
Again when I'm on the fence, I can see both sides. Whereas, when I'm on one side of the fence I can only see my yard. I'm open to the vaccine being a cause of heart attacks, but until a see definitive proof, and not coincidence, I'm not going to jump on the its killing people bandwagon. It has enough known side effects and I know my Covid death risk is low, so I'm a no thank you on any booster. I have no real objection to my 91 year old mother getting the booster.
Seriously Watty, WTF? We have been debated this issue for over 3 years with the clowns. I think it's safe to say these fuckers lied to all of us. I lost over 15 people from this shit. Come on man, every day I post another fucking heart attack. Sorry for the F bombs but I have to make my point. I'm sad to see people die suddenly in their sleep and seeing young people die from fucking heart attacks. You seem older like me so you must admit we never had this many people die and so many young people dying from cardiac arrest. Come on man, wake the fuck up.
"I had six at the one time" - Magic Johnson on his wild lifestyle, for which he ultimately paid the price with catching Aids.

Father arrested after twin infant dies, sibling suffers 'severe injuries,' police say
Quentin Smith (fully jabbed), 23, allegedly told police he had bitten the children on several occasions after hearing a voice or two to go and bite his kids, like a wild animal. This story is sad, sick and disturbing.

Thanks Dad
I'm not convinced yet that this is a result of the Covid vaccinations, but I'm open to the possibility. I am convinced that this is the result, at least in part, of the impacts of the lockdown: delayed medical care, stress, isolation etc.
I'm not convinced either. But, there's an immense incentive for those in power and those who exerted influence over science during the pandemic to report that it's anything but the vaccine. I look at it the same way as I looked at the bat versus lab leak theory. If it really was bats, why deny access to evidence surrounding the spread of COVID? In this case, if they know it isn't the vaccine, why aren't they reporting it? Their silence may not mean it's the vaccine, but if they had anything else, you'd be deaf from their lack of silence.
I'm not convinced either. But, there's an immense incentive for those in power and those who exerted influence over science during the pandemic to report that it's anything but the vaccine. I look at it the same way as I looked at the bat versus lab leak theory. If it really was bats, why deny access to evidence surrounding the spread of COVID? In this case, if they know it isn't the vaccine, why aren't they reporting it? Their silence may not mean it's the vaccine, but if they had anything else, you'd be deaf from their lack of silence.
I am 100% convinced. I love you and Watty a lot. I am strong Empath for a man, and I feel sad for both of you. You guys are super smart but got played big time by these killers. Being in denial is a normal reaction to being poisoned and tricked by Docs you thought had your best interest. Three years ago, both of you said you will do whatever Doc orders. I'm proud of you for telling Doc "no" for the booster this time around. I have not seen a Doc since I told one in youth soccer that he is the biggest liar ever!! These Docs are pushing drugs bro. Real and legal drug pushers. Our teachers are drug pushers now.
All of you that took the jabs were lied to 100%. It doesn't feel good when "Docs" lie, now does it?

Unraveling a ‘Supposedly Unshakable’ Narrative – Former CDC Chief Unearths Covert Vaccine Realities and Accusations of Government Suppression

Dr. Robert Redfield, former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has offered insights into the reasons behind public hesitancy toward the COVID-19 vaccine.

Redfield emphasized the importance of transparency in addressing vaccine concerns, saying, “I always said – my position was just tell the American public the truth: There are side effects to vaccines.

Tell them the truth, and don’t try to package it.”

Redfield criticized the portrayal of the vaccine as providing “complete” immunity, labeling it a “false perception.”

“I think we should have, really, confidence and not be afraid to debate the issues that we think are in the public’s interest and just tell the public the truth,” added the former CDC head.
Oprah Urges Those Who Are Not Vaccinated to Reconsider

I have reconsidered Oprah and the answer is 100% a fucking "NO!!!!" This lady sure has the nerve to offer up her BS opinions about the jabs. Her choice of men is alarming at best. Pals around with "god of John" and was 100% bff with Harvey. Hooked Harvey up I hear. Look at her kissing this sick freak ear. WTF does that?

I'm not convinced either. But, there's an immense incentive for those in power and those who exerted influence over science during the pandemic to report that it's anything but the vaccine. I look at it the same way as I looked at the bat versus lab leak theory. If it really was bats, why deny access to evidence surrounding the spread of COVID? In this case, if they know it isn't the vaccine, why aren't they reporting it? Their silence may not mean it's the vaccine, but if they had anything else, you'd be deaf from their lack of silence.

Both sides have always shaded the truth or exaggerated to spin their narrative, but now the left has resorted to straight up lying. They don't want you to believe your eyes, they want you to believe what they tell you. There is no better example of this is than KJP. She makes Trump look like Honest Abe.
A new poll on the COVID-19 vaccine reveals that 52% of U.S. adults are hesitant about getting the shot. KFF, based in San Francisco, is an independent source for health policy research, polling, and journalism. 70% of Democrats plan to get the vaccine while only 24% of Republicans express the same intention.

No wonder I am a freak in my town. 92% of my brethren took the jabs. 70% of my lib pals are still lining up for more, SMFH!!! Oh, now all these losers have left is war!!!

NFL Star Chandler Zavala carted off the field with a "medical Incident." He is now being Hospitalized After Collapsing On The Field. Nothing to see here folks, just another athlete collapsing.

RIP kind soul. This guy knew how to play the drums. Damon Batiste, 57, died Sept. 30 at his home in LaPlace, La., of a heart attack, according to his brother,
I'm not convinced yet that this is a result of the Covid vaccinations, but I'm open to the possibility. I am convinced that this is the result, at least in part, of the impacts of the lockdown: delayed medical care, stress, isolation etc.
It wouldnt be an issue per say if the CDC etc had done testing on the vax. I know there was a rush. However in that rush our gov and others mandated many people to get an untested vax. That was unethical.

We knew almost from the start who was at risk...and yet the vax was pushed on people who didnt need it. The gov/pharma knew early on that the vax neither stopped one from getting the virus or from spreading it. And yet it was forced on many.

And today despite many bad side effects (enough that a drug normally wouldnt make it to the market) we are seeing the CDC recommend the vax for young children (who have no risk). Why?
It wouldnt be an issue per say if the CDC etc had done testing on the vax. I know there was a rush. However in that rush our gov and others mandated many people to get an untested vax. That was unethical.

We knew almost from the start who was at risk...and yet the vax was pushed on people who didnt need it. The gov/pharma knew early on that the vax neither stopped one from getting the virus or from spreading it. And yet it was forced on many.

And today despite many bad side effects (enough that a drug normally wouldnt make it to the market) we are seeing the CDC recommend the vax for young children (who have no risk). Why?
This was not unethical. It's much, much worse and were all about to see how evil these liars, cheaters and killers are. We are now paying for two wars in two years. Why? I know why, but I'll let watty answer that question. My new life got pushed back for two days so I won't be back for some time after 10/10.
It wouldnt be an issue per say if the CDC etc had done testing on the vax. I know there was a rush. However in that rush our gov and others mandated many people to get an untested vax. That was unethical.

We knew almost from the start who was at risk...and yet the vax was pushed on people who didnt need it. The gov/pharma knew early on that the vax neither stopped one from getting the virus or from spreading it. And yet it was forced on many.

And today despite many bad side effects (enough that a drug normally wouldnt make it to the market) we are seeing the CDC recommend the vax for young children (who have no risk). Why?
IDK, but there seems to be an effort by some of the left, since they can't get to the parents, to go straight to indoctrinating children on a number of issues. There was the school in California that was bribing children with ice cream to get the vax, as well as, telling kids not to tell their parents. Although, in most cases, kids are not getting vaccinated without the parents knowledge.

I saw a TV ad last week that was specifically aimed at getting children vaccinated. Fortunately, parents understand the risks and rewards. That's why very few children have been boosted and only 17% of the entire population.

Yes, any mandating of Covid vaccines is unethical.
IDK, but there seems to be an effort by some of the left, since they can't get to the parents, to go straight to indoctrinating children on a number of issues. There was the school in California that was bribing children with ice cream to get the vax, as well as, telling kids not to tell their parents. Although, in most cases, kids are not getting vaccinated without the parents knowledge.

I saw a TV ad last week that was specifically aimed at getting children vaccinated. Fortunately, parents understand the risks and rewards. That's why very few children have been boosted and only 17% of the entire population.

Yes, any mandating of Covid vaccines is unethical.
Great stuff watty. Mandating the vaccine was a crime against humanity. This is way beyond unethical. They are after the children, women and elderly, just like Hamas. Do you not see yet that these fucking monsters are all on the same team? Hello, wake up call to all of you who are STFH's wondering what is happening. Like I said a million times, the choice is love or hate. War or peace. Obey or not comply. STFU or get fired. These asshats are bought, bribed and blackmailed by some people to say whatever their told to say, to get the pay day. Lastly, I saw a video of a young 15-year-old who died of Cardiac Arrest.