well let’s see , Dicks, Botox , Tilly”s currently . Also, a very localized ad about Santa being at a mall close . So it really runs the gamete. On the plus side an ad popped up about a juice place very close to my house that I had no idea existed , so I visited it .
my wife soccer knowledge is pretty limited she is learning though! I had to explain to her at my u little Ds game what it meant when the parents kept saying “ play the through ball”. But the ying/yang is good. For example , when my4 year old son came off the field crying saying “ they no let me score” she was there for support
my wife has no idea I’m on the message board , and she would think it would be nuts I’m discussing youth soccer with randoms, imagine what she would think about me spending most of my time on a youth soccer forum talking Covid ?
$15 sounds like a deal!