The old guard and system is breaking a part because I told you all it would years ago. You all laughed at me, some ignored me, some shunned me and some even threaten Hear more advice if you can read and feel at the same time. Get ready for a very long, hot, hungry, angry, full of rage and dangerous Summer, all brought to you buy The Lying Libs and their Cheating Chumps WHO hated Trump so much, they spied, cheated and stole and then pinned it on the one they spied, cheated and stole from. Wow, that is some crazy ass shit!!! The rest of us are all stuck in the middle and the middle is WHO doen't like and WHO would like them gone so the WHO and the Globalist ((same as Elitist)) can rule the world. What a movie. It's come down to a war, Patriots vs the Globalist. Get the popcorn out and be safe everyone but pay attention. This new phase is where your choice will matter a lot and who you will spend the rest of your time with and maybe your next chance at birth and to do better. Many of you at this time will not stay and play for free because you think pay to play is good. Trust me, stay and play for free. This place will rock!!!