Each family is unique and each soon to be adult is unique. Not everyone has Ivy's after their kid either and a lot of D1s, FYI. No offense, but if you plan on state or local little school, I'm not so sure they need to meet all my kids family and siblings. I'm assuming she has a very high GPA and SAT and highly sought after student who can ball? To each his own is my motto. These are real life stories. They dont sound right to me either but not all dd have a success story yet like yours. Congrats bro. I have never heard about meeting the whole family and the siblings but no Ivys either.. That's cool to and your dd must be really special person and I mean that. My pals dd committed back in 8th grade on a one call close. I actually think your dd story is wonderful and I applaud it and wish her the best. I wont deny a little jealousy even

Not all stories have such happiness to it..