
Lia Thomas is someone's kid. It's ok to verbally abuse her but not the kids of those who do? Also keep in mind that I'm not attacking any kid. Unlike with his personal attacks on an actual person, I don't even know who his kid is. What I am doing is sarcastically mocking his and his friends' claims that trans women are taking spots away from others, including on rec teams, which is clearly a fear of his given prior posts. I know you want to turn this into something it isn't by trying to paint me as being mean to kids. Don't worry, I would give his kid a fair analysis of her ability if he wants it.
No Twatt waffle, Lia is an adult.

Stay Thursday little man
...maybe you like knots too. You and @thirteenknots should form a knot club
That's one way to defend racism.
How am I being passive aggressive? I'm clearly stating his handle, combined with his prior posts, lead me to....oh I don't know...what would occam's razor say? Of course, I will be open minded here -- do tell @thirteenknots what is the meaning behind your handle?

It was clear as day that GG wasn't attacking any specific kid -- heck does @thirteenknots even have kids? Yet, we're ok with his handle.....It's like if Hitler was on here and someone said "Hey keep Hitler's kids out of this...I mean if he even has kids...because well...I don't even know if he does...but whatever you're doing isn't nice to Hitler"

Of course....I could be wrong....maybe he is just a big fan of knots and especially ones of the noose variety.

To NorCalDad:
The handle is a medieval measurement instrument, look it up.
I've explained it many times. Exactly why I chose it, easy for the
uneducated to typecast based on lack of knowledge.

To Goldengate:
Now I would really like to know how you " squeezed " racism out of
blatant Cheating, do tell.

To NorCalDad:
Phuleeeezzzz.......Now it's Hitler?
And my offspring count is none of your business.

If either of you have been vaccinated, go get your heart
checked on a regular basis. It's paramount you stay ahead of the
side affects.
When you have nothing else pull the the Nazi analogy. It's sad that for many on the left the children of people they don't like are fair game for attacks (ie Barron). Meanwhile you defend GG's comments and I've never defended 13nots (not that you're accusing me of that, just saying).

Why do you think I'm making some kind of huge leap here. You do know there was a white supremacy band called Thirteen Knots, right?

If you're implying I don't like white are correct.

Somehow, though, you've turned this into "the left" doing something wrong. Now that's one big leap.
Why do you think I'm making some kind of huge leap here. You do know there was a white supremacy band called Thirteen Knots, right?

If you're implying I don't like white are correct.

Somehow, though, you've turned this into "the left" doing something wrong. Now that's one big leap.
...maybe it's the same tired leftist drivel that gives it away.
When you have nothing else pull the the Nazi analogy. It's sad that for many on the left the children of people they don't like are fair game for attacks (ie Barron). Meanwhile you defend GG's comments and I've never defended 13nots (not that you're accusing me of that, just saying).

To be clear, there are absolutely racists, homophobes, and transphobes on these message boards. You don't have to look too hard to find them. I don't particularly care for how GG clumps people together when you disagree even slightly. That said, I can put that aside when he obliterates some of these arseholes with his words like no one else. You have to admit he's pretty damn good at it.

None of that is pointed at you,@dad4, @Grace T., etc.....I enjoy convos with all you folks. I just can't handle when these yahoos aren't called out for their BS.
To be clear, there are absolutely racists, homophobes, and transphobes on these message boards. You don't have to look too hard to find them. I don't particularly care for how GG clumps people together when you disagree even slightly. That said, I can put that aside when he obliterates some of these arseholes with his words like no one else. You have to admit he's pretty damn good at it.

None of that is pointed at you,@dad4, @Grace T., etc.....I enjoy convos with all you folks. I just can't handle when these yahoos aren't called out for their BS.
Fair enough but the only people GG is obliterating are his imaginary bogeymen.
To be clear, there are absolutely racists, homophobes, and transphobes on these message boards. You don't have to look too hard to find them. I don't particularly care for how GG clumps people together when you disagree even slightly. That said, I can put that aside when he obliterates some of these arseholes with his words like no one else. You have to admit he's pretty damn good at it.

None of that is pointed at you,@dad4, @Grace T., etc.....I enjoy convos with all you folks. I just can't handle when these yahoos aren't called out for their BS.
...imagine that, the whole deck of victim cards. Yet, strangely no mention of your sidekick constantly attacking kids...I guess you put that aside as well, right Dad? Strangely, you leftist have taken to focusing on kids and degrading women...disturbingly pushing sexual content and freakish sexual fetishes down to the youngest ages. A Day of reckoning is on its way.
Happy April Fools Day to all the fools. We have gone full circle again and I am again being called a racist white man of privilege because I want ALL kids to be born and not killed. 81,000,000 kids killed in America since 1972. Yikes!!! Now these same fools want to control our kids in the classroom with Jabs, mask, boosters and sex Ed. If you obey, you can play sports in college and risk blood clots and heart attacks. I told you all the system is a big fat mess. Grab your kids and teach them the truth or someone else will.
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To all the men who are fools and have caused so much evil on this planet, Happy Fools Day!!!

When His Girlfriend Said It Was Too Late for an Abortion, He Punched Her in the Stomach to Kill Her Baby

According to the report, police said Koa Barker, 17, of Gainesville, assaulted his pregnant girlfriend on Saturday after he told her that he did not want the baby.

Barker allegedly punched the 18-year-old woman twice in the stomach, choked her, slapped her, shoved her and told her he “wanted to kill her,” police told the newspaper.

The girlfriend said she had told Barker it was “too late for an abortion,” according to police. She said she is 15 weeks pregnant.

Hey Hound, look's like Phoenix has taken over LA for runner up to Seattle for the most homeless tents. I think all the rich liberals in Scottsdale, Kirkland and Beverly Hills should open up their homes to the homeless. Small business is ruined in these cities. The rich is all we got now. The middle class is being destroyed by our pals, the Smiths.
View attachment 13159

Hey Hound, look's like Phoenix has taken over LA for runner up to Seattle for the most homeless tents. I think all the rich liberals in Scottsdale, Kirkland and Beverly Hills should open up their homes to the homeless. Small business is ruined in these cities. The rich is all we got now. The middle class is being destroyed by our pals, the Smiths.

The homeless in general have a quitters mentality, if the Government would
stop lactating cash and subsidies to them they would either find a job/housing
or cease to exist.
Sounds harsh, but life is rough. And every bleeding heart liberal is about to
find out real quick when THEY are competing for the bread and soup while
in line with the hardened homeless THEY created.

The next 6 - 8 months are going to really expose the criminality of the Democrats.

The homeless in general have a quitters mentality, if the Government would
stop lactating cash and subsidies to them they would either find a job/housing
or cease to exist.
Sounds harsh, but life is rough. And every bleeding heart liberal is about to
find out real quick when THEY are competing for the bread and soup while
in line with the hardened homeless THEY created.

The next 6 - 8 months are going to really expose the criminality of the Democrats.

View attachment 13160
Very harsh and not like Yeshua at all but it's what people believe. Like I said before, it takes $11 to get $1 to the poor. Also, you only pick one side to blame for crimes. You want to add any other group?
Lia Thomas is someone's kid. It's ok to verbally abuse her but not the kids of those who do? Also keep in mind that I'm not attacking any kid. Unlike with his personal attacks on an actual person, I don't even know who his kid is. What I am doing is sarcastically mocking his and his friends' claims that trans women are taking spots away from others, including on rec teams, which is clearly a fear of his given prior posts. I know you want to turn this into something it isn't by trying to paint me as being mean to kids. Don't worry, I would give his kid a fair analysis of her ability if he wants it.
I always saw it as you were being quite sympathetic to the kids seeing the opinions of their parents. You aren’t insulting the kids you are depicting what the effect their parents are having on them, which could be detrimental and in turn the parent (poster) then lashes out in guilt. Guilt ridden Karens.
...imagine that, the whole deck of victim cards. Yet, strangely no mention of your sidekick constantly attacking kids...I guess you put that aside as well, right Dad? Strangely, you leftist have taken to focusing on kids and degrading women...disturbingly pushing sexual content and freakish sexual fetishes down to the youngest ages. A Day of reckoning is on its way. are you talking about? Did you just get back from your QAnon meeting? Day of Reckoning sounds like a movie title....perhaps staring Will Smith.