

Read that sentence, then try to find anything which supports it as phrased.

You won't find it. At best, you will come back with something from Mediaite claiming equal viral load, but ignoring the fact that vaccinated people are sick for a shorter period of time. Or maybe someone comparing the first infection of a vaccinated person to the second infection of an unvaccinated. What you will not find is a peer reviewed paper claiming that the first infection of a vaccinated person spreads the same as the first infection of an unvaccinated person.
Some of us don't need a peer reviewed study to understand that the "vaccine" (actually a prophylactic therapeutic) didn't prevent transmission. We experienced it and saw it with our own eyes. We used our own critical thinking and don't need someone to tell us something is true for false. That having been said, if the CDC Director admits it, why do you need another expert's opinion to convince you?

Odd that things can't be true unless they're peer reviewed. Another example of academic arrogance and elitism.
Censorship Is What They Demand When Their Propaganda Fails
When elites start demanding the silencing of their opponents, it's a sign that people have stopped believing the Big Lie

Over the last six months, Public and Racket have published a comprehensive website and report on the Censorship Industrial Complex. What is the Complex? It’s a network of government agencies, government-funded NGOs, and mainstream news organizations demanding censorship of views and individuals they don’t like.
But censorship is just the final stage of a broader government propaganda and “disinformation” operation. And it often betrays the fears of the government and other societal elites that the Big Lie is no longer believable.

Consider the war on the lab leak theory of Covid's origin. It started with a campaign of lies aimed at smearing honest scientists and journalists as "conspiracy theorists" and "racists" for pointing out that the virus appeared to have been engineered.
By the time Facebook caved into the pressure from government propagandists and censored the New York Post and many others for simply raising the possibility of a lab leak, the US government's "disinformation campaign" was well underway.
In other words, government officials start by promoting a Big Lie — e.g., Covid couldn't have come from a lab, the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinfo," Trump colluded with the Russians, etc. — and then demand censorship.
The Censorship Industrial Complex is thus part of a broader government propaganda and cover-up operation.
What’s more, demands for social media censorship by government officials and government-funded “think tanks” is often the most visible manifestation, and final stage, of a broader disinformation-and-cover-up operation.
As such, in addition to being outraged by growing demands for social media censorship, we should also view them as opportunities to expose a Big Lie. The key is to distrust every reason given for censorship. In many, if not most, instances, there is hidden reason.
Now that the evidence is overwhelmingly on the side of a lab leak, US government officials are claiming, "We may never know" covid's origin — repeating the claim by Anthony Fauci, who sent coronavirus gain of function research to China, and who is thus heavily implicated by the lab leak theory.
It was always as racist, if not more racist, to claim that the virus came from Chinese people eating bats or pangolins from wet markets. And yet reporters at The New York Times and other publications repeated the slur by government scientists and demanded censorship.
And so, when officials demand that Facebook censor lab leak theory, we should ask if it might be because they, or their allies, contributed to a lab leak.
And when they demand YouTube censor "hate speech," we should ask if it might be because they themselves are spreading hate speech of their political enemies.
Think about it. There's zero evidence of any measurable increase of hate speech in any of the places where elites are demanding censorship of it. It's clear that the elites running the Censorship Industrial Complex are demanding censorship of the people they hate.
We caught multiple media outlets lying about a supposed increase in anti-Semitism. We found they were labeling criticisms of George Soros, which didn’t mention his background, as "anti-Semitic," which is not only inaccurate but also unethical, insulting, and dangerous.
Would you be surprised to learn that Soros' Open Society Foundations funds the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, the censorship advocacy organization that produced the junk report claiming an increase in anti-Semitism?
In sum, the government-funded and government-created Censorship Industrial Complex is also a government propaganda ("disinformation") and cover-up operation that uses ostensibly independent validators like the Institute for Strategic Dialogue to spread disinformation and demand censorship.
And so, yes, the Censorship Industrial Complex is… complex. But it's complex for a reason: governmental elites want to make it hard for ordinary people to track what they are doing.
Thus, while it's terrifying that governments are cracking down on free speech, it's also proof that they are losing control. The Censorship Industrial Complex is the counter-revolution of the elites to the revolt of the public.
But it can’t succeed. People simply love freedom too much. And the truth has a way of getting out.
And now, having created a website and report that call out the censorship organizations by name, and explain what they are doing, Public and Racket have teamed up with Russell Brand to launch our campaign to tear down the Censorship Industrial Complex.
We launch in a little over three hours from now. Let’s go!
Interesting. I’d also wonder how their schools performed and the effect the pandemic had on mental health.

No learning loss according to this study.
I remember someone on this forum who was pretty sure Sweden was screwing the pooch. They had bars and restaurants open as well which we all know was the source of every covid outbreak ;)

It really is amazing how bad our leadership was. Pretty much every idea was terrible and we are still feeling the consequences.

If you looked at the data clear patterns emerged early on.
-the vast majority of people had no risk
-there was no reason to shutter schools. young people have no actual risk
-we knew masks didnt work
- and while initially we hoped the vaxxes would do as promised...early on one could see what they couldnt do...and that was stop the spread or stop someone vaxxed from getting it.
I remember someone on this forum who was pretty sure Sweden was screwing the pooch. They had bars and restaurants open as well which we all know was the source of every covid outbreak ;)

It really is amazing how bad our leadership was. Pretty much every idea was terrible and we are still feeling the consequences.

If you looked at the data clear patterns emerged early on.
-the vast majority of people had no risk
-there was no reason to shutter schools. young people have no actual risk
-we knew masks didnt work
- and while initially we hoped the vaxxes would do as promised...early on one could see what they couldnt do...and that was stop the spread or stop someone vaxxed from getting it.
If I were to dumb it down to one concept I'd say it is the difference between "street smarts and book smarts". Maybe "common sense vs. scientific theory". It's a consequence of the misguided idea that the academic elite know what's best for us, despite the fact, they've never had to deal with the real world in their insulated environment. The most troubling part of this, is the belief that they know what's best for our children, which has only led to significant harm.
This about say's it all folks. I tried to warn EVERYONE I know not to take the Jabs. I lost friendships over this big lie. I was called names. I was locked out of working and lost all my money because of this scam. My daughter was blocked entry into college opportunities. So far I know of at least 10 people who died after taking the jabs. I know a few soccer players who have heart conditions and cannot play soccer this year and most likely never again. I keep waking up every morning SMFH wondering how the smartest people I know obeyed these liars commands. Mask, 6 feet away from others and you better take every jab and booster I tell you to take or you're fired! Parents told their kids to get fully jabbed so they can attend Big U and play on the YNT. PAY-FOR-PLAY was no joke. I love you all and together we can Make America Great Again and NEVER let this ever happen again. If you want to obey these sickos and follow their rules, go right ahead. We all have to make choices in life and live with them.

Mount Shasta sure is a magical place. I was able to spend time out in nature and just detox from all the back and forth with stupid people online. I really do care for the kids and females. I am 100% committed to helping Make America Great Again. I will not argue with fools anymore. God Bless you all and God Bless our beautiful and wonderful country.

These people are Witches, Warlocks and Demons that love to kill life. Whether it's War, Murder, Abortion, Mutilating little kids bodies, lying, cheating and stealing life is all they love to do. They buy humans and then bribe them to do whatever they want they to say and do. PAY-FOR-PLAY is why were in this mess. Blackmail is how they really get people to do their bidding. This is going to be a very "HOT" summer. Stock up on goods and supplies.
