If you believe that the vaccine reduces deaths, then what happens if we all get sick before the vaccine exists?There's no "proof" - just a bunch of counterfactuals. I'm surprised someone with such a deep understanding of mathematics would use that word for what we are doing. You will imagine your outcome and I will imagine mine.
The urban vs. rural graph you identify supports my counterfactual beyond the similar magnitude. It also shows the timing of surges was identical - mask mandate or no mask mandate. It wasn't as if suddenly people stopped or started to wear masks. That indicates that masks are only marginally helpful, at best. Then we have "real world" examples. Florida schools opened - no spike, TX dropped its mask mandate, - no spike - GA dropped the mask mandate - no spike. These aren't lab studies. This is what happened.
Florida schools reopened en masse, but a surge in coronavirus didn't follow, a USA TODAY analysis finds
A USA TODAY analysis shows the state’s positive case count among kids ages 5 to 17 declined through late September after a peak in July.www.usatoday.com
Texas coronavirus cases haven't surged since Gov. Greg Abbott lifted the mask order. Experts warn it's too soon to celebrate.
Daily new cases and the positivity rate have leveled off over the past month, while deaths and hospitalization have gone down substantially.www.texastribune.org
Why Georgia’s reopening hasn’t led to a surge in coronavirus cases (so far)
Georgia’s experience could teach us a lot about Covid-19 and its spread.www.vox.com
Do you mean a non-mask mandate? I'm not for that either. The point is many would have behaved the same way - mandate or not. People can, and do still, wear masks. We closed down parks here in SC County (and LA county) despite the evidence that the risk was small and the benefit for children is immense. We closed down open space areas where the walking trails allowed adults to get out and escape for a while. It was lunacy, really - no science to support it just a bunch of irrationally fearful adults. I was waiting to hear about the risk of getting the virus because someone is out surfing again. Fortunately, we have moved beyond that. The biggest problem with mandates is that they will always divide people. The less justified they are by evidence, the more they will divide. Here we are.
Being that there is still a 99% survival rate, death isn’t a forgone conclusion, nor is hospitalization and the fact a virus mutates typically to more non-lethal variants, not too much. My suggestion, analyze the statistics like:If you believe that the vaccine reduces deaths, then what happens if we all get sick before the vaccine exists?
This isn’t a difficult question. But you don’t like the answer, so you word spam.
Oh, I thought the answer was implied. I don't think a mandate would have made a significant difference. Sure, recommend distancing, masking, etc. During the first wave, while there were many unknowns, I would have supported the mandate because we didn't know much. I thought you may have wanted some supporting "real-world" evidence for not supporting mandates which I supplied. Where is your "real-world" evidence?If you believe that the vaccine reduces deaths, then what happens if we all get sick before the vaccine exists?
This isn’t a difficult question. But you don’t like the answer, so you word spam.
Those are all things other people can do.Being that there is still a 99% survival rate, death isn’t a forgone conclusion, nor is hospitalization and the fact a virus mutates typically to more non-lethal variants, not too much. My suggestion, analyze the statistics like:
- The death statistics, focus on the segment of the population that represents 75+% and protect them.
- continue to promote things that have been proven (early on) to help fend off severity of symptoms like Zinc, Vitamin D and C as well as moderate daily exercise and a diet high in leafy greens.
- recommend those with health risks take steps to mask up, avoid crowded spaces and socially distance themselves.
There is a common ground.
Perhaps we didn’t. And some of those may have been more important than others.If mask mandates are so effective why did we have to close down public spaces, businesses and schools?
The single most important thing is to quarantine if you're sick. Everything else is effectively window dressing and the individual has far more responsibility and control for their own health than their neighbor does.Those are all things other people can do.
What sacrifices are you prepared to make as part of that common ground?
No one is proposing do nothing, but good luck implementing any mandates for the next pandemic.Perhaps we didn’t. And some of those may have been more important than others.
We have a lot to learn from what we did wrong. But “next time do nothing” is the wrong conclusion.
You’re probably right that next time we will have a purely voluntary disease containment system.No one is proposing do nothing, but good luck implementing any mandates for the next pandemic.
The keyword is "we" didn't know shit about anything because the one pulling the strings is paying people off with killer jobs to play along and to STFU or they get no money. Bribes is played as well and blackmail is used at the highest level on this planet. Seriously, when we find out who got blackmailed and the punishment for not obeying the blackmailer, we will all have compassion on those who cheated because they got blackmailed. Once someone get's bought with a job, then they can be bribed and then blackmailed. If you refused to get the jab and pay with your own blood, then you were cut off from buying and selling. I read this in Revelations 13 and have some great insights at 55. Revelations is all about the revealing of the TRUTH, not Armageddon, nukes, hell, fear and judgement with severe punishment. Its all about the reveling of all the wonderful and beautiful mysteries that were kept from us all. I know were all dying to know more about all this. Like, "why was I born" and "where do I come from" and "Is there a God" "is the bible real?" And this one, "what happens after I die?" Like really, none of us really know the truth because "they" kept the truth from us. They know the truth but they deliberately hid the truth so we would be in the mess. Now what?I don't think a mandate would have made a significant difference. Sure, recommend distancing, masking, etc. During the first wave, while there were many unknowns, I would have supported the mandate because we didn't know much.
The ones I’ve already made…Those are all things other people can do.
What sacrifices are you prepared to make as part of that common ground?
This last plandemic was just a dry run to see who the trouble makers are and who the sheep are. Now that they know, mark my words we will have the real test of manhood coming before mid-terms. I kid you not. Who will pass the test?No one is proposing do nothing, but good luck implementing any mandates for the next pandemic.
The part you miss is that if one is to sacrifice something it must actually make a difference.What sacrifices are you prepared to make as part of that common ground?
I’ve read people who are asymptomatic don’t know they are sick, is that a thing? Asking for a fellow poster.The single most important thing is to quarantine if you're sick. Everything else is effectively window dressing and the individual has far more responsibility and control for their own health than their neighbor does.
Making policy based on the assumption that everyone could be sick is a high cost/low benefit approach aka bad policy. It also takes the focus away from those far more likely to spread the virus.I’ve read people who are asymptomatic don’t know they are sick, is that a thing? Asking for a fellow poster.
BTW, California must have thought there wasn't risk from asymptomatics when they allowed Covid positive nurses to return to work.I’ve read people who are asymptomatic don’t know they are sick, is that a thing? Asking for a fellow poster.
The part you miss is that if one is to sacrifice something it must actually make a difference.
Keeping kids out of schools didn't
Putting people out of work didn't
Running around with masks didn't
Printing money and creating the largest inflation rate in 40 yrs didn't
Firing people for not being vaxxed didn't
Outside of virtue signaling that "we" are doing something, none made a difference. The virus spread.
Quarantine if you sick? YES
Focus on getting a vax out to the most vulnerable...YES
If my daughter was in public school or if she would have been in college, I would have gladly made myself available to teach HS on campus after getting my vaccine if it would have gotten the kids back in school sooner. I would have accepted wearing a mask inside if required as well.Those are all things other people can do.
What sacrifices are you prepared to make as part of that common ground?