If you want to find a meaningful signature in excess deaths vis-a-vis covid you'll need to bracket your time frame pretty tightly. Like what people have done with India April-June 2021. Or to a lesser extent Sweden March-June, 2020. And if you want to do it in a comparative way everybody gets to pick their favorite variable and its a hot mess. For Europe summer 2022 literally. For "heat wave" I had my 9 yr old pick her favorite between the indie band Glass Animals and Martha and the Vandellas. She ultimately went with the newer stuff but she did have to think about it. That's my own little psyop.
Now on Crush's meme my impression, which could be wrong, is that the work rate of our outside influencers has fallen off a bit. There was a time, a year ago or so, when disinfo on vaccines and mis-carriages would have been immediately followed up with some kind of replacement theory thing. Like the Bronze Age Thor guy with the gold hair and beard masquerading as Adonis too sexy for his shirt talking about his staying power. Something like that. But now, nothing really. And for some reason the good guys and bad guys often now have the same AI generated face style. Hard to tell them apart that way. So I don't know. Maybe on replacement theory the whole testicle tanning thing made it so stupid that people started laughing for the wrong reasons. Or, more likely, we are now looking at the B team with respect to vaccines and the A team is off following behind the traffic on elections. A much higher value target.