
Recent. Masks out when covid numbers are up, not out when numbers are low.

Not sure why you find it easy to believe that it is all some kabuki theatre designed to deceive you. Hospitals spend a lot of time trying to control the spread of pathogens. If they put out a box of masks or a Purel dispenser, it's because they believe it helps.

Go ahead with your little echo chamber here. 16 more pages and you'll hit an even thousand.
Echo chamber? laughable at best. I'm sure you are well in the know on how hospitals are run and what their intents are. A box of masks and purel dispensers to control pathogens...hilarious.

your riddle speak remains lame..and you didn't answer the questin I there's that..
“I was wrong, I said we would never be a socialist country…We didn’t stop at Socialism, we went right to Communism, Marxism, Espolaism and Fascism! DJT

These fucks poisoned all of you WHO took the jabs and your children. No ifs and or butts. Why do I care more about this then most? Because dumb dad & mother got fucking played and now has to eat crow. Eat crow for the Grand Kids sakes. Espola is laughing at all of us because he wanted this, he planned for this. He knew all along about all the hell that is coming our way. He loves this shit. Just look at him. What a fucking loser! Espola is all of these "ism's" x 666. A real evil son of a bitch. Navy Vet who betrayed his country is being watched by everyone on here and from SPACE FORCE. I am the voice to wake up the Elites. God loves you as much as he loves me. I lived among your stench all my life and you stole a girls sport from the girls all so daddy and his rich pals can make a buck off the hard work of the girls. My call is to all the sleeping fathers in Socal. Wake the fuck up, you have been poisoned and lied to and all fucking Espola can do is call another father a "Coocoo." What a dick head, Moron, traitor to all of us, cheater, liar, full of darkness, does the unthinkable and is pure Anti-American.
10/23/23—Derry, New Hampshire…

“The Great Silent Majority is rising like never before, and under our leadership, the Forgotten Man (Crush) and Woman Will Be Forgotten No Longer!
(Thank you, Mr. Trump. I really do appreciate the support. That witch, Hillary, thinks I need to be deprogrammed. Bitches, Snitches and Men thinking they're a Woman is what's wrong in our country Sir. So sad that Dad, Espola and Husker Du sold our country out and all three have given killer advice. Total Losers!)

With your help, your love, and your vote, we will put AMERICA FIRST, and WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


God Bless You, and God Bless America!” DJT
FDA says getting Covid shot on same day as certain flu vaccines may raise risk of strokes in elderly people - while children aged 2-5 slightly more likely to suffer seizures after a coronavirus booster.


Well, someone needs to tell the Docs & Nurses in Socal to change how they sell their shots to the public.

True story. Two weeks ago, I was moving our stuff to storage and the last step was loose and I fell off and rolled my ankle bad. It hurt like hell so I hobbled over to the ER. Everything checked out and it was just a moderate sprain. Fast forward to my follow with my Primary Care Doc the other day. Back story, I have not been to any medical Doc for over 8 years. Here was my experience the other day:

I walk in and everyone that works at this Doctor's Office is wearing a fucking mask. I mean everyone. The nice lady at the front desk asks me, "do you have any Covid 19 symptoms?" I wanted to be a smart ass, but I just said, "no." I go in and see the nurse first. She goes right to the shots. "Would you like to get you annual Flu shot, and the latest booster shot for Covid 19." I was shocked with the boldness. I said, "no thank you." I was super nice again. She then went for my blood. "When was the last time you had your blood looked at?" I said, "never." She said because of my age I should, and I said, "ok." Then she asked if I ever had a Colonoscopy and have I had my Prostate checked out. I said, "no, should I?" She asks, "are you sexually active" and other embarrassing questions. I was blushing. Mr. Scorpio was not prepared for such deep questions about my sex life from a beautiful nurse from another country. I was shocked. I'm super open man so we had a long talk about sexuality for those over 55. Anyway, the place was gnarly and I'm never going back. I can say 100% before Obama started to Care for our health, I had the best Primary Care Doc ever. This new Doc was rude, young, double masked, arrogant and kind of a pervert and super pushy. He wanted me to stick something up my ass that day and he tried to scare me to do it. He said they had a cancelation, and I could get my Colon looked at and it take 20 minutes. The nurse was smiling at me as he was sharing the experience of doing such a thing. I asked if it hurt and they just smiled and said, "it can be a little uncomfortable, but we have stuff to make it feel better." I declined and then the nurse told me if I take a shit in this bag she gave me, then I skip what Doc was selling me. Talk about Weird Science. They even tried to get me to share all my fetishes. I have attached the shit they wanted me to fell out. All I know is I am a White Male and I love being a man. I love all my body parts and very grateful for what God has given me and would never think that I want to be a woman. I am all man!

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I understand that the covid vaccine is a sensitive and controversial topic for many people. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect that. However, I would like to share my perspective as a father of a daughter who plays soccer at the highest level in the ECNL.

My dd has been playing soccer since she was four years old and has always loved the game. She has played for several clubs in different states and has won many tournaments and awards. She has also been selected for the US Youth Soccer ODP regional pool and participated in several national camps and events.

She has worked hard to improve her skills and achieve her goals. She has never let anyone or anything stop her from pursuing her dreams. She has always shown courage and resilience in the face of adversity.

But covid took away a year of her development. She had to stop playing soccer for months due to the lockdowns and restrictions. She had to miss out on many opportunities and experiences that could have helped her grow and learn. She had to deal with the uncertainty and anxiety of not knowing when she could play again.

She was devastated and frustrated by the situation. She felt like she was losing her passion and confidence. She felt like she was falling behind and missing out.

That is why we decided to get her vaccinated as soon as possible. We wanted to protect her health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others. We wanted to give her a chance to resume her soccer journey and chase her dreams. We wanted to support her happiness and success.

We did our research and consulted with our doctor before making our decision. We weighed the pros and cons of getting vaccinated versus not getting vaccinated. We considered the risks and benefits of each option. We trusted the science and the experts who developed and tested the vaccine.

We are not saying that our decision is right for everyone. We are not saying that everyone should get vaccinated. We are not saying that there are no side effects or complications from getting vaccinated. We are not saying that getting vaccinated is a guarantee of immunity or protection from covid.

We are just saying that getting vaccinated was the best decision for us and our daughter. We are just saying that getting vaccinated gave us peace of mind and hope for the future. We are just saying that getting vaccinated allowed our daughter to play soccer again and enjoy the game she loves.

That is our opinion and our experience. You may have a different opinion and a different experience. And that is okay. We can agree to disagree without being disrespectful or hostile. We can have a civil and constructive discussion without being judgmental or rude.

We can all be part of the same soccer community without being divided or polarized by our views on covid or anything else. We can all support each other and our children without being negative or hateful.

We can all be soccer parents who want the best for our kids without being selfish or ignorant.

Thank you for listening to my story and my perspective. I hope you have a great day and stay safe.
I understand that the covid vaccine is a sensitive and controversial topic for many people. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect that. However, I would like to share my perspective as a father of a daughter who plays soccer at the highest level in the ECNL.

My dd has been playing soccer since she was four years old and has always loved the game. She has played for several clubs in different states and has won many tournaments and awards. She has also been selected for the US Youth Soccer ODP regional pool and participated in several national camps and events.

She has worked hard to improve her skills and achieve her goals. She has never let anyone or anything stop her from pursuing her dreams. She has always shown courage and resilience in the face of adversity.

But covid took away a year of her development. She had to stop playing soccer for months due to the lockdowns and restrictions. She had to miss out on many opportunities and experiences that could have helped her grow and learn. She had to deal with the uncertainty and anxiety of not knowing when she could play again.

She was devastated and frustrated by the situation. She felt like she was losing her passion and confidence. She felt like she was falling behind and missing out.

That is why we decided to get her vaccinated as soon as possible. We wanted to protect her health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others. We wanted to give her a chance to resume her soccer journey and chase her dreams. We wanted to support her happiness and success.

We did our research and consulted with our doctor before making our decision. We weighed the pros and cons of getting vaccinated versus not getting vaccinated. We considered the risks and benefits of each option. We trusted the science and the experts who developed and tested the vaccine.

We are not saying that our decision is right for everyone. We are not saying that everyone should get vaccinated. We are not saying that there are no side effects or complications from getting vaccinated. We are not saying that getting vaccinated is a guarantee of immunity or protection from covid.

We are just saying that getting vaccinated was the best decision for us and our daughter. We are just saying that getting vaccinated gave us peace of mind and hope for the future. We are just saying that getting vaccinated allowed our daughter to play soccer again and enjoy the game she loves.

That is our opinion and our experience. You may have a different opinion and a different experience. And that is okay. We can agree to disagree without being disrespectful or hostile. We can have a civil and constructive discussion without being judgmental or rude.

We can all be part of the same soccer community without being divided or polarized by our views on covid or anything else. We can all support each other and our children without being negative or hateful.

We can all be soccer parents who want the best for our kids without being selfish or ignorant.

Thank you for listening to my story and my perspective. I hope you have a great day and stay safe.
You made the decision you felt was best for your child. More power to you and as parents that's what were supposed to do, while having the choice to do so.

Unfortunately, many adults didn't have the same choice as your child. They were forced to take the vaccine or lose their livelihood, or otherwise have restrictions on their life. The mandates are what most critics oppose, not the actual vaccines themselves.

I would just point out that it wasn't not getting a vaccine that kept your child from playing soccer, it were the misguided lockdowns based on fear and misinformation. The reality was the safest place for our children was outdoors playing their sport. In fact, being outdoors exercising was the best and safest place to be for everyone.

Best to you and your child.
You made the decision you felt was best for your child. More power to you and as parents that's what were supposed to do, while having the choice to do so.

Unfortunately, many adults didn't have the same choice as your child. They were forced to take the vaccine or lose their livelihood, or otherwise have restrictions on their life. The mandates are what most critics oppose, not the actual vaccines themselves.

I would just point out that it wasn't not getting a vaccine that kept your child from playing soccer, it were the misguided lockdowns based on fear and misinformation. The reality was the safest place for our children was outdoors playing their sport. In fact, being outdoors exercising was the best and safest place to be for everyone.

Best to you and your child.
Well written Watty and from the heart. I agree with Lewis as well. Each parent had to what was best at that time for each child. I'm glad our family said no. I never forced my beliefs on my children. My wife gave out the risk and rewards information to all of us and we each made our own decisions. My wife was hard core with me, and she shared with me the consequences if I took even one jab. I quit meat first, then no more booze. Then I went full time veggies, fruits, nuts and salads. Water only. I was never a heavy drinker so that was easy to give up. I'm thanking my lucky stars. One of old dear friends passed away because he took the jabs. He was afraid 100% that he would get fired (he would have because his work mandated it or lose it all). He cared about making money and not having a bad credit score over his health and he paid the ultimate price. RIP Steve. I also say my respects to my dear baseball coach, who passed away in his sleep. Still no cause but most suspect sudden cardiac arrest in his sleep. They believe he died peacefully but 100% alone because his wife found him dead after many hours of thinking he was just taking a nap.
Is this Meme Information true? My Doc pal has tripled his pay some way, right? My Primary Care was selling me hard on the Flu and "might as well get the booster while your here" sales pitch. My bff teacher pal told me he got a nice fat raise because of all the "extra" time put in for dealing with mask enforcement and promoting all the jabs to his students the last three years. It pays to obey!!!
