I largely agree with you. Dr's pushing pills. opioid crisis case in point. Any new prescription, everyone should definitely check it out. If one avoids the worm holes (in the case of ivermectin, literally) there is good information for decision making. The other thing people may not know is that for over the counters, the recommended dosage is likely to be way higher than the maximum physiologically effective dose for the active ingredient.
Medicine is in tough shape. People have to be their own advocates. Our family is lucky in that we have pretty good insight into who the good Dr's are in our area. Their take is that the biggest problem locally is doing good medicine at scale, like with tons of people. With human and physical infrastructure straining at the seams. That and people trying to figure out how to navigate the system for anything that falls outside basic stuff.
My parents, who are getting on, live in the panhandle of FLA, and it is definitely worse there. Predatory is the word that comes to mind. Had to go out there last month to help deconvolve Dr. jabberwocky. And yes, I did cell phone snap the file on the screen. Based on the info, google up their decision making tree. Make sure all the relevant tests necessary for the decision making process are being done.