
"A new peer-reviewed study entitled: "Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe" has demonstrated that use of face masks, even widespread, did not correlate with better outcomes during the COVID epidemic, based on data from 35 European countries with populations of over one million people each, encompassing a total of 602 million people."

Yep. Seems clear to me.

Living in a country with lots of covid deaths causes people to self-report high rates of mask usage.
Does the study correct for the obvious reverse effect -- that in areas with high rates of infection people are more likely to mask up?
The study actually mentions that exact effect.

They also made no attempt to filter by pop density, demographics, and so on. So you get the same bias as the NBER study, except this stidy compares Finland to Germany, while NBER compared Montana to New York.
The study actually mentions that exact effect.

They also made no attempt to filter by pop density, demographics, and so on. So you get the same bias as the NBER study, except this stidy compares Finland to Germany, while NBER compared Montana to New York.
The studies keep showing masks don't work.

I wonder where all those studies are that show masks made a difference are? After a couple of years you would think some would actually arise. And yet the evidence continues to fall the other way. They dont work at stopping the spread of a respiratory virus.

One reason why they dont? Most of the masks are not designed to stop respiratory viruses. Actually that is the big/main reason.

N95s? To an extent yes? Mainly in hospital settings...used for short periods of times, fitted correctly, etc. Which is not how the public uses them.
The studies keep showing masks don't work.

I wonder where all those studies are that show masks made a difference are? After a couple of years you would think some would actually arise. And yet the evidence continues to fall the other way. They dont work at stopping the spread of a respiratory virus.

One reason why they dont? Most of the masks are not designed to stop respiratory viruses. Actually that is the big/main reason.

N95s? To an extent yes? Mainly in hospital settings...used for short periods of times, fitted correctly, etc. Which is not how the public uses them.


But I repeat myself.
The studies keep showing masks don't work.

I wonder where all those studies are that show masks made a difference are? After a couple of years you would think some would actually arise. And yet the evidence continues to fall the other way. They dont work at stopping the spread of a respiratory virus.

One reason why they dont? Most of the masks are not designed to stop respiratory viruses. Actually that is the big/main reason.

N95s? To an extent yes? Mainly in hospital settings...used for short periods of times, fitted correctly, etc. Which is not how the public uses them.
Really? What studies show masks don't work?

You've tried to misrepresent the Bangladesh study. The study contains evidence that surgical masks work.

The Bangladesh study does not contain evidence that cloth masks work, or that they do not work. That is what "not statistically significant" means. It means the study was unable to demonstrate a conclusion.

Is there some other study you are thinking of? One that actually claims to have proven that masks on infectious people do not reduce transmission?

If so, provide the link, and the paragraph from the conclusion

If no link and no paragraph, then you've got nothing.
Really? What studies show masks don't work?

You've tried to misrepresent the Bangladesh study. The study contains evidence that surgical masks work.

The Bangladesh study does not contain evidence that cloth masks work, or that they do not work. That is what "not statistically significant" means. It means the study was unable to demonstrate a conclusion.

Is there some other study you are thinking of? One that actually claims to have proven that masks on infectious people do not reduce transmission?

If so, provide the link, and the paragraph from the conclusion

If no link and no paragraph, then you've got nothing.
There were and are studies on the CDC website that long ago showed masks don't work.

This is not new info. The only thing that changed is the politics.

They have decades of studies showing masks dont work.

All you see now are studies, etc noting that yeah...nothing has changed. They aren't designed to stop a respiratory virus...and that is old knowledge.

And that is why you don't see studies now suddenly saying they work. Mask design hasn't changed.

There were and are studies on the CDC website that long ago showed masks don't work.

This is not new info. The only thing that changed is the politics.

They have decades of studies showing masks dont work.

All you see now are studies, etc noting that yeah...nothing has changed. They aren't designed to stop a respiratory virus...and that is old knowledge.

And that is why you don't see studies now suddenly saying they work. Mask design hasn't changed.
I see five assertions about studies. But no link, and no quote.

You’ve got nothing.
Does the study correct for the obvious reverse effect -- that in areas with high rates of infection people are more likely to mask up?

It's impossible to say. Since there's a dust up on this one I checked out the paper. The author is clear on where they downloaded the public datasets, but beyond that necessary methodological details that would be necessary to evaluate the work are absent. "Data from 35 European countries on morbidity, mortality, and mask usage during a six-month period were collected and analysed (sic)." That's it. So there's no way to tell what values from within the datasets were utilized or how they were processed to form the figure pieces. Maybe its right, maybe its wrong, but from the details given there is no way to know.

BTW the review policy at Cureus is author invites a set of reviewers, editor sends out requests for at least one independent reviewer. If the editor can't rustle up a reviewer in 21 days then, as long as two of the reviewers the author invited sent something in, that's what used. Haven't heard of it being done that way. So if you get a lax editor, you get to pick your reviewers. Pretty sweet.
I see five assertions about studies. But no link, and no quote.

You’ve got nothing.
What is your definition of "work"? Many studies were done to convince someone masks work...they just didn't work. If masks did work then they would have worked.

Something about those pesky fine aerosol particles that are kryptonite for cloth and surgical masks. N95s are the real deal, most of society just can't hang with them. States with stiff mask mandates didn't fare better, just take a peek at RI data.

Now, vaccines, whole different story. Clear data shows states with higher vax rates have better hospitalization and death outcomes. But masks??not so much. Too much emphasis and angst associated with masking.

If masks worked they would have worked. Novel virus pandemics are hard, they are even harder when you have governmen idiots picking sides, drawing lines, and trampling on personal freedom. How effective was filling in skate parks and shutting down forests? Silliness..
A special shout out to my pro-life mama. Thank you Miss Kirk for allowing me a chance at life. Thank you and I mean that 100%. I have never in my 55+ years on this planet seen the left so angry. Pro Choice Pastors are preaching abortion. masks, force jabs and obey the boss because I watch over you. This is getting very intense and emotional for so many. When HRC back in 2016 lost I saw some crazy people go nuts, but now I'm seeing some normal people show their true colors and now their all angry and bitter and make zero logical sense. These two emotions are not good and will cause many people to do things they wish they did not. Happy Whacky Wednesday.
This is all so personal with you. You can’t help yourself, you wear it on your virtual sleeves.
I'm not sure what that even means. You can read whatever you want into the photo. My point is that the mask mandates were never credible, they only really applied to the hired help, the little people and the unwashed masses. Hillary apparently doesn't care about her neighbors or anyone but herself under your standard.
I'm not sure what that even means. You can read whatever you want into the photo. My point is that the mask mandates were never credible, they only really applied to the hired help, the little people and the unwashed masses. Hillary apparently doesn't care about her neighbors or anyone but herself under your standard.

When and where was the picture taken? What is going on there? Did you look for evidence of photoshop manipulation?
I'm not sure what that even means. You can read whatever you want into the photo. My point is that the mask mandates were never credible, they only really applied to the hired help, the little people and the unwashed masses. Hillary apparently doesn't care about her neighbors or anyone but herself under your standard.
HRC and her mentor are 100% responsible for helping kill millions of black babies and I mean millions. That pic say's it all. Now you know why they cheated and stole the election. It was always going to come down to life vs death for our precious babies. They want to jab our children as well. What we have done to innocent life will shock the shit out of you. These are monsters were dealing with. No souls in some of these humans. They were born to cause havoc and murder and then they will be caught and taken off the planet. This is a big clean up operation around the world.