
I have no time to watch 41 minutes Evil. It look's weird but that is what your crew is to me. Weird fetishes and weird way to be but I love you. I can live with you if you stop mandating the bio jab and give people their jobs back so they can live and be free. This has gone way to far. Lot's of arrest will be coming and let's see how you behave on here. HPS!
You’re a fraud plain and simple. You also are most likely projecting which puts you in some dark places. You are a mess, stop bouncing between your multiple accounts and seek help.
You’re a fraud plain and simple.
I am a fraud? Prove it. Fraud is the hardest thing to prove and that is why 98% of all court cases get settled in a back and dark room. According to my PMs and Kicking and Screaming, I am authentic and many are rooting for me. Happy Palm Sunday and no, I am not projecting my darkness on here. I do have some fun fantasies that my wife and I are exploring. We are ONE and we can do whatever the two of us like. We have the most authentic marriage I know. We are super HOT and we are super open. I'm the one who has the fetishes but she plays with me. You crack me up Husker. Let today bring you love and light and true happiness.
You are a mess, stop bouncing between your multiple accounts and seek help.
Ok smart Husker. You go ahead and take your jabs, pills and orders from these men.
I am a fraud and a mess is classic. t lives in your head and you came on boasting about taking the jabs and all the boosters and that HRC is a lovely human and JB and Hunter should become Saints. All you have done is lie and you project that I am a fraud. I bet Golden Gate will be back to bitch slap me again. Espola has me on ignore so now you decide to call me a mess and a fraudster. Do you read what you actually write?
I have no idea how much Pharma interaction you have. Pharma is unlike any other industry. We are one of 2 countries on the planet that allows pharma advertisement. The regulatory framework of this country in respect to pharma is what drives these companies to place their HQs here. I'm sure you've heard of vioxx. There are others out there but vioxx is a pretty good case study on how pharma is not like any other industry.

Let me know the next time you go and see your primary care. Take notice of how much attention he/she is paying to you when you are describing whatever ails you. Also ask them to let you take a peek at the screen they are looking at on their laptop or tablet while they are listening to you describe your little aches, pains, discomfort. You may be suprised at what you see.

There are still good primary care providers out there...more and more are turning to the pharma playbook for your care. There is a drug for everything these days, even it's neutral or bad for you.

Not all drugs are bad, but many are. Pharma isn't a public health entity, they are a money making venture.

I had a regular visit just last week. In that setting, both for the primary and the specialists, the doctor sits at a desk in a corner of the room and I sit in a chair to one side. I can see everything he enters on my chart. In addition to that, I can view the contents of the chart including the doctor's descriptions of my condition, prescriptions written, and any suggestions for follow-on visits on my patient status page on the internet.
Fauci says people should decide 'individual risk' for COVID, reverting back to masks possible
Fauci urged Congress to provide funding for tests, drugs and vaccines

"What's going to happen is that we're going to see that each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk ((FEAR!!)) that they want to take in going to indoor dinner is going to functions even within the realm of a green zone," Fauci said during an appearance on ABC’s "This Week" on Sunday. "It’s going to be a person's decision about the individual risk ((FEAR)) they're going to take."

"We're at that point where in many respects … we're going to have to live with some degree of virus ((FEAR)) in the community," he added.

"It was said that if we do start seeing an uptick, particularly of hospitalizations, we may need to revert back ((Take it to the bank)) to being more careful ((Lockdowns maybe and mask and force Jab or no school for kids)) and having more utilizations of masks indoors," Fauci said. "But right now, we're watching it very, very carefully and there is concern ((I bet)) that it's going up, but hopefully we're not going to see increased severity."

Fauci praised the level of vaccination ((expetp for folks like crush and those who support no vax mandate and lose livelihood)) and precaution among Americans, but he cautioned that people need to remain aware of the waning immunity that occurs over time. ((Yes, my pal has been jabbed thwice and all boosters. He is sick every month now. It wans so fast he just schedules his next booster at the Docs office)).
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The last straw to pull is for Liz to file Criminal Charges on t and get us all in more wars. I know Husker and Espola love Liz. You guys are both on record to say you would vote for her. Who do you think she has to cover for fellas? "Go get him Liz. Stop this evil man from finding out all the secrets of the past and what are real plan was if HRC was the Lord. I know I would be in a FEMA camp or hiding in a beach cave. t saved us and our Military from all of us being forced to take this bat and snake shit. It's a fact t saved the world. I dodged a bullet and I will be thanking t and all the folks like him who saw the truth and know the truth. Husker, you are a mess and i can help you.
Fear and Projecting unto others your thoughts is why were all in a big mess and it can cause relationships to fail, because of thoughts in one's head. Husker has TDS and CDS. He thinks I'm the only mess in town and I am a fraudster. All I do is share my mess on here and from the heart.

This Dr. Oz and endorsement from t is causing a big roar, a huff and some puffs. I had someone ask me what is a Qanon. It's Q and Anons. Husker is a Qanon.

I had a regular visit just last week. In that setting, both for the primary and the specialists, the doctor sits at a desk in a corner of the room and I sit in a chair to one side. I can see everything he enters on my chart. In addition to that, I can view the contents of the chart including the doctor's descriptions of my condition, prescriptions written, and any suggestions for follow-on visits on my patient status page on the internet.
you have a keeper.
"Elon has decided not to join our board," Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal tweeted. "I sent a brief note to the company."

My read on this is Elon buy 51% and then he will run the whole show Parag.
Your article refers to “certain disorders spiked after the vaccine mandate went into effect, including miscarriages and cancers, and neurological problems which increased by 1000 percent.”

You expect us to believe that we had a ten fold increase in cancer and neurological disorders among vaccine recipients, but no one noticed? Ten fold increase, caused by a shot received by 2/3 of the population.

So, this epidemic of cancers and miscarriages has been going on for over a year. At a rate 10X as high as 2 years ago. You’d think someone in oncology would notice the fact that they are a wee bit overworked recently.

People tend to notice when their workload increases tenfold. There is that moment when you look up and think “I haven’t had a day off in seven months. Maybe something is wrong…”

Golly. It’s one humdinger of a mystery. Wonder how they kept it hidden for so long.

You're not asked to believe anything, I just presented Court testimony from a Military Doctor - obviously, you'll do what you want with the information.
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The last straw to pull is for Liz to file Criminal Charges on t and get us all in more wars. I know Husker and Espola love Liz. You guys are both on record to say you would vote for her. Who do you think she has to cover for fellas? "Go get him Liz. Stop this evil man from finding out all the secrets of the past and what are real plan was if HRC was the Lord. I know I would be in a FEMA camp or hiding in a beach cave. t saved us and our Military from all of us being forced to take this bat and snake shit. It's a fact t saved the world. I dodged a bullet and I will be thanking t and all the folks like him who saw the truth and know the truth. Husker, you are a mess and i can help you.

Let me guess, bogus charges from a sham (d) Congressional committee prior to getting crushed in the midterms - no one saw this coming.
You're not asked to believe anything, I just presented Court testimony from a Military Doctor - obviously, you'll do what you want with the information.
One big time CEO of big pharmy say's anyone spreading misinformation about his vaccine is a criminal. He decides as does his fact checkers what is misinformation and you can;t appeal to anyone.
Let me know the next time you go and see your primary care. Also ask them to let you take a peek at the screen

I largely agree with you. Dr's pushing pills. opioid crisis case in point. Any new prescription, everyone should definitely check it out. If one avoids the worm holes (in the case of ivermectin, literally) there is good information for decision making. The other thing people may not know is that for over the counters, the recommended dosage is likely to be way higher than the maximum physiologically effective dose for the active ingredient.

Medicine is in tough shape. People have to be their own advocates. Our family is lucky in that we have pretty good insight into who the good Dr's are in our area. Their take is that the biggest problem locally is doing good medicine at scale, like with tons of people. With human and physical infrastructure straining at the seams. That and people trying to figure out how to navigate the system for anything that falls outside basic stuff.

My parents, who are getting on, live in the panhandle of FLA, and it is definitely worse there. Predatory is the word that comes to mind. Had to go out there last month to help deconvolve Dr. jabberwocky. And yes, I did cell phone snap the file on the screen. Based on the info, google up their decision making tree. Make sure all the relevant tests necessary for the decision making process are being done.
I largely agree with you. Dr's pushing pills. opioid crisis case in point. Any new prescription, everyone should definitely check it out. If one avoids the worm holes (in the case of ivermectin, literally) there is good information for decision making. The other thing people may not know is that for over the counters, the recommended dosage is likely to be way higher than the maximum physiologically effective dose for the active ingredient.

Medicine is in tough shape. People have to be their own advocates. Our family is lucky in that we have pretty good insight into who the good Dr's are in our area. Their take is that the biggest problem locally is doing good medicine at scale, like with tons of people. With human and physical infrastructure straining at the seams. That and people trying to figure out how to navigate the system for anything that falls outside basic stuff.

My parents, who are getting on, live in the panhandle of FLA, and it is definitely worse there. Predatory is the word that comes to mind. Had to go out there last month to help deconvolve Dr. jabberwocky. And yes, I did cell phone snap the file on the screen. Based on the info, google up their decision making tree. Make sure all the relevant tests necessary for the decision making process are being done.
Are you a Pharmacist? Sales Rep for Big Pharma? I used to have to go find sales people at college jobs fair in the late 90s as a sales manager for Yellow Pages. These were our brightest and best and I was told by my boss to go find some talent with degrees. She was old school and said only hire those with degrees. I told I don't have a degree and she asked how I got hired. I said I got hired because the #1 salesman in the company was my best friend and his word got me in. I was the only one without a degree. I got to know her boss ((The CEO)) and he loved me. I told him my story of hard knocks and I had no degree and I was one of the top reps as well and now top sales manager. He allowed me to hire a waitress who was a single mom that answered my ad in Riverside. I loved her but my boss was all, "She has no degree, she smokes and she will fail." I went over her because of my gut and my intuition. Her boss agreed and I was top manager. I ended up hiring her best friend whose husband left her with three kids. Strong JW and knew how to knock doors. I also hired a Mormon fella who lost his wife to cancer and his job the same year. These reps helped me when a trip and lot's of cash. This YP company had huge turnover and I fixed it, by thinking outside the box. Thought I would be authentic with you Evil :)
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I largely agree with you. Dr's pushing pills. opioid crisis case in point. Any new prescription, everyone should definitely check it out. If one avoids the worm holes (in the case of ivermectin, literally) there is good information for decision making. The other thing people may not know is that for over the counters, the recommended dosage is likely to be way higher than the maximum physiologically effective dose for the active ingredient.

Medicine is in tough shape. People have to be their own advocates. Our family is lucky in that we have pretty good insight into who the good Dr's are in our area. Their take is that the biggest problem locally is doing good medicine at scale, like with tons of people. With human and physical infrastructure straining at the seams. That and people trying to figure out how to navigate the system for anything that falls outside basic stuff.

My parents, who are getting on, live in the panhandle of FLA, and it is definitely worse there. Predatory is the word that comes to mind. Had to go out there last month to help deconvolve Dr. jabberwocky. And yes, I did cell phone snap the file on the screen. Based on the info, google up their decision making tree. Make sure all the relevant tests necessary for the decision making process are being done.
No doubt the system is difficult to navigate. OTC, behind OTC, and RX is a shit show, always has been. Providers are best when they are able to leverage their experience and familiarity with their patient to provide the best comphrensive care. In the case of ivm, it's been OK anectodally, when managed. No cases I've ever heard where rx ivm went south. It's either been good outcomes or neutral outcome. Obviously not enough data to be impactful - but happens with many treatment options and recommendations for any ailment.

I suppose my point is that Pharma is a dominant influence in public health, and we let it get there.