Trump at Arlington National Cemetery

Can't say as I really agree with Trumps prior tenure. Nostalgia seems to temper everything. The national debt rose from $21T to $28T in Trumps first pass - 33% / $7T. Some of that was Covid related sure but generally it was a cut revenue (taxes), increase expenditure and borrow the difference. Looking at his agenda24 site and various comments, that's the game plan for round 2. In business, he's always borrowed heavily and struck gold or went bankrupt. With the latter, he's always walked away. In the next 4 years, he may get to do the same again, but the national debt will be over $40T by then (my prediction) assuming he gets at least 2 years of a GOP majority.

He had the fortune of inheriting a robust, stable economy. He fired it up and should be given his dues for that, but his foundation was rock solid. Biden inherited an economic shit show, like Obama before him. I don't blame Trump for the economic crash caused by Covid, and without it, he probably would have been reelected, but such is life. Likewise, I don't blame Biden for the inflation backlash as we came out of Covid.

Trump won't drop much and can't rise much more. Harris can do both, so she has that control. If anything its her's to win/lose, and given Trump's narcissism, she just has to keep poking the bear and watching the results.
Do you remember libtards whining and crying every single time Trump tried to make cuts? The ONLY thing libtards can do is print money and throw it at problems they don't solve. Oh, that and make pariahs out of people with money... even though that includes them.

Biden didn't get rich by being a civil servant.
Yeah, I gave and give credit to Trump for the economy and a pass on the economic impact of Covid.

The debt thing isn't as compelling to me.

The all time savings high was due to Covid, nobody could spend. The trend was up and at an all time high in 2019, which is great and kudos for that. The consumer splurge in 2021/22 is what ensured we didn't tip into a recession. Its trending up again with 2023 being the 3rd highest ever outside of 2020 & 2021 (Covid effect). That's all well documented in the media.

Personal debt is a little different. 72% is related to mortgages & HELOC, so asset related and should appreciate over time - investments. 9% is student debt related, so that should (theoretically) ensure a higher salary over your career. 9% is auto related - we love our cars! 6% credit card - really bad as the usury interest rates shouldn't really be allowed .. but I digress ... and 2% personal loans (all rounded down BTW). So over 80% are investments, which isn't a bad thing. The rest isn't, and people should do better but don't necessarily have a choice I suppose.

BTW, I hate debt, national and personal. I don't fall into any of the 5 categories above atm. I'll buy a new car soon and take out a loan as I can get more from my money invested than I'm paying in interest on the car - otherwise I'd just pay for it. For the rest I've paid off my house, student loans and cars, pay off my cc monthly and don't take out personal debt. I also make sure I have enough saved for most eventualities and mind my investments. Nobody has given me a dime in all that, nor have I ever expected them to. 🤞this continues.
Hopefully you saved enough to pay for your taxes on unrealized gains if Kamala gets elected. ;)
Should we tell him he's helping us support college deadbeats and roughly 12,000,000 illegal aliens the DNC needs to vote for Kamalatoe?
I'm pretty sure he gets it. He's not surface deep like Espola and Husker and far more nuanced.

BTW do we even know if Kamala is going to run on loan forgiveness? She's trying to distance herself from least for the campaign.
I'm pretty sure he gets it. He's not surface deep like Espola and Husker and far more nuanced.

BTW do we even know if Kamala is going to run on loan forgiveness? She's trying to distance herself from least for the campaign.
The only thing we know about Kamala is that she slept with her married boss, made her bones putting black men in jail for weed, is a DEI hire Joe needed to shut up, lied about the border and will say whatever she believes gets votes. Oh, she loves to clap and laugh, too.

Libtard leadership at its finest.
The only thing we know about Kamala is that she slept with her married boss, made her bones putting black men in jail for weed, is a DEI hire Joe needed to shut up, lied about the border and will say whatever she believes gets votes. Oh, she loves to clap and laugh, too.

Libtard leadership at its finest.
You forgot the part where the Dem's were trying to get her off the ticket less than a year ago. Or the part where she's lost 90% of her staff (Trump isn't even that high). Oh, and the fact that she received ZERO votes in the primaries.
You forgot the part where the Dem's were trying to get her off the ticket less than a year ago. Or the part where she's lost 90% of her staff (Trump isn't even that high). Oh, and the fact that she received ZERO votes in the primaries.
She didn't run in the primary to receive zero votes. We all watched this movie played out for all to see. It's up to you to figure out the lies. Obama told Joe to get out after 14,000,000 votes because his debate was so bad, which we all saw. You scored differently than I did but that's ok, we both see the world differently. Barak installed her with zero votes, insane. I will say you will feel like shit for always trying to compare Kamala to Trump. I promise you that will happen, meaning you will feel horrible and then eat crow to feel better. That's how it works. Own up to being wrong with crow. It's ok to be wrong in life. I was wrong about Liz Cheney. I liked her and her dad Dick in 2000. They fooled me once, twice and now for the third time by endorsing a witch, that she called a radical Marxist years back, just like I called espola a Marxist. these people fucking lie all day long. They don't want to be called a Marxist, but they are.
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You forgot the part where the Dem's were trying to get her off the ticket less than a year ago. Or the part where she's lost 90% of her staff (Trump isn't even that high). Oh, and the fact that she received ZERO votes in the primaries.
It is amazing.

Nobody voted for her. Dem leadership just said here you go.

She doesn't answer questions. One scripted 18 minute interview after 6 weeks?

This is what the Dems call democracy?
It is amazing.

Nobody voted for her. Dem leadership just said here you go.

She doesn't answer questions. One scripted 18 minute interview after 6 weeks?

This is what the Dems call democracy?
Hi Hound, hope all is well brother. Barak kept Crooked Joe in the basement, and he got 81,000,000 votes. These people cheated and called themselves Dems and got the fake and the lying Republicans to cheat with them. These Dems love to cheat to win and lie all day long. I delt with these cheaters in youth soccer. Same type of man. Lots of money, control and power to make sure their daughters get all the prizes. I saw it all and I caught them. Kup of Karma is served up. Watch the shoes start dropping folks. No fucking way our good Military Generals and a great President would allow our country to be stolen. It almost was if that Witch Hillary won. She was shocked because she thought she had at in the bag, because of PAY FOR PLAY. However, the killer lost and here we are almost 8 years later. Q said it would take 8 years to clean up their dirty mess.
@watfly Here's how it works.

I would not recommend you rely on Vox as an unbaised "news" source, at least seek out other sources. I also wouldn't get my financial information from a Whizy Kim that has a BA in Film and Cinema. Now I'm not so disingenuous to disparage a source without pointing out why this article is misleading. First off it casts philanthropy in a bad light. Are there abuses, sure there are in everything, but charitable funding is far more effective and efficient for funding social issues than paying taxes to the government. Government effectively launders tax money and very little actually makes it to those in need. I'm a big fan of public/private partnerships for accountability reasons. We should never favor tax revenue over charitable giving. The rich giving to charitable organizations and the abuse of charitable giving are two separate issues.

This article focuses solely on income taxes. There as so many other taxes, including taxes disguised as fees, that the rich pay that are not accounted for in this article. They include, but are not limited too: payroll taxes, property taxes, development fees, regulatory costs, LLC fees etc. People that only sign the back of payroll checks and not the front will never comprehend this fact (particularly Whizy Kim). The article also fails to mention that some of the larger tax savings, like depreciation for real estate, is subject to recapture. So they may get a deduction today, but pay tax on it later. (I find it interesting that one of the most prominent and easily closed loopholes "carried interest" is not even mentioned in the article).

This is a separate issue, but one thing people who want to stick it the rich never factor in is the risk that the individual took to make it to the top. With greater risk should come greater award. Just starting a business comes with great risk from employees, the government, lenders etc. Yes, there are some nepo babies, but Musk, Bezos, Gates certainly weren't and effectively started their businesses out of their garage.

I'm all for prosecuting the actual abuses first, as opposed to just saying the rich should pay more taxes, which to me is a lazy solution. Problem is the government is riddled itself with so much waste and fraud, which is miniscule compared to the abuse by taxpayers.

Far more distasteful to me, are guys like Bernie Sanders that produce nothing and become millionaire's sucking off the government teet. Unfortunately, we have government grifters on both sides of the aisle.
Far more distasteful to me, are guys like Bernie Sanders that produce nothing and become millionaire's sucking off the government teet. Unfortunately, we have government grifters on both sides of the aisle.
PAY FOR PLAY is 100% on both sides and the men that cheat suck teet to get what they want, which is money and for many of them, sex and all the sex they can have. You do know about the straight, gay and everything in between sex going on at the Capital. Money & Sex, what else is new on planet earth and when these people give their bodies away, they become rich. What a way to get rich. Losers!!!

I would not recommend you rely on Vox as an unbaised "news" source, at least seek out other sources. I also wouldn't get my financial information from a Whizy Kim that has a BA in Film and Cinema. Now I'm not so disingenuous to disparage a source without pointing out why this article is misleading. First off it casts philanthropy in a bad light. Are there abuses, sure there are in everything, but charitable funding is far more effective and efficient for funding social issues than paying taxes to the government. Government effectively launders tax money and very little actually makes it to those in need. I'm a big fan of public/private partnerships for accountability reasons. We should never favor tax revenue over charitable giving. The rich giving to charitable organizations and the abuse of charitable giving are two separate issues.

This article focuses solely on income taxes. There as so many other taxes, including taxes disguised as fees, that the rich pay that are not accounted for in this article. They include, but are not limited too: payroll taxes, property taxes, development fees, regulatory costs, LLC fees etc. People that only sign the back of payroll checks and not the front will never comprehend this fact (particularly Whizy Kim). The article also fails to mention that some of the larger tax savings, like depreciation for real estate, is subject to recapture. So they may get a deduction today, but pay tax on it later. (I find it interesting that one of the most prominent and easily closed loopholes "carried interest" is not even mentioned in the article).

This is a separate issue, but one thing people who want to stick it the rich never factor in is the risk that the individual took to make it to the top. With greater risk should come greater award. Just starting a business comes with great risk from employees, the government, lenders etc. Yes, there are some nepo babies, but Musk, Bezos, Gates certainly weren't and effectively started their businesses out of their garage.

I'm all for prosecuting the actual abuses first, as opposed to just saying the rich should pay more taxes, which to me is a lazy solution. Problem is the government is riddled itself with so much waste and fraud, which is miniscule compared to the abuse by taxpayers.

Far more distasteful to me, are guys like Bernie Sanders that produce nothing and become millionaire's sucking off the government teet. Unfortunately, we have government grifters on both sides of the aisle.
Yeah, the premise is that instead of income they take loans against assets, which are valued based on original cost + unrealized gains, and essentially use that as income to minimize taxes. If you can monetize the unrealized gain, then why couldn't it be taxed. If you don't sell/use it as collateral then it should be left alone. TBH, I don't really care as they will find another loop hole, conveniently left, to minimize said taxes ad nauseum. All our politicians are bought & paid for, both D & R, so there will be no negative changes to the bank rollers.

I don't buy the whole trickle down thing, not least as its been debunked based on the evidence over the last 40 years, nor do I buy their collective largess that allows us to bask in their greatness.

You can look at Bernie's income over the years and where it came from, its all public based on his required disclosures. While I don't agree with everything he says or stands for, I do respect his consistency and the fact that a lot of what he stands for is pretty normal & accepted in most every other western capitalist country in the world, and is based on people first rather than corporations first.
Yeah, the premise is that instead of income they take loans against assets, which are valued based on original cost + unrealized gains, and essentially use that as income to minimize taxes. If you can monetize the unrealized gain, then why couldn't it be taxed. If you don't sell/use it as collateral then it should be left alone. TBH, I don't really care as they will find another loop hole, conveniently left, to minimize said taxes ad nauseum. All our politicians are bought & paid for, both D & R, so there will be no negative changes to the bank rollers.

I don't buy the whole trickle down thing, not least as its been debunked based on the evidence over the last 40 years, nor do I buy their collective largess that allows us to bask in their greatness.

You can look at Bernie's income over the years and where it came from, its all public based on his required disclosures. While I don't agree with everything he says or stands for, I do respect his consistency and the fact that a lot of what he stands for is pretty normal & accepted in most every other western capitalist country in the world, and is based on people first rather than corporations first.
You can't take a deduction for the interest on the portion of the loan you "cashed out". You also have to pay back loans, so your not monetizing your unrealized gains in any sense of the word. Taking out loans on appreciated assets is how people and companies build and expand their business. It's a horrible concept and many tax experts think its unworkable, even if this type of wealth tax is legal.

Should the wealthy be able to take losses for unrealized losses too? You have to look at both sides of the equation.

In some ways I respect Bernie's consistency as well, he's at least principled and he's never tried to hide the fact that he is a Socialist...unlike Kamala.
Might as well throw Mayor Bootygig in there, too. He was paid to take a dive in the 5th Round like Bernie and Butch.
At least he got paid. Bernie got straight up screwed, but I'll bet that we will find out eventually that Joe was paid handsomely for bowing out. It wouldn't surprise me if it was somewhere in the 8 digits.