Today in Fascism

espola, Dr. Fraud, Crooked Joe and now Kamala lying and the kind of lie that comes with fraud. Fraud is very hard to prove. I was talking to a dear old pal and going back and forth over this topic and that topic and debating the last 4 years in CA and what our country has been through. My pal is 100% brainwashed, not the same guy I was BFF with before 2016. He thought the Witch Hillary was going to win. He bragged and bragged on FB. I was not into politics yet. When Trump won, my pal and a few lawyers we both knew lost their minds on FB and that is where I first saw TDS in full swing. It was like Demons. The attitude and words spoken from these people is insane and not normal. Lastly and I believe strongly without 100% proof, but I think taking all the jabs has done a number on my friend's brain. This guy is super smart and holds multiple degrees in a multiple of subjects. Rich as hell and truly only cares about his stash. He's in his late 50s but looks like close to 70 and sounds so bitter and so afraid. "I want the Old Republican Party back" says the Democrat.

She Devil Witch👹🧙‍♀️


Don't look in her eyes or else. She means serious business and if your stupid enough like Willie and Billy, you will get ensnared with a real live Witch. Sleeping with a She Devil Witch is a wild ride of all sorts of blackmail. Have a great Saturday everyone. I love you.
90% of us are good people. 6.66% are not good and are wild animals that prey on little children. They get all in a hissy fit and angry like a wolf because 90% of us want to help and pray for the children, not kill them. The problem we got here is that this 666 group had all the money and it's now being taken away from them and they & them are not happy. Plus, their being exposed for being MAPs, Pedos and some are child killers and they know 100% the game is over. The good guys are being very careful because we don't want these wild animals causing chaso as they are about to be wiped off the earth. Once all 90% of us put our ego's aside (fear) and take on these cheaters, killers, liars and thieves we will own the world, and we will control the earth and all of us will build a new earth. We will Make America Great Again, and we will make the Earth safe again. The half human animal with no empathy or remorse will be eradicated once and for all. Where We Go 1 We Go All! Love you guys to the moon and back. Together we win divided we lose. No one will get everything they want in this deal. We must be willing to share and sharing a new life is the new way to share. If you can't share, you will hate the new earth, trust me. I hear of another planet that is starting where you can kill a child anytime you want, and you do whatever you want to the child if it survives.

"Robert Kennedy Junior says that Fauci and Gates were involved in terrible, immoral, homicidal criminal behavior during Covid and that by depriving people of Ivermectin millions of people died. He says there needs to be a reckoning after they pretended like there was no cure for Covid so they could push the vaccine for profit.
This is the man who is now allied closely with Trump and may be able to take on big pharma like no one has.
Things are looking up" Pepe
Willie was just the beginning of many in high positions. The Witch from San Fransisco was let out to cast her spells on stupid men. "Anyone but Trump" and this is the best they & them got. Good luck espola and Husker Du. You sure know how to pick them Dumb & Dumber🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

He committed treason. Republican voters don’t care.

This moment is enormous. Rise up to it. Everyone already knows what Jack Smith will ultimately prove. We all saw it while it was happening. Donald Trump conspired to overthrow our election and end our democracy. We all know what he will do if he gets back in office.

Don’t kid yourself. Those still voting for Republicans aren’t voting for him in spite of January 6, they are voting for him because of January 6.

Because Republican voters are voting to end America, it’s time for business as usual to be on hold until the 11.5.24 election. Now until then it’s time for all of us to come to the defense of America.

That Republicans are planning to vote for the man who is literally the greatest threat America has ever known is too-too much.

And we are not living in normal times. Either we save America, and our planet with it, or we don’t. The cost of failure 11.5.24 is beyond words. Rise up to meet the enormity of our time. The future is depending on you.

Please, use your voice. So much of why we are where we are today is there are so few moral voices, so few people who can speak out and be heard on the difference between right and wrong. As a cook, as someone who gives of yourself to care for others, you are respected far more than you imagine. Yours is the voice that can break through. Yours is the voice this time calls for.

There is right and there is wrong and voting for today’s Republicans is simply wrong.

Speak out about the corruption and cruelty that’s taken hold of the Republican party. For all the goodness and all the Hope Vice President Harris has brought to her campaign at this point she’s still only 2 points ahead in the national polls. There are two months left. On 11.5.24 America could still end. We can’t let that happen.

And this week Donald Trump was once again indicted for his coup to overthrow the election and end our democracy. Please let everyone you know who is planning to vote for him that if they do so they are no longer Americans and should be ashamed of themselves.
My buddy had a dog named Spike. These are the same assholes that would Spike your daughters drink at a bar or frat party. Total losers!!! How many have you seen a spike in the people you know with their health? I have lost 7 people I know from heart attacks, cancer and stroke. I also know people who are sick all the time. Kids are getting turbo cancer unlike any time ever. Funeral homes have seen a huge spike in business and life insurance claims have spiked through the roof and are up 30%. Basically, people are dying playing soccer, track and in their sleep.

Wow all those protests calling for an immediate ceasefire and end of the war, in Israel! I never knew there were sooooo many anti-Semitic people IN Israel!
He committed treason. Republican voters don’t care.

This moment is enormous. Rise up to it. Everyone already knows what Jack Smith will ultimately prove. We all saw it while it was happening. Donald Trump conspired to overthrow our election and end our democracy. We all know what he will do if he gets back in office.

Don’t kid yourself. Those still voting for Republicans aren’t voting for him in spite of January 6, they are voting for him because of January 6.

Because Republican voters are voting to end America, it’s time for business as usual to be on hold until the 11.5.24 election. Now until then it’s time for all of us to come to the defense of America.

That Republicans are planning to vote for the man who is literally the greatest threat America has ever known is too-too much.

And we are not living in normal times. Either we save America, and our planet with it, or we don’t. The cost of failure 11.5.24 is beyond words. Rise up to meet the enormity of our time. The future is depending on you.

Please, use your voice. So much of why we are where we are today is there are so few moral voices, so few people who can speak out and be heard on the difference between right and wrong. As a cook, as someone who gives of yourself to care for others, you are respected far more than you imagine. Yours is the voice that can break through. Yours is the voice this time calls for.

There is right and there is wrong and voting for today’s Republicans is simply wrong.

Speak out about the corruption and cruelty that’s taken hold of the Republican party. For all the goodness and all the Hope Vice President Harris has brought to her campaign at this point she’s still only 2 points ahead in the national polls. There are two months left. On 11.5.24 America could still end. We can’t let that happen.

And this week Donald Trump was once again indicted for his coup to overthrow the election and end our democracy. Please let everyone you know who is planning to vote for him that if they do so they are no longer Americans and should be ashamed of themselves.
When did you become a cook? Dennys?
Scare & Fear Tactics. These people are pure evil losers and will pay a hefty price for cheating, lying and making shit up so baby, child and scared adults take poison jabs.

A mum whose baby died after catching a common virus has said anyone who's spent time in intensive care over winter would "definitely take the RSV vaccine".
