I heard he is rather forgiving, so I’m good thank you very much.
Wait, Jesus was a gringo?
Take it up with God Espola. I'm not a Christian dummy. Christian is just derogatory word given to followers of Yeshua you fool. Yeshua never said the word "Christian." Hurting little children will end bad for you asshat. You're so busted. It's good to see the other demon out today. God wins. I love God almighty so much. The Gr8t Awakening is finally here. Yes, Yes, Yes God wins. I don't follow the Bible either dumb dumb.This isn’t very Christian-like of you. I mean, once you ignore all the parts that are pro-slavery and mandate that you stone gay and trans people to death.
Hey, what does the Bible say about gender equality btw?
You hurt kids, so no mercy for you. You will get what you deserve. Hell awaits you. You get to spend eternity with Soros and all the rest of the liars. Yeshua was Jewish.I heard he is rather forgiving, so I’m good thank you very much.
Wait, Jesus was a gringo?
This is insane & it's been going on for 1000s of years. The darkness is finally being exposed to the Light. You can now take your two year old son to some of the Big U's (don;t want to mention the colleges because some of you have kids going to them) & change them into a girl. These people are truly sick. God help us. At least their exposing themselves for all to see. It's coming down to a choice for Mr. Fence Sitter. I'm dealing with weak ass men in Cali who are so woke, their gonna to go broke because they act like a Dork. I'm now in rebuke mode. There all sneering at me. My bff is all jabbed and he's not doing well. This place is freaking evil you guys. You paid for it and you shall receive what you paid for. Look at all the little demons coming out today. God wins. It's a choice, Light or Darkness. Choose wisely and please don't let college get in the way of your brains.
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WE WILL END HUMAN AND SEX TRAFFICKING YOU SICKO!!I thought the big U’s were killing babies for their blood and stem cells, but now you’re saying they also turn boy babies into girl? Is this connected to the Clinton pizza parlor sex trafficking tunnel and Obama’s baby-blood drinking?
Are you upset that a little junior Karen somewhere in America threw a fit because sue didn’t get a third place medal at a local track meet of slow kids?
Little Karens have a civil right to come in third instead of fourth, no matter how pathetically slow they are? Just give them participation ribbons if they need the self-esteem boost.
So great that the VT HS Karen basketball team has been completely banned from future tournaments. Now no one needs to waste their against one of the absolute worst HS basketball teams in the entire US.
18 years on prison for the Oath Keepers founder. Ha ha ha.
WE WILL END HUMAN & SEX TRAFFICKING!!!Speaking of being rapey, wasn’t there just some court case against your buddy the Don? How’d that turn out?
Nope. It bothers me when a deserving female doesn't get third place because a chick-with-a-dick is too much of a pussy to run with the other boys.
WE WILL END HUMAN & SEX TRAFFICKING!!!An all caps post here is a great start. Keep up the important work!
Speaking of work, did you ever find a job?
It must be hard being so scared of trans children. Then again, I don’t know what it’s like having kids who are such pussies that they can’t compete with trans kids. I honestly can’t fathom having children with such low self-esteem.
Central Pa. drag queen, activist charged with 25 counts of child pornography: police
Nobody is scared of little gay boys that don't have the balls (well, figuratively speaking) to compete against other boys.