
Um, did "The Kitchen" close? 😂
When you got no sauce to cook with in da kitchen and back up your tasty meals, you leave and go eat at Del Taco or Popeyes. Welcome back bro. I love you man. We will make this country amazing again. I believe in the 98% of us who have good hearts. Many "good" people got tangled in the web of pay for play and the bribes and blackmail that come with paying for play.
More lies. Remember when the liars told us all that people were dying of "Covid" early on to scare the shit out you? Motorcycle dude in Fullerton was DOA after his brain was left at the scene and they all told us this guy died from Covid? Well, there doing it again. The fact is people are dying but not from Covid. Use your brains folks and wake the F up NOW!!! This is not a drill and stop blaming Trump for everything. You all got brainwashed and are under hypnosis and mind control from the TEL A VISION. I'm your friend, your brother and I'm here to help and warn you. I love you. Hug your loved ones and watch what you drink, eat, watch on TV and what you allow to go in your body.

Covid death rate rockets in US as 1,500 Americans die every week amid spread of new strain

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the week ending Dec. 9 witnessed 1,614 deaths from COVID-19, with an average of 1,488 weekly deaths in the past four weeks.

Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled:eek::eek::eek:

"Meilin Keen was studying for the bar exam and preparing to move to New York City last June when she started throwing up blood.

Keen, 27 years old, learned days later that she has gastric cancer. She postponed the bar exam. Brain fog from chemotherapy made it hard to do her legal work."

Big Pharma just bought a cancer pill comapny for billions because young people and all people are getting cancer now at alarming rates. I know a few who just told everyone on fakebook they got cancer and its already stage 3 and 4.
Um, did "The Kitchen" close? 😂
Even gaslights burn out in the face of reality. The debate is over, we can live with Covid without destroying education, health, mental health, the economy etc.

If Fauci is science, science is doomed. He's the deadly combo of arrogant, incompetent and dishonest.

Dr Fauci, 82, also admitted that he signed off on millions of dollars worth of grants without reviewing the proposals - and appeared to admit his agency had little oversight of the foreign labs it bankrolled.

Dr Fauci told the committee that scientific data was not a driver of the blanket six-feet-distance recommendation to reduce the spread of the virus, saying that the rule 'just sort of appeared.'

He also said that vaccine mandates, which split the nation in 2021, likely reinforced a general sense of distrust in the government with more and more people questioning its motives.
Even gaslights burn out in the face of reality. The debate is over, we can live with Covid without destroying education, health, mental health, the economy etc.

If Fauci is science, science is doomed. He's the deadly combo of arrogant, incompetent and dishonest.

Dr Fauci, 82, also admitted that he signed off on millions of dollars worth of grants without reviewing the proposals - and appeared to admit his agency had little oversight of the foreign labs it bankrolled.

Dr Fauci told the committee that scientific data was not a driver of the blanket six-feet-distance recommendation to reduce the spread of the virus, saying that the rule 'just sort of appeared.'

He also said that vaccine mandates, which split the nation in 2021, likely reinforced a general sense of distrust in the government with more and more people questioning its motives.
Covid is a big fat lie. They lied so you would wear a mask, stand 6 feet away and take all their poison jabs + poison boosters to keep your job and have your kids attend school and Big U. I guess no one was forced in reality. Everyone was coerced or I like to say duped and tricked and lied too.
Plandemic Warning ⚠️⚠️:mad:😷👽👹👿🤡👎

The WEF is having an upcoming meeting to “prepare for Disease X” which they warn could result in 20x more deaths than Covid.

"With fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown “Disease X” could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic, what novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead?" The WEF!!

What do you know? It’s election year!
Richard "Dick" Branson has islands in the British Virgin Islands, near Epstein’s Island.

His airline is called Virgin.....

Do you believe in coincidences?

These people are sick and wanted you all dead because of how they live off children👹👿🩸🩸🩸They have nowhere to run or hide folks. Love & Light won and now these losers have to deal with their darkness in the Light. Some will not go down without one last fight. How do you catch a wild animal? Most will fly to another country or die in a plane crash or from cancer or Covid. They care more about their reputation then face public scorn & tribunals.

"We must ask the medical community what drove them to push an untested and unsafe vaccine at all costs. Somebody must be held accountable for irreversible harm done to millions of Americans by this vaccine." Rep. Andy Biggs

Great question Andy. My pal, Doctor Know It All, has tripled his income in the last three years. He has a brand-new Tesla and killer Mercedes. He also has a killer beach house. Doc will not talk to me now and won't answer my texts, just like all the losers on here. They all left like a fart in the wind. Total losers and all these cheaters and liars will have to answer to the question, "why?"

Crush knows why.....

"They're not safe vaccines, & the fact that now we have this new issue is just beyond the pale," says Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. "It's completely unacceptable. It's intolerable. And it just can't happen."

Amid a new COVID-19 surge, should we all be wearing masks again? Experts weigh in (Oh good, let's hear from the experts)

"We're certainly in the winter peak of respiratory viruses," Dr. Albert Ko, professor of epidemiology and medicine at the Yale School of Public Health, tells A post-holiday COVID spike alongside upticks of the usual winter illnesses, like flu and RSV, make this surge "very much expected," he adds.
Amid this rise in the spread of illnesses, mask mandates are already back in some health care settings, including hospital systems in Los Angeles County and New York City. And many of us should probably follow suit, Ko says.

Wearing a mask amid a spike in respiratory viruses is "kind of a common sense thing," Dr. Joseph Khabbaza, a pulmonary and critical care specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, tells, like using a parachute when jumping out of a plane.