
New Jersey to require 2nd graders learn about gender identity in fall, alarming parents
Sample NJ lesson plan says, 'You might feel like you're a boy even if you have body parts that some people ((Yes sir, we know who those some bitches might tell you are 'girl' parts'

Wow, sex ed has taken a new turn. I feel like a woman sometimes but have body parts as a man. I see myself in mirror and I see a man, but I feel like a woman sometimes.

It’s that lack of accountability thing the cult loves.
Hey drunk ass... You're just like your BFF. Anything that requires effort, in this case going to the Baseball thread, is to difficult for you. How you make it through a day...

Seriously... stop drinking. You're just looking foolish.
Your article refers to “certain disorders spiked after the vaccine mandate went into effect, including miscarriages and cancers, and neurological problems which increased by 1000 percent.”

You expect us to believe that we had a ten fold increase in cancer and neurological disorders among vaccine recipients, but no one noticed? Ten fold increase, caused by a shot received by 2/3 of the population.

So, this epidemic of cancers and miscarriages has been going on for over a year. At a rate 10X as high as 2 years ago. You’d think someone in oncology would notice the fact that they are a wee bit overworked recently.

People tend to notice when their workload increases tenfold. There is that moment when you look up and think “I haven’t had a day off in seven months. Maybe something is wrong…”

Golly. It’s one humdinger of a mystery. Wonder how they kept it hidden for so long.
One of my former employees wife, who's cancer was in remission, is now in the ICU. Yes, she was vaxed and boosted. Cancer has returned.

The media and government say the first known hospitalization due to covid was in December of 19. My son was diagnosed with an unknown form of covid in September of 19. Ten days at Hoag... he got it from his fiance.

One of my riding/racing buddies came down with a bad case of shingles. Dude is in his thirties, and vaxed.

These are all personal. People I know. So played out across the country these cases would be exponentially higher.

But hey. Our government would never lie...
Your article refers to “certain disorders spiked after the vaccine mandate went into effect, including miscarriages and cancers, and neurological problems which increased by 1000 percent.”

You expect us to believe that we had a ten fold increase in cancer and neurological disorders among vaccine recipients, but no one noticed? Ten fold increase, caused by a shot received by 2/3 of the population.

So, this epidemic of cancers and miscarriages has been going on for over a year. At a rate 10X as high as 2 years ago. You’d think someone in oncology would notice the fact that they are a wee bit overworked recently.

People tend to notice when their workload increases tenfold. There is that moment when you look up and think “I haven’t had a day off in seven months. Maybe something is wrong…”

Golly. It’s one humdinger of a mystery. Wonder how they kept it hidden for so long.
One of my former employees wife, who's cancer was in remission, is now in the ICU. Yes, she was vaxed and boosted. Cancer has returned.

The media and government say the first known hospitalization due to covid was in December of 19. My son was diagnosed with an unknown form of covid in September of 19. Ten days at Hoag... he got it from his fiance.

One of my riding/racing buddies came down with a bad case of shingles. Dude is in his thirties, and vaxed.

These are all personal. People I know. So played out across the country these cases would be exponentially higher.

But hey. Our government would never lie...

None of those personal stories need to be extrapolated across the country as they’re not COVID related. We already know that cancer sucks and remission is not always permanent…. Shingles? Ok, who had chicken pox? Raise your hand.
None of those personal stories need to be extrapolated across the country as they’re not COVID related. We already know that cancer sucks and remission is not always permanent…. Shingles? Ok, who had chicken pox? Raise your hand.
You're right. Most of us have had the Chicken Pox. Did you know that shingles is most common in people over 50? Doesn't mean it never happens in healthy 30 year olds... just odd.

Yes. Cancer sucks. Remission doesn't mean cured. But numbers are up.. again, odd.
"Please make sure to get all your jabs+boosters and please, wear a mask to be respectful to those you might infect if you have Covid or even the slightest cough or sniffle." Protect those you love and get out the word, please be jabbed to the full. That was a radio commercial just now with my words at the end. If we all work together, we can beat this virus they say. Lastly, if you refuse to get the jab we will also scorn you, shun you, fire you, Shame you, ruin you and make sure you can;t buy or sell, all because you did not obey the master of the earth. Happy Palm Sunday. Easter is next week. He Rose from the DEAD and soon he will RETURN alive and well as the LION of Judah with JUDGEMENT, to BOOT out those who can only hate and who only choose to love FEAR and only use FEAR tactics to make MONEY!!! Klause tried and failed but will try to the very end. The devil is in the details folks and folks, we all got played by the master liars and puppet masters for the MASTER of the earth. So many sold their souls to be rich and famous. Trust me you guys, the days of selling one's soul to be rich and powerful is over. I understand some of you want that normal life of Us vs Them. No more. It's only going to be US!!! I told you all this a long time ago so hopefully you start believing me. The return of Yeshua is true and he will be the TRUTH!!!

One thing to know is that there is much incentive in the pharmaceutical industry to repurpose drugs. There are a number of reasons, with the main one being that a repurposed drug does not need to go through the same sort of FDA approval process, which makes it much cheaper to bring to market for a new application. I can guarantee you that there are studies throwing chemical libraries with known drugs looking for compounds that block Ace2 binding to spike. Something that actually can get into the airway side of the aveolar sacs. The work is already there showing that, at very high concentration, ivermectin can block Ace2-spike. In fact, because of its structure, it can block many protein-protein interactions because of its structure, sort of non-specifically. But delivering ivermectin to the aveolii at the necessary concentration to block that interaction in people is not a trivial matter-getting a big chemical structure drug across that membrane is just tough. You need a very high circulating concentration for that to even be possible. And at those concentrations it gets into the CNS and is a rather potent neurotoxin. If CoV-2 were an enteric virus it might be a different story. Omicron has acquired changes allowing it to infect the upper respiratory tract, so a nasal spray form of ivermectin might be something to try. Don't know if its been looked at it.

The public health push was always going to be directed towards something that could actually confer immunity. A drug approach does not make that possible. But taking ivermectin at proper dosage certainly will not hurt you, and it could conceivably have some benefit on the post infection side. The anti-inflammatory properties, to my understanding, have been mostly looked at with respect to reducing the mortality of full blown COVID19
Invermectin doesn't make anyone any money. Repurposed drugs are an incredibly useful public health tool. In this case, $$$ have been driving the train, which makes drugs like ivermectin pharma public enemy #1.

Ivermectin's profile makes it easy and safe to integrate into treatment regimens. The whining of media talking heads and political medical actors demonized the drug. Are there going to be people who take their health into their own hands? Of course, happens every day with many, many precription drugs.
Invermectin doesn't make anyone any money. Repurposed drugs are an incredibly useful public health tool. In this case, $$$ have been driving the train, which makes drugs like ivermectin pharma public enemy #1.

Ivermectin's profile makes it easy and safe to integrate into treatment regimens. The whining of media talking heads and political medical actors demonized the drug. Are there going to be people who take their health into their own hands? Of course, happens every day with many, many precription drugs.
75% of all advertising dollars on Tel A Vision, Social Media, Print and Radio is all paid for by Big Pharma. It was called "pay to play." Plus they got free advertising by teachers, doctors, Dad, Espola, NoCal Dad, Husker Du, Dr. Evil and BS and a few others right here preaching the message all day and night. They work so hard for the master of the earth and most have no clue. The fact I know someone who was very close to me and preached just like the preachers on here, "get the jab and here is why God said so in the bible" lost his little sister is insane. Dude has said nothing on Insta or FB. Not a peep. I do know his bro and his bro is like, "Hey man, pray for Joel, his is not doing well. He's taking the death of our sister very hard." He said because he went to Harvard and always thought he was smarter then everyone else, he can;t come out of his house or talk about the Jab anymore. He's done talking about it. I said you mean he's done preaching about why the jab is good for you. I told him to tell him to call me. If I get the call, I will share. Happy Palm Sunday.
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Invermectin doesn't make anyone any money. Repurposed drugs are an incredibly useful public health tool. In this case, $$$ have been driving the train, which makes drugs like ivermectin pharma public enemy #1.

Ivermectin's profile makes it easy and safe to integrate into treatment regimens. The whining of media talking heads and political medical actors demonized the drug. Are there going to be people who take their health into their own hands? Of course, happens every day with many, many precription drugs.

Every time I plunk down for monthly heartguard for the dogs I figure somebody's got to be making some money on ivermectin. I just checked Amazon and a two pack of horse dewormer is $25. Apple flavored no less. Not bad. Pharma is like any other industry. Money always drives the train, particularly giving the regulatory footing of the industry in this country.

The profile of ivermectin has two big caveats in dealing with an eruptive respiratory virus. First, it does not confer immunity. Second, getting it at an efficacious concentration to the site of action for it to prevent infection is a problem. But it may have some value on the back side to limit the scale of an infection once virus is shed into the circulatory system. If you stay within recommended dosage there's no harm. And you are unlikely to suffer from tropical diseases.

In terms of repurposing drugs, there are much bigger cash cows to go after compared to a 3-10 year limited market window associated with a pandemic. But, since you bring up demonizing, here's a different flavor of conspiracy related to $. Suppose-just suppose-we're sitting around the board room, trying to cook up a scheme for some short term profit. In certain circles, social media is lit with vaccine = bad. So let's inject ivermectin as an alternative into those social media markets. Lots of easy buttons to push. Much easier and cheaper compared to R&D. If we double our monthly sales next quarter we all get raises.
Every time I plunk down for monthly heartguard for the dogs I figure somebody's got to be making some money on ivermectin. I just checked Amazon and a two pack of horse dewormer is $25. Apple flavored no less. Not bad. Pharma is like any other industry. Money always drives the train, particularly giving the regulatory footing of the industry in this country.

The profile of ivermectin has two big caveats in dealing with an eruptive respiratory virus. First, it does not confer immunity. Second, getting it at an efficacious concentration to the site of action for it to prevent infection is a problem. But it may have some value on the back side to limit the scale of an infection once virus is shed into the circulatory system. If you stay within recommended dosage there's no harm. And you are unlikely to suffer from tropical diseases.

In terms of repurposing drugs, there are much bigger cash cows to go after compared to a 3-10 year limited market window associated with a pandemic. But, since you bring up demonizing, here's a different flavor of conspiracy related to $. Suppose-just suppose-we're sitting around the board room, trying to cook up a scheme for some short term profit. In certain circles, social media is lit with vaccine = bad. So let's inject ivermectin as an alternative into those social media markets. Lots of easy buttons to push. Much easier and cheaper compared to R&D. If we double our monthly sales next quarter we all get raises.
Just say no is my motto. No meat, no impossible burgers, no fake meat made by Bill Gates, no booze to dance with those Spirits and 100% only a yes for freshly grown and organic fruits and veggies. This is a nasty game people are playing with our lives. I feel 100% I made the best and most wisest decisions. I went for wellness and not drugs to allow me to live a careless life style. I admit. From 2017-2019 I was pissed off and depressed at how I was lied to by just about everyone in my life. I share from my heart which makes me authentic. Most of you don;t agree with me on much but you ALL agree I am the real deal and one crazy Hawk dad. I pass no judgement on those who chose the jabs and boosters. I 100% believe that someone will have to answer to the force jabs or you can;t buy or sell. Plus forcing grade school kids to inject this bio jab is insane. Let's see if California pushes it back from the Fall. Evil, you were 100% wrong and it don't matter how smart you are. Admitting when one is wrong is first step in becoming a genius :) Happy Palm Sunday

Mr. T is sure getting in the last laugh folks. "I don't like t because he said he likes to grab ____________." This is when people have lost the debate, especially the weak men I know. Most guys I know really like ____________. Grabbing it might not be what most women want but some men do like to grab it and some women get paid to let you grab it. I like to ________ _______ and ___________ ____________ and me and my wife love our time together. Let's stop playing on words and looking to destroy the person that caught all the cheaters and those who were pure evil. The hypocrites I know these days are the problem. Grow a pair!!!
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LMFAO. I thought this was must be some kind of inside joke parody until I searched and it's real. But wait, there's more. Germ proof spray. Dr. Crush, you didn't happen to land a new gig with these guys by any chance did you? OK, I'm starting to think I may actually be right about the comet.

I have no time to watch 41 minutes Evil. It look's weird but that is what your crew is to me. Weird fetishes and weird way to be but I love you. I can live with you if you stop mandating the bio jab and give people their jobs back so they can live and be free. This has gone way to far. Lot's of arrest will be coming and let's see how you behave on here. HPS!
I have no time to watch 41 minutes Evil. It look's weird but that is what your crew is to me. Weird fetishes and weird way to be but I love you. I can live with you if you stop mandating the bio jab and give people their jobs back so they can live and be free. This has gone way to far. Lot's of arrest will be coming and let's see how you behave on here. HPS!

Just having some fun. Have yourself a great day. Weird fetishes-I know, right? Like check out this dude. What's up with that?

Pharma is like any other industry. Money always drives the train, particularly giving the regulatory footing of the industry in this country.
I have no idea how much Pharma interaction you have. Pharma is unlike any other industry. We are one of 2 countries on the planet that allows pharma advertisement. The regulatory framework of this country in respect to pharma is what drives these companies to place their HQs here. I'm sure you've heard of vioxx. There are others out there but vioxx is a pretty good case study on how pharma is not like any other industry.

Let me know the next time you go and see your primary care. Take notice of how much attention he/she is paying to you when you are describing whatever ails you. Also ask them to let you take a peek at the screen they are looking at on their laptop or tablet while they are listening to you describe your little aches, pains, discomfort. You may be suprised at what you see.

There are still good primary care providers out there...more and more are turning to the pharma playbook for your care. There is a drug for everything these days, even it's neutral or bad for you.

Not all drugs are bad, but many are. Pharma isn't a public health entity, they are a money making venture.
I have no idea how much Pharma interaction you have. Pharma is unlike any other industry. We are one of 2 countries on the planet that allows pharma advertisement. The regulatory framework of this country in respect to pharma is what drives these companies to place their HQs here. I'm sure you've heard of vioxx. There are others out there but vioxx is a pretty good case study on how pharma is not like any other industry.

Let me know the next time you go and see your primary care. Take notice of how much attention he/she is paying to you when you are describing whatever ails you. Also ask them to let you take a peek at the screen they are looking at on their laptop or tablet while they are listening to you describe your little aches, pains, discomfort. You may be suprised at what you see.

There are still good primary care providers out there...more and more are turning to the pharma playbook for your care. There is a drug for everything these days, even it's neutral or bad for you.

Not all drugs are bad, but many are. Pharma isn't a public health entity, they are a money making venture.
We can all thank the kind and rich family, The Rockerfellers. War and drugs is big business in our country and with Tel A Vision controlling our minds since it's invention, we were duped into taking drugs and only living to 70, fat and unhealthy after we retire. We should go to 120 easily. Our 70 year old man is fat, scared, full of the unknown and just lost. It was by design. Born with a tax on our head and a number to boot, we had no chance to be successful and free. We are sold our whole life that we live in a free country. Free my ass. You have to take jabs to earn a buck now???The wrost part in all this, it gets wrose and more sick and with some sickos. Their is actually something that makes even more $$$$ then all the pills and jabs combined. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Buckle up brother. I like you by the way. You seem like a fair and reasonable father.
