I doubt it. Are you aware that it was African warlords that sold prisoners to the Portuguese slave traders? Did you know slavery was fostered through love and coercion from the slavemaster-it was the uncle tom that cracked the whip on his fellow brethren to gain master’s favor? An uncle tom is a modern day equivalent of the above examples. Oftentimes, you can find them in a police uniform.I wonder if the man you call a boot licking uncle tom is the man I call a devoted father, good neighbor, and helpful member of the PTA.
GTFOH, I’d be willing to bet that I’m drinking buddies with one of your local prosecutors if you live anywhere in California.DEMOCRATS = CRIMINALS
Black Lives Matter " ONLY " when.......
Separate and distinct issues.Oh, so Dre, you want to talk about the 223 police killing per year and save the 2,570 black on black murders for another day? Really?
All those black people are instantly in jail...no one needs to protest for justice to be served. Your logic/math makes no sense. Killings are 3x beyond the population ratio. With all the video proof nowadays, if you don't see unfair treatment you never will. Fortunately many do and have the human empathy to stand up for others injustice even if they aren't personally impacted.
Separate and distinct issues.
100% correct!Kneeling means you love your country so much that you want to make it a better place, a more humane place, even at great risk to yourself. There’s no greater respect for your country than to educate yourself about a problem in society and work for a solution. And the anthem itself is a political statement, like our pledge of allegiance: “land of the free”...“liberty and justice for all.” They are not snowflake statements.
GTFOH, I’d be willing to bet that I’m drinking buddies with one of your local prosecutors if you live anywhere in California.
Forget it. You keep diverting issues. Police brutality is totally different issue than black on black crime.Bullshit! Black people are killing each other 7 times per day in this country. Every day of the year. You're telling me 50 murders are being solved every week? Am I supposed to pretend black people are going to snitch on each other? You're in a dream world if you believe that.
I see a lot of video. I see video of white people getting shot by police and most had it coming.
I am still not sure why kneeling is so offensive, but police misconduct is tolerated. Obviously people cared about the kneeling as a protest form. It registered for many as bringing long overdue attention to police abuse, excessive force and police violence. To me it seems those aligned with defending the flags honor, really could give a shit about police misconduct. Thats an issue, where defending the honor of a flag or pre-recorded anthem is more essential to some than figuring out ways to increase equality in law and justice.
So I applaud you research on the numerous African American war heroes. I can't speak for Sgt. Carney, nor can you. But I do know that the newly commissioned 4 Star Air Force Command Staff General has concerns about equality in law and justice.
So I don't have time to touch on everything you mentioned, but these are the first points .
wrt the national anthem, calling out slaves who had "joined" the British army to fight against the US on a promise of freedom, while lauding freemen fighting for their freedom maybe shows that the writer failed to see the irony, hypocrisy and implicit racism therein.
You could maybe draw a straight line to Sgt. Carney and correlate the two, whereby the central premise would be that slaves were prepared to risk all under any flag or for any army that would promise them freedom as a reward.
Facts matter.This whole comment of yours is just straight racist bigotry. But if thats your take.
Seems like many whites were immune from being held accountable for their crimes, many still are; Gen Flynn, Roger Stone. What about white on white crime, scary as hell to me.
Who hurt you?Doubt that unless Russia and Repugnantkkkans cheat again. If Dem registered voters and votes stay at 2012 levels,he is going to jail in Feb 2021. So far its at 2008 levels in many states which is worse for Trumpanzees.
I am well aware of the role coastal warlords played in the Atlantic slave trade. Or the Indian Ocean slave trade, for that matter.I doubt it. Are you aware that it was African warlords that sold prisoners to the Portuguese slave traders? Did you know slavery was fostered through love and coercion from the slavemaster-it was the uncle tom that cracked the whip on his fellow brethren to gain master’s favor? An uncle tom is a modern day equivalent of the above examples. Oftentimes, you can find them in a police uniform.
And I’m the racist?My brother focused on Military recruitment. He would go to all military bases in Socal primarily and others throughout the US. He would recruit separating military personnel for the LAPD academy.
Cops don’t necessary have to take an ass whopping but should understand that it may be part of the job. Deadly force should be reasonable. However, I’ve heard rumors that the standard for deadly force should be necessary as opposed to reasonable. It’s not necessary to kill someone because they whopped you and your partner and ran away.
We don’t hate cops. We want community police that live in our community, understands the culture, and cares about the community. It’s not that the black community hates black cops. Rather, it seems that police departments tend to favor blacks that are boot licking uncle Tom’s. In order to prosper in most police departments as a black person, you have to assimilate and sellout the black community.
A prerequisite to a prosecution is knowing who did it. Again diverted to black on black crime, often folks from repressed areas, with no power and in poverty. Brutality from those who are supposed to protect and in power are a different issue.This is from 2 years ago. Black people are instantly in jail? Really?
Chicago police solve one in every 20 shootings. Here are some reasons why that’s so low.
After 74 people were shot over one of the city’s most violent weekends in more than two years, Chicago police said they would flood the city’s crime-wracked neighborhoods with hundreds …www.chicagotribune.com
With 53% Of Chicago Homicides Unsolved In 2019, Families Hope For Justice In 2020
Justice in the New Year - it's what hundreds of Chicagoans want heading into 2020.chicago.cbslocal.com
What do you call a white boot licking Uncle Tom?What contradiction? Nobody should be murdered for being drunk in public. He deserved to go to jail not be murdered.
I’m very well educated and use those words when appropriate. Are you suggesting boot licking uncle tom’s don’t exist?
There are tremendous men and women protecting and serving our communities on a daily basis. I will take a fully funded police department of men and women sworn to protect the community they serve over a group of “Community Representatives.”
What’s interesting is that on this board, on Facebook, everywhere the ones calling people racist the most often have the most prejudiced posts of all. It’s ironic in a not funny way. Racist is a heavy word to throw at somebody.
Can we agree that not ALL the men and women in Law Enforcement are racist, bad, unfit, etc., and that there IS reform needed to ensure that people don’t die needlessly, even if they do have criminal records? It’s getting absurd.
What are Community Representatives?There are tremendous men and women protecting and serving our communities on a daily basis. I will take a fully funded police department of men and women sworn to protect the community they serve over a group of “Community Representatives.”
What’s interesting is that on this board, on Facebook, everywhere the ones calling people racist the most often have the most prejudiced posts of all. It’s ironic in a not funny way. Racist is a heavy word to throw at somebody.
Can we agree that not ALL the men and women in Law Enforcement are racist, bad, unfit, etc., and that there IS reform needed to ensure that people don’t die needlessly, even if they do have criminal records? It’s getting absurd.