He picked Atlas. You might think he’s wrong but he’s the elected rep and it’s his choice to make.
Executives delegate to the appointed or direct hires, 100%.
He picked Atlas. You might think he’s wrong but he’s the elected rep and it’s his choice to make.
The electorate is not informed. It’s sheeple susceptible to the most ludicrous propaganda on both sides. There are some rational people mostly on the center of both parties, but they are shouted down by the sheeple and their leaders are corrupted.
No the main charge is she surreptitiously worked to reverse the stated goal of the administration (which was to remove Covid restrictions) by undermining it from the inside. And it’s not even a charge. She’s not only admitted to it but is proud of having done it.The main charge is that Birx withheld information from the man who declined to read his own intelligence briefings?
She could have typed it all up and pushed it under his nose. He wouldn't have read it anyway.
Your main complaint is that she was for restrictions and you are opposed to them.No the main charge is she surreptitiously worked to reverse the stated goal of the administration (which was to remove Covid restrictions) by undermining it from the inside. And it’s not even a charge. She’s not only admitted to it but is proud of having done it.
You’ve taught us how much you love to put words into peoples mouthsYour main complaint is that she was for restrictions and you are opposed to them.
The rest is a Grace summary of someone else’s words. You have taught us that those aren’t worth much.
My concern is the increasing trend to separate ourselves physically and socially from those who believe differently. More than ever, we appear to be willing to demean and dismiss those who disagree with us on a single point. We have already seen the split of journalism based on ideological bias. If what is happening at the CDC and NIH is true - people are leaving due to "bad science" - it only increases the chances of more "bad science". Diversity of thought is not desired or promoted. I'd guess (we'll see) that many who have moved from the heavily "blue" states - NY, CA, etc. - are the more moderate ones, further reducing the diversity of thought. And, as much as we want to think science is above biases, the problem is there is no science without people and people have biases. The Atlantic article below had some interesting points about why left-wing authoritarianism was missed. The findings themselves are interesting, but I think more significantly in terms of the importance of the diversity of thought was the following.
"That psychologists have been slow to acknowledge the existence of left-wing authoritarians at all is “puzzling,” Costello and his colleagues write. But here, I would argue, is where the pronounced leftward orientation of researchers in social psychology comes in. “Academic psychology once had considerable political diversity, but has lost nearly all of it in the last 50 years,” according to a comprehensive 2014 review. Universities have long tilted to the left, but that tendency has deepened as education has become ever more highly correlated with political ideology. Whatever its origin, this political imbalance makes truth-seeking harder. Studies have repeatedly shown that investigators’ sociopolitical views influence the questions they ask. What’s more, ideologically concordant reviewers are more likely to rate abstracts and papers highly if the findings comport with their own beliefs, all else being equal."
The Experts Somehow Overlooked Authoritarians on the Left
Many psychologists wrongly assumed that coercive attitudes exist only among conservatives.www.theatlantic.com
From the de facto leader of the trump wingIs "boomer" supposed to be some sort of insult? Is google a tool of the devil?
It's going to be in the eye of the beholder, whether she's a hero or a traitor. The ethical thing to do would have been for her to come forward with her allegations if it was as serious as she claimed instead of trying to secretly undermine an elected leader.No the main charge is she surreptitiously worked to reverse the stated goal of the administration (which was to remove Covid restrictions) by undermining it from the inside. And it’s not even a charge. She’s not only admitted to it but is proud of having done it.
Anyone else seeing a small wave of Covid in their neck of the woods? I'm seeing it here in SD. Symptoms are mild, don't know if that's a function of those infected being fully boosted or the virus strain, or combination of both. With the exception of one (who is very immuno compromised), all the infections are for "first timers".
It's going to be in the eye of the beholder, whether she's a hero or a traitor. The ethical thing to do would have been for her to come forward with her allegations if it was as serious as she claimed instead of trying to secretly undermine an elected leader.
You're definitely seeing this division between elected leaders and bureaucrats with the right tending to side with the elected (because that's how democracy is supposed to work) and the left tending to side with the bureaucrat (because they have the experience and often the training).
Maybe if we elected more competent leaders this wouldn't be as much of an issue.
Yeah, it’s kind of all over the place. It’s been building for a couple of months now.Anyone else seeing a small wave of Covid in their neck of the woods? I'm seeing it here in SD. Symptoms are mild, don't know if that's a function of those infected being fully boosted or the virus strain, or combination of both. With the exception of one (who is very immuno compromised), all the infections are for "first timers".
Dad4 gives DeSantis credit for a good elderly vaccination campaign and a solid effort to minimize spread within that community.If the waste water numbers are to believed its actually a huge wave just slightly less than the one we had this winter. It's just not producing hospitalizations on par with prior waves.
What "competent" is is the eye of the beholder. I doubt dad4 would have regarded a President DeSantis as being competent during COVID and I certainly wouldn't have regarded President Newsom as competent. The only difference now is we have the Trump is crazy/Biden is senile excuse....it's not really a valid excuse
Yes....yes it could. The GOP could do a whole lot worse.
Endemic. We will never get to zero covid and we will never get to 100% immunized. It's likely you are prepared to mask indoors and eat outdoors for a very long time - which is fine and your choice. But this is endemic, here to stay.Yeah, it’s kind of all over the place. It’s been building for a couple of months now.
That long flat spot a month back wasn’t actually flat. Vanilla omicron was dropping, and BA.5 was growing. The sum looked flat, but the parts were not.
Now that vanilla omicron is mostly gone, cases are going up, because that’s what BA.5 is doing.
I don’t know how high it will go. For now I’m not doing any more than masking up indoors and picking an outdoor table.
There is a difference between seeing one as incompetent and disagreeing with their policies. Of course, the extreme on both ends are always going to consider the other candidate as incompetent. In some ways qualified may be a better term. Trump is not qualified based on his character and his actions after the loss, Biden is unqualified based on his lack of response to all issues that have faced him and his senility. Although its easy to scapegoat Biden's mental capacity, when its actually his policies that are the biggest issue and that fact that he has surrounded himself with people based on identity and not skill. The senility is more an optic problem currently. His senility though could become a much more serious issue. But let's be honest, we've had to choose the lesser of two evils for a number of election cycles.What "competent" is is the eye of the beholder. I doubt dad4 would have regarded a President DeSantis as being competent during COVID and I certainly wouldn't have regarded President Newsom as competent. The only difference now is we have the Trump is crazy/Biden is senile excuse....it's not really a valid excuse
I'm actually more optimistic than you are for our Country. Every generation has had their cross to bear and sometimes you have to hit rock bottom. I think the parent vote is going to return us to more logical times.
Fortunately I missed the window by a couple years.From the de facto leader of the trump wing
The baby boomers are the most spoiled, most self-centered, most narcissistic generation the country's ever produced.
Steve Bannon
Your logic on precautions is more than a little off. You claim that there was no need for post-test precautions since she was contagious before the test, too.Endemic. We will never get to zero covid and we will never get to 100% immunized. It's likely you are prepared to mask indoors and eat outdoors for a very long time - which is fine and your choice. But this is endemic, here to stay.
The good news is that presenting symptoms for the latest and greatest are rather mild and easily treated with traditional methods. Neighbor tested positive a few weeks ago after coming back from a super spreader event in Denver...layered treament protocol, negative test 5 days after positive home test. No fever, tired, muscle soreness. She was vaxxed, not boosted, entire household has had covid, only one other in the house is vaxxed, but not boosted. She did not wear a mask inside the house. Only thing done differently was she slept in spare bedroom once postive..which is silly since she was contagious prior to testing positive and would have infected hubby and rugrats then. No one else in the household of 4 tested postive or bothered to test.
Likely the story of many households across the country.
My claim? you just love to twist words around..you are like a ballerina - fluttering aboutYour logic on precautions is more than a little off. You claim that there was no need for post-test precautions since she was contagious before the test, too.
By that argument, there was nothing wrong with sending recovering covid patients back to nursing homes. After all, the other nursing home residents must have been been exposed prior to the positive test, right?
That system doesn’t work.