Nancy, Adam, Hunter and the rest of the gang til the bitter end. I am anti-pay to play, I am anti-vax and I am anti-abortion. I do believe each State should have their own laws for abortion. It makes since to me. I love you all :)
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"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." JFK

"The sky has fallen" lady who supports late term abortions just said on msnbc. Their freaking out. I'm shocked this has been leak to sow chaos :(

Looks folks, the judges who are for abortion are trying a hail mary to see if they can get another judge to change his or her vote. That's for starters. It's still legal to kill a baby in every state. 15 weeks is still plenty of time to decide. Some States will out law it after 6 weeks. If you work for Amazon, they will help you travel to abort your baby. I do think it's important to gather all the facts of exactly what their doing with these babies after they terminate them. It's 100% a fact some babies are being sold for profit and 100% the older the baby, the more value you get for the baby. Babies born without birth certificates are worth huge $$$, $250,000 and more. It's a personal slave you brainwash into what you want that baby to become. This planet is so coo coo and full of nonsense. Let's all open our eyes wide open and get real about the basics of the meaning of life and why we came to this planet. It's got to be better than "pay to play" and "pay for baby parts." I've been pouring my little heart out to all of you for almost four years about being a voice for the voiceless. Adoption and excellent foster care system should be a great help to all of us. I know people who paid $10,000 to adopt a baby in Russia because it was so hard to adopt in the US. We can do better and we all will. We The People will rule this place we some help from the real Big Guy :)
"We've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver because we know that ((their worth $$$)), so I'm not going to crush that part, so I'm basically going to crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get all intact."
This is a quote from a director of the plan for the parent in the hood. She is chowing down on a meal and talking about this. Stuffing her face and talking selling baby parts is sic and weird.

I have to leave for the day. I pray we can see the light together and see that all life shall be protected, especially the babies :)
"A new peer-reviewed study entitled: "Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe" has demonstrated that use of face masks, even widespread, did not correlate with better outcomes during the COVID epidemic, based on data from 35 European countries with populations of over one million people each, encompassing a total of 602 million people."

"A new peer-reviewed study entitled: "Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe" has demonstrated that use of face masks, even widespread, did not correlate with better outcomes during the COVID epidemic, based on data from 35 European countries with populations of over one million people each, encompassing a total of 602 million people."

Does the study correct for the obvious reverse effect -- that in areas with high rates of infection people are more likely to mask up?