Here's the Truth fellas. We all have some feminine and masculine in our genes. All males and females have IT both ways. It don't matter if your born with a penis or a vagina. Most of us all have some sort of imbalance in these traits in our genes. For example, some males like me have a strong and even sometimes over balance of the feminine traits. Depending on how I feeling during the month, I can be quit the handful for my wife. I am very strong masculine but also have all this empathy that I can;t control. I feel things and cry sometimes, ok..... I'm not on meds trust me, it's the chemicals in my brain that I sometimes can;t control. Most men just don't understand. Basically, I get emotional at times and I think emotionally a lot, which some would say I act like a woman. I do and now I know why. I have a pal named David. He had two older bro's who played big time football in LA in the 80s. Pops played football in the 60s as well and they all expected little bro to be the best of the family. Well, David liked to be with his mom and cooking and playing dress up in dresses with his cousins. His brothers and dad made fun of him ((that's being nice)) his whole life and he got hurt deeply. Because of David's wounds from his father and bros, he wanted attention from men. It goes a lot deeper then just attention, but he knew he didnt want that life style, but wanted a masculine type personality to be with and that is not easy to find. Opposites do attract though and he met the love his life. They fell in love, got married and they have two kids. He married a tough military babe and she runs the house and David cleans the house and both our super stoked and in love and very happy