

Mario Balotelli's ex's cause of death aged 38 revealed as Playboy model laid to rest (

Guess how she died? Yup, so sad.......

Former Playboy model Tabby Brown has been laid to rest after she died aged 38.

The model and dancer – who grew up in South London and was said to have dated footballer Mario Balotelli – died suddenly earlier this week, with her agent confirming the news.

She was reportedly laid to rest on Wednesday, after what her family described as her ‘sudden’ death due to an unexplained ‘heart attack.’

‘She died from a heart attack.
That’s all we know for the moment. It’s very sad. She was loved and liked by so many people.’
Amazing that @dad4 still believes in masks. In the past year an org which is considered the gold standard on studies showed masks didnt make a difference.

And speaking of differences...thank god we paid out all that money...

Today, auditors told Congress as much as *$2.5 trillion* of the $5 trillion the US spent on COVID relief went to China and its allies through fraud.

Keep that in mind when you hear how great our COVID response was.
The Rise of ‘Turbo Cancers’: A Frightening Shift in Cancer Demographics


I wonder how the new "Turbo Cancer" got started? And these liars promise you all retirement, if you STFU, take all the jabs, wear a mask and obey the boss, like a good slave.

There is a new specter haunting the corridors of hospitals and the minds of oncologists - a specter they've named 'Turbo Cancers.' Young, vibrant individuals, ostensibly in the prime of their lives, are increasingly falling prey to aggressive cancers that defy the natural order of disease progression. These are not the typical cancers that germinate silently over years, only to rear their heads in later life. These are cancers on overdrive, cancers that, like turbocharged engines, accelerate at breathtaking speed.
With respect to masks, you’re testing for agreement, not truth. Yes, mainstream media disagrees with you. They still claim that masks reduce the spread of respiratory disease. So does my hospital. They ask people to wear them every time covid or flu spike around here.

So, maybe you’re right and the medical establishment is really bad at statistical analysis. Or maybe you’re just wrong.
"Medical establishment"? As if there is consensus. Maybe in the censored MSM. There's more correlation between wind energy and whale deaths than there is to mask policy and decreasing COVID cases. Do you know who has a hard time admitting they are wrong? Authoritarians.
Dumb Espola is all worked up about "t" when he should be worked up about the attack on your "T Cells." The fucking jabs put your T-Cells to sleep. You and your child's immune system has been compromised. These fuckers forced you and your kids to take the jabs or you would get fired and your child would not be allowed to play soccer in college or even attend college, unless they took the jabs. This is criminal, evil and will be dealt with. Don't hide dad, this is when Papa Bear needs roar, so this never fucking happens again.
"OK, you were right. We admit vaccine is contaminated with SV40, but we found some experts who think it's not a problem."
How is it that Kevin McKernan, and not any world health authority, found the contamination in April 2023? And why are the FDA, CDC, and the mainstream media still silent about this?
More death news. This is only going to get worse. Listen up folks, eat crow now so this does not happen to your Grand Kids. Dad, Espola and husker Du are 100% responsible for spreading deadly misinformation on here. it's all recorded for all to read and see. These fuckers will not even admit they fucked up and gave horrible and deadly advice. These dumb fucks do not care about half the people that live in our amazing country. They hate Trump and they for sure hate me. They want the Vets from Jan 6th locked up for fucking life.

Texas high school student collapses and dies after winning a cross-country race, the latest in a string of young athletes dying during competition

16 year-old Angel Hernandez collapsed twice while friends helped carry him to a water station, according to KENS, a local CBS affiliate in San Antonio. Hernandez's karate coach, Ashley Wood, told the outlet that he showed no signs of illness before the race.

Chisolm Trails posthumously named Hernandez the school's "athlete of the week" (Are you serious?)

From Coach: "Thank you, Angel, for all your hard work and determination," cross country coach Joseph Gifford wrote in the announcement. "You will be extremely missed."
DEVELOPING: McDonald’s announced that they are now offering Free French Fries every Friday until the end of the year.

Just remember, Bill Gates owns the land in Washington state used to grow the potatoes for McDonald’s fries.

"Medical establishment"? As if there is consensus. Maybe in the censored MSM. There's more correlation between wind energy and whale deaths than there is to mask policy and decreasing COVID cases. Do you know who has a hard time admitting they are wrong? Authoritarians.
How about those lockdowns? They aren’t aging so well either. They were a brutally regressive burden on the most vulnerable in society. These are the backs of the same people who are bearing a huge burden of our misguided net zero goals.

