
More lies from liars like Dad, Husker Du and Espola

With Covid and flu surging at the same time, how big is the risk of coinfection? (

"Covid and flu are both surging and there’s no peak in sight." (Gee, thanks for the fear)
“What is new this year is we’re seeing both flu and Covid going up together,” said infectious disease expert Dr. Michael Phillips, chief epidemiologist at NYU Langone Health. “This is different. Positive tests for flu and Covid are “neck and neck,” with slightly more people sick with Covid, Phillips said. (It's like a contest now. Flu came back after being gone for three years. (These asshat Docs lie all day)
“The Pacific Northwest tends to lag behind (oh really) the Southeast and the East Coast by a week or two,” she said. “I think it’s going to be a pretty bad season.”
What is the difference between covid, flu and RSV? Symptoms and treatment (

Great question, please do share....

This guy has all the jabs + boosters + flu shots and is still sick all the time and he want answers :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


They have a few symptoms in common, including fever, runny nose, and cough.

Sore throatxx
Decrease in appetitex
Sneezing/Runny nosexxx
Fever and/or chillsxxx
Wheezing - Shortness of breath or difficulty breathingxx
Muscle or body achesxx
New loss of taste or smellx
Nausea or vomitingx
Where are all the forum vaccine Nazi’s nowadays?
Hiding in their lies. They can't come on here and eat crow like a real man or woman. I tell EVERYONE I know the best way to heal is to admit your wrong. I was 100% wrong about the Bush family, 911 and all the wars I was so gunho for. I hate war now and would never want my son to fight these bullshit wars, where only the rich and powerful make money on all the blood and death. "I was 100% wrong about the Bush Clan." Crush
@Bruddah IZ. So many of the rich elites, pay for play cheaters & liars and all the educated made fun of me, corrected my righting skilz and said I was crazy, on medication, a moron and that I forgot to take my meds, sore loser, club hopper dad, chasing medals father and a coo coo and full of nonsense. Espola told everyone to ignore me and even asked Dom to band me. EOTL (Surf Futbol) threaten me and my dd. Another father told me not to show my face at Silverlakes or else. This has been a very intense journey for crush. The truth is, I tried to warn my brothers & sisters about the cheating in youth soccer and got blackballed and my dd got blacklisted. I then tried to warn everyone not to take the jabs. No one pays me to help either. I actually care about all of you. I 100% forgive Dad4, Espola and Husker Du. Just lik when Yeshua said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what their saying or doing." I come from the same place in my heart. I'm just a father with experience in life and youth soccer and share my truth with them. Lastly, I told EVERYONE we need to save & protect the kids before the new earth comes. We are now in the cleanup stage of this war. God bless you and God bless America and the world. The children will bring humanity together over party lines. Epstein's phots were released today. Not looking good for all the Bills. Jeffrey got them blackmailed.
Advice from crush: Watch what you drink, eat and what you allow in your body my brothers & sisters. Together we can change the wrongs and make the new earth better for the kids that will be getting born without being jabbed. Kids used to take 4 shots before they turn 18, now the kids are taking 72. This is insane. Bill, the other Bill, Dr. Fraud, Dr. Frances and Jeffrey were all producing jabs for obvious reasons. Wake up sheep, this is not a drill.

@Bruddah IZ. So many of the rich elites, pay for play cheaters & liars and all the educated made fun of me, corrected my righting skilz and said I was crazy, on medication, a moron and that I forgot to take my meds, sore loser, club hopper dad, chasing medals father and a coo coo and full of nonsense. Espola told everyone to ignore me and even asked Dom to band me. EOTL (Surf Futbol) threaten me and my dd. Another father told me not to show my face at Silverlakes or else. This has been a very intense journey for crush. The truth is, I tried to warn my brothers & sisters about the cheating in youth soccer and got blackballed and my dd got blacklisted. I then tried to warn everyone not to take the jabs. No one pays me to help either. I actually care about all of you. I 100% forgive Dad4, Espola and Husker Du. Just lik when Yeshua said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what their saying or doing." I come from the same place in my heart. I'm just a father with experience in life and youth soccer and share my truth with them. Lastly, I told EVERYONE we need to save & protect the kids before the new earth comes. We are now in the cleanup stage of this war. God bless you and God bless America and the world. The children will bring humanity together over party lines. Epstein's phots were released today. Not looking good for all the Bills. Jeffrey got them blackmailed.
Cowards. Everyone of them.

This LA Times writer sure writes like Surf Futbol.
"It used to be fairly easy to dismiss Florida's surgeon general, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, as a clownish anti-vaccine quack posing a danger mostly to residents of his home state. That has become harder to do as time goes on, as Ladapo has moved from promoting useless treatments for COVID-19, such as the drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, to waging an ever-expanding fact-free campaign against the leading COVID vaccines.

The Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, Gen. Eric Smith, underwent open-heart surgery on Monday to repair a valve in his heart, the Corps said. Smith, who was confirmed as the new commandant on Sept. 21, was initially hospitalized after suffering cardiac arrest near his home at Marine Barracks Washington on Oct. 29.

Long-term respiratory illness is here to stay

Have you felt like that winter cold just doesn't end? (No. However, my pal who took all the jabs plus the flu shots is sick every month). Well, you're not alone. Many who contracted Covid-19 have suffered from long Covid, when the symptoms endure an extended period and can have long-term effects. Now, scientists have found that the common cold and flu can also have "long" versions, which include symptoms becoming chronic. In addition, we are in the midst of a "tripledemic" with Covid-19, the flu and RSV all making the rounds. Experts posit that longer-term illness is here to stay and more people are likely to be affected in the future.


Fauci flip flops during first 7-hour session of grilling before House​


According to House Select Committee on Coronavirus, Dr Fauci denied remembering key details of the response ‘more than 100 times’.

More from Dr. Fraud the liar: Fauci admits that COVID six-feet social distancing guidelines ‘sort of just appeared,’ likely lacked scientific basis (Oh really).
Listen up folks, the 6 feet was 100% satanic. So was the mask and the jabs were pure evil. Forcing all this shit on the kids was horrible and it was about one thing, FEAR! Plus,they did not want you folks talking and that's another reason they shut down the pubs, churches and resturants. However, if you need marijuana or a lap dance, those places stayed open. Wake up sheep....