
Because all the predictions were so spot on? Oh, brother.
It’s all bs because the only intervention that had substantial and measurable impact was vaccination. If the modeling gods are able to correctly predict when vaccination will be available and how quickly it will be rolled out, then maybe they might have some value instead of just throwing darts at a dartboard. Most of the experts well recall (including Fauci himself) were wrong as to when and how quickly they could be deployed…an idiot like trump was off by a month here or there.
Neil Ferguson of Imperial College fame was so worried about Covid that he allowed his girl to break quarantine and go against social distancing rules to come visit him
Neil Ferguson of Imperial College fame was so worried about Covid that he allowed his girl to break quarantine and go against social distancing rules to come visit him
So? My point stands. If we had done no NPI in April 2020, 2.2 million dead is a reasonable estimate.

Far better than any estimate coming from right wing media at the time.
ICL estimate was 2.2M deaths. Actual deaths were approx 1M.

Off by a factor of 2.

Is there some other March 2020 estimate you believe was more accurate?
"If the next round is similar to covid, that means a pandemic more like the original Imperial College forecasts, and less like the one we actually saw."

So, masks dropped it by half? Do you believe we won't pursue a vaccine? Also, I'm not sure how comparable one pandemic is to another. Severity, speed of spread, and mutation are rather variable.
"If the next round is similar to covid, that means a pandemic more like the original Imperial College forecasts, and less like the one we actually saw."

So, masks dropped it by half? Do you believe we won't pursue a vaccine? Also, I'm not sure how comparable one pandemic is to another. Severity, speed of spread, and mutation are rather variable.
I think masks and business closures delayed cases until after the vaccine. The vaccine dropped it by half.

However, if we have no masks and no lockdowns, that doesn't happen. The vaccine can't help much if the cases happen before the vaccine is ready.

Put another way, the "get sick now" proposal also means "no vaccines until after it's over".
“put them in the gulags” screamed the saving democracy crowd
Espola is after the believers bro and those who think first with their brain before they inject something in their blood. The two "Paths" have come to a two-way stop. The Sociopaths said no to jabs from the Psychopaths trying to kill off the population so they can have the world as their Oyster. I guess getting fired for saying no to vaccination is not "firm" enough for little psycho and his friends who lie, steal, blackmail, bribe, buy people to cheat and pay folks to spy on others.
I think masks and business closures delayed cases until after the vaccine. The vaccine dropped it by half.

However, if we have no masks and no lockdowns, that doesn't happen. The vaccine can't help much if the cases happen before the vaccine is ready.

Put another way, the "get sick now" proposal also means "no vaccines until after it's over".
You still beating that drum. You mask Nazi’s crack me up.
You still beating that drum. You mask Nazi’s crack me up.
Hey bro, get ready for a very wild summer. Remember when HRC lost to t in 2016 and the lefties and some righties lost their minds? Then they got caught for spying and looking for a crime t committed in his lifetime. They also tried to frame the Orangeman for crimes he didn't commit ((just in case t was clean)) so t and his team wouldn't be finding all the truths what the prior administration was up to. The unmaskers in BO office cheated big time and spied as well. When you add the Lap Tops from Hell ((Weiner and Hunters Lap Tops)) to the mix, well then you know DC, Hollywood and the News were in big trouble. Throw in the Plandemic + Riots + Mask + Jabs + boosters + 2000 Mules= Steal the Election!!! We got a country that is not free at all and actually under assholes who support spying, cheating & lying so they win and have all the power and control of our lives. Dr. F hates our court system and thinks he and the CDC shall make the rules for our lives. They agree with Espola and will look for "more firm measures" to force jabs in our arms for the next plandemic that will be here sooner then you all can say, "Mid-Term Elections." They will claim what my liberal best friend says to me all the time; "they had to spy, cheat and hire 2000 mules to steal the election all for the moral reason to save America from t, Nazi's and Putin. It's their only defense.
Put another way, the "get sick now" proposal also means "no vaccines until after it's over".
Again, you have no idea how the next one will compare to this one. No one does. At least we'll have the perspective of this experience and graph that keeps going around showing infections with and without mask mandates doesn't bode well for mandate religion. Also, we are seeing more and more data on the "side-effects" of the mandates. "Long COVID" includes much more than physical harm. In the highly unlikely event a virus breaks the same way next time, I expect policy will quickly jump to the dichotomy that took months to get to this time. Leaders from the mandate side will make passionate speeches about saving lives after maskless dinner with friends at the French Laundry and go on vacations in mandateless Florida. True believers will continue to see "living" through the lens of "any virus risk is too much" - unless my girl has a game in AZ.
Again, you have no idea how the next one will compare to this one. No one does. At least we'll have the perspective of this experience and graph that keeps going around showing infections with and without mask mandates doesn't bode well for mandate religion. Also, we are seeing more and more data on the "side-effects" of the mandates. "Long COVID" includes much more than physical harm. In the highly unlikely event a virus breaks the same way next time, I expect policy will quickly jump to the dichotomy that took months to get to this time. Leaders from the mandate side will make passionate speeches about saving lives after maskless dinner with friends at the French Laundry and go on vacations in mandateless Florida. True believers will continue to see "living" through the lens of "any virus risk is too much" - unless my girl has a game in AZ.
Our country is bought bro. Most have no clue their bought and some know but are afraid to lose their wealth and status. Those who stood up to these tyrants got fired, banned, kicked off platforms, no entry to college or events, shamed and some have been killed because they didn't STFU when told to. Others have been bribed and a few have been blackmailed. The blackmail their using is death to a loved one if you don't obey or vote the right way. The "next one" will test us all to the core, especially the fence sitters and those who have worked hard for the American Dream and wanted things to go back to normal and the way things were.
Again, you have no idea how the next one will compare to this one. No one does. At least we'll have the perspective of this experience and graph that keeps going around showing infections with and without mask mandates doesn't bode well for mandate religion.
That is the problem. It is a religion for many.

Despite evidence showing masks work...and quite a few studies showing they don' still hear...well if only people had masked up it would have made a difference.

You never hear them talk about terrible educational outcomes for kids stuck not being able to go to classes. You don't hear them talk about families/biz devastated by arbitrary biz closures, etc, etc.

And were hear the mantra still to get vaxxed? Why exactly? Those vaxxes were created to fight the first variant of covid. We don't take shots designed for the flu 2 -3 yrs ago for this years version of it. And yet that is what many still want you to do. And that despite reading that the 3rd of 4th shot of this or that version of the vax lasts a few weeks to a couple of months. As if people are going to get shots every 2-4 months going forward.
Again, you have no idea how the next one will compare to this one. No one does. At least we'll have the perspective of this experience and graph that keeps going around showing infections with and without mask mandates doesn't bode well for mandate religion. Also, we are seeing more and more data on the "side-effects" of the mandates. "Long COVID" includes much more than physical harm. In the highly unlikely event a virus breaks the same way next time, I expect policy will quickly jump to the dichotomy that took months to get to this time. Leaders from the mandate side will make passionate speeches about saving lives after maskless dinner with friends at the French Laundry and go on vacations in mandateless Florida. True believers will continue to see "living" through the lens of "any virus risk is too much" - unless my girl has a game in AZ.

You want to talk about the side effects of the mandates? Fine.

One side effect of lockdowns and mask mandates is that over half of covid cases were delayed until after the vaccine was available. That delay saved perhaps a million lives.

A second side effect of the lockdowns and mandates is a lost year of education for around 50 million children.

It is dishonest to focus on one and pretend the other didn’t happen.
Get out of the way of this freaking new looking Bear that no one has ever seen. Can you imagine this thing chasing you every night in your sleep? My buddy plays with his wealth in the financial world and he just called it quits. Dude is wealthy, not rich. His Grandpa killed it in Texas back in the oil days. Then his father took that money and made it even more with one smart move after another. My buddy took all that wealth and all he does is provide funding to buy companies that always seem to turn into wins and profits. He does do some private "Angel Funding" and sometimes loses but not much and when he wins with his Angel Dough Investments, he get's a huge return on his Angel money. He told me yesterday he's never, ever seen such an animal in the financial market and he's done. 57 years old.