
I think those parents are just the vocal minority. If 5-11 is only 28% partially vaccinated, I don't see 0-5 getting much past 10%.

My teen kids weren't opposed to vaccination and my daughter was required to for her community service work. She had concerning side effects. None of us are interested in boosters and my daughter's prospective college is not requiring boosters.

My wife and other females we know had concerning side effects as well, led us not to get it for our teen daughter, will cross the public school/college bridge when/if required to. Wish her all the best in the future.
Thanks for clarifying. My bad, I misheard what the Today Show said. Anyway it seems like a distinction without difference. My point still stands, not a huge demand for kids to get vaccinated.

It's about 6 months since the 5-11 roll out (last Nov as I recall). The equivalent %s for older Americans for at least one pop with a much harder push are ~75% I think. Interpret it as you will.
My wife and other females we know had concerning side effects as well, led us not to get it for our teen daughter, will cross the public school/college bridge when/if required to. Wish her all the best in the future.
Thanks, the college process has been brutal, but in a "first world problems" sort of way. I wish you all the best in the college process!
They far left just can't help shooting themselves in the foot - again and again. They continue to move farther and farther away from the true center and are too busy enjoying the smell of their own flatulence to notice.
Desperate people do desperate things. The best way to combat misinformation is with open debate. That's the biggest fundamental difference now between the left and right is their approach to free speech. Left thinks what they perceive as "misinformation" should be silenced and, in some cases, punished.
Good point! Maybe not change minds but it is funny to see some of those with strong opinions in the beginning have sort of faded away as more and more research is finally coming out

There is also an effect where the discussion-to the extent the term ever meaningfully applied-has virtually completely devolved to politicking. No additional research is being presented. I do keep watching.
It's about 6 months since the 5-11 roll out (last Nov as I recall). The equivalent %s for older Americans for at least one pop with a much harder push are ~75% I think. Interpret it as you will.
Which raises the question as to why a "harder push" was necessary, a vaccine should sell itself as opposed to be coerced. It seems that your facts would suggest that there is not much "organic" demand for the vaccine. At least that's how I interpret it.
Which raises the question as to why a "harder push" was necessary, a vaccine should sell itself as opposed to be coerced. It seems that your facts would suggest that there is not much "organic" demand for the vaccine. At least that's how I interpret it.

Demand is largely a function of policy and that is not something I'm interested in the context of this thread. There is no point.
Desperate people do desperate things. The best way to combat misinformation is with open debate. That's the biggest fundamental difference now between the left and right is their approach to free speech. Left thinks what they perceive as "misinformation" should be silenced and, in some cases, punished.
Also, authoritarian measures push people away and to the other extreme. It is divisive plank to add to their platform but some people just can't live with others having a different perspective. I'm just a bit shocked after all the self-inflicted harm about "misinformation" that this is the road they are taking.
Demand is largely a function of policy and that is not something I'm interested in the context of this thread. There is no point.
Demand is actually mostly a function of the quality of a product. Of course, pet rocks were pretty popular for a time period in the 70's, so FOMO plays a roll too.
Demand is actually mostly a function of the quality of a product. Of course, pet rocks were pretty popular for a time period in the 70's, so FOMO plays a roll too.
100%. A good product sells itself. I can count 4 people I know who got clots in their blood. All of them are on blood thinner and one got a widow attack. Also know two people that died of natural causes under 50 years old and over 5 people who got fired for saying no to this BS.
There is also an effect where the discussion-to the extent the term ever meaningfully applied-has virtually completely devolved to politicking. No additional research is being presented. I do keep watching.

Where were you the past couple years?

Heavy politicking began on day one of the pandemic and ramped up for the election. I'd say much needed scientific and medical research was either not conducted or suppressed or both because of politics - hell, just follow the life cycle of the death and case number counters that were plastered all over the news 24/7.....then one day just disappeared.

I'm sorry, the science and medical communities drained all their credibility with this one.
Where were you the past couple years?

Heavy politicking began on day one of the pandemic and ramped up for the election. I'd say much needed scientific and medical research was either not conducted or suppressed or both because of politics - hell, just follow the life cycle of the death and case number counters that were plastered all over the news 24/7.....then one day just disappeared.

I'm sorry, the science and medical communities drained all their credibility with this one.
There was also this rush by "experts" to be relevant which resulted in speculative opinions and then each side would cherry pick the opinions that supported their position (guilty as charged). Some experts where inherently biased while some offered their opinions in good faith but just turned out to be wrong. Arrogance played a roll in a lot of it. There was an "ivory tower" element to a lot of the guidance.
Demand is actually mostly a function of the quality of a product. Of course, pet rocks were pretty popular for a time period in the 70's, so FOMO plays a roll too.

Partly. It's been interesting to me to learn more with how disinfo campaigns get structured and then, through a limited number of venues, injected into social media. Reading about that and then seeing related meme showing up on, for example, this site. So I do not completely buy your argument. This form of negative advertising works and, as a bonus for the money, achieves longer term purposes.

I have also criticized the scientific community, which in reality is largely divorced-and should be divorced-from policy, for getting caught flatfooted in the new information warfare. Some of the new kids are learning to fight back, and it is good to see. One vaccine researcher in particular got linked here a couple of times (not by me). She got doxxed somewhere between delta and omicron and her family was threatened. But she has kept going. She fights with flowers, very effectively.
Partly. It's been interesting to me to learn more with how disinfo campaigns get structured and then, through a limited number of venues, injected into social media. Reading about that and then seeing related meme showing up on, for example, this site. So I do not completely buy your argument. This form of negative advertising works and, as a bonus for the money, achieves longer term purposes.

I have also criticized the scientific community, which in reality is largely divorced-and should be divorced-from policy, for getting caught flatfooted in the new information warfare. Some of the new kids are learning to fight back, and it is good to see. One vaccine researcher in particular got linked here a couple of times (not by me). She got doxxed somewhere between delta and omicron and her family was threatened. But she has kept going. She fights with flowers, very effectively.
Negative advertising and misinformation works, but not in the long term. The truth eventually prevails over time as a result of reality, although it has taken a lot longer in the case of Covid. It should obvious to all, but the most myopic or fearful, that the costs of the policies have far outweighed the benefits and we may have only seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of costs. My only caveat to that would be if Covid infection has some devastating impact to individuals that shows up later, which doesn't seem likely, but is not impossible and is of no consolation to the rare long-haulers.

No one should be doxxed or canceled for their opinions, other than for promoting violence or crime. Nor should we have a selective group that determines what is the truth for the masses.

It's become a pejorative term for whatever reason, but I consider myself a free speech absolutist. Misinformation is free speech, but that's why we have debate and free speech to combat it. Free speech is a two street, but many are trying to turn into a one way straight. (See Twitter for example). Now while I believe you have the right to see whatever you want, you also have a responsibility not to say whatever you want in a civil society.
Also, authoritarian measures push people away and to the other extreme. It is divisive plank to add to their platform but some people just can't live with others having a different perspective. I'm just a bit shocked after all the self-inflicted harm about "misinformation" that this is the road they are taking.
I think its called "doubling down" they can't flip and make a difference before November so it might be there only option. As I've said before Trump was a knee jerk reaction to Obama, and Biden was a knee jerk reaction to Trump. Biden is an unmitigated disaster, but hey, at least its not Trump, or that's how the left rationalizes it.