Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

What exactly are you gloating about? That a

You were so desperate to find a way to distract people from yet another mass shooting that you jumped the gun on the cause of the Range Rover accident, which was a DUI. But of course you clowns will make any misrepresentation that it takes to justify so many dead people.

In fact, you’re blaming security guard uniforms for these deaths? So you’re saying securtiy guard uniforms kill people, but not AR15s? Ha ha. That’s a good one.

I'd imagine you support abortions, little bitch boy. How does 750,000 "dead people" sound to you, hypocrite?
I'd imagine you support abortions, little bitch boy. How does 750,000 "dead people" sound to you, hypocrite?
Surf Futbol is a true supporter of children being executed and girls being attacked by boys in the girls bathroom. He actually made fun of our dd's getting raped and was warned by Dom to knock it off. Roe lied because the Dems lie & cheat to get what they want, which is to kill babies and use kids that do survive for SRA. Let's see who Espola brings out today. Knots was everywhere yesterday.

"After 50 years of failure, with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade, much to the “shock” of everyone, and for the first time put the Pro Life movement in a strong negotiating position over the Radicals that are willing to kill babies even into their 9th month, and beyond. Without me there would be no 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, or whatever is finally agreed to. Without me the pro Life movement would have just kept losing. Thank you President TRUMP!!!" DJT
We live among evil folks. These people are sick and many of them do SRA on children. I told you all what this is truly about. I know it's hard to wrap your head around this EVIL, but it's true. Thank God Trump stepped up to help end this. Crush is doing his part as well. We need real men and fathers who will get off their couch and fence and do something. "Pay for Play" is not what soccer or life should be about. The stories of how girls have been treated like cattle is sad and in some cases, pure evil run by asshole men who use girls to make money, all in the marketing name of "DEVELOPMENT." The men who have given me the most abuse on the forum have their hands in evil and will do whatever they can to silence me, discredit me and blacklist me. Their pure scum bags and do NOT care about our daughters. Trust me, I saw it all, I caught them all and I have the sauce. I chose to do it this way so they can be exposed and then eradicated from the sport. Soccer is a beautiful game. Let's make it Gr8t again.

The Demons are out in force today on TS. My gosh, these one's are perverts and disgusting little piggies. I hope they can leave the humans alone and find some real pigs to play & live with. I have not seen such disgusting posts in a long time. We have demons on the forum as well. Read what these cheaters and liars say about our Dear Daughters and how they hate the women on earth. These Demons know their time is short. Watch how they react when the truth smacks them in the face. Some of you daddy's on here played with the darkness to get what you wanted so bad. Paying "extra" so your dd can make the "team" and get into school was the wrong choice. It's not too late to capitulate. How one's sleeps at night cheating others out is only going to get worse. The liar stock guy Cramer is lying again today. Whatever that clown says, just know the opposite will happen. Do NOT put your money in hope.

What exactly are you gloating about? That a

You were so desperate to find a way to distract people from yet another mass shooting that you jumped the gun on the cause of the Range Rover accident, which was a DUI. But of course you clowns will make any misrepresentation that it takes to justify so many dead people.

In fact, you’re blaming security guard uniforms for these deaths? So you’re saying securtiy guard uniforms kill people, but not AR15s? Ha ha. That’s a good one.

I didn't see any gloating. I think @crush merely posted some numbers regarding Bud Light sales..or the decline of it. Go WOKE go BROKE!!
Go out and buy a few 30pks and help out their sales.

How was I distracting from another mass shooting? How many people with multiple DUI arrests still manage to get behind the wheel and at some point are the cause of a fatal accident? I'm saying that neither stupid gun laws that disarm law-abiding citizens will stop crazy people from killing innocent people, nor taking a driver's license or vehicles away from convicted DUI drivers will stop them from getting behind the wheel. I'm not misrepresenting anything. You made your stupid comment about mass shootings. Along with your assumption I blamed security guard uniforms. The shooter disguised himself by wearing a uniform. People did not know what to do. They were confused. Which is what his goal was.
Guns don't kill people. Pencils don't misspell words. Forks don't make people fat. You'll blame the gun, the pencil, and the fork.
ZERO personal accountability from the Left. Standard practice.
Hey fathers who actually care about our children, I just listen to one of our Vets who worked for the FBI and was suspended without pay for blowing his whistle on scum bags. Our brother was working to catch Pedos and doing a great job. He was then told to stop looking to catch the Pedos and instead go after parents at our school board meetings instead as undercover and sit in the parking lot taking Lic plates down. This is freaking insane. He was later kicked out of the FBI and his Pedo cases were not really dealt with. Wow, we have some serious problems in this country.