Today in Fascism

There is quite a bit of disrespect for the flag at trump rallies . . . the clothes, the alteration of the flags stripe colors, frayed torn flags hanging off the back of vehicles, trump hugging the flag . . . etc etc
You can say what you want about disrespect. And @espola can post the policy/definition/etc. But we all know those people are patriotic and would never think of burning the flag the way all these protesters do. You and Papa E know that. But you both go ahead and keep thinking and saying whatever you want. I guess it's not a lie if you believe it.
You can say what you want about disrespect. And @espola can post the policy/definition/etc. But we all know those people are patriotic and would never think of burning the flag the way all these protesters do. You and Papa E know that. But you both go ahead and keep thinking and saying whatever you want. I guess it's not a lie if you believe it.
"It's not a lie if you believe it". Is that your motto?
There is quite a bit of disrespect for the flag at trump rallies . . . the clothes, the alteration of the flags stripe colors, frayed torn flags hanging off the back of vehicles, trump hugging the flag . . . etc etc
I'm sure they just don't want to get their rainbow flags dirty.
You can say what you want about disrespect. And @espola can post the policy/definition/etc. But we all know those people are patriotic and would never think of burning the flag the way all these protesters do. You and Papa E know that. But you both go ahead and keep thinking and saying whatever you want. I guess it's not a lie if you believe it.
maga is just a German/American Bund style group of ultra nationalists that even is blatant or is it foolish enough to use the America first language.
You can say what you want about disrespect. And @espola can post the policy/definition/etc. But we all know those people are patriotic and would never think of burning the flag the way all these protesters do. You and Papa E know that. But you both go ahead and keep thinking and saying whatever you want. I guess it's not a lie if you believe it.
You seem far more concerned about burning a printed piece of cloth made to represent the USA than you are the issues the American behind that act is trying shine light on.
Extremism is a plague wherever it comes from. Hate makes strange bedfellows.
You aren’t denying the anti-Semites and other racial haters that come from the extreme right are you?
There certainly are anti-Semitic idiots on the extreme right, but they're typically limited to the backwoods. Its no comparison to the anti-Semites from the left that have infiltrated our universities across the country.
You seem far more concerned about burning a printed piece of cloth made to represent the USA than you are the issues the American behind that act is trying shine light on.
Hence why its not a smart thing to do, because it distracts from and negativity impacts the credibility of the message. If justice warriors were serious about their cause they would do something substantive to help their cause, instead of performing a controversial symbolic act which does nothing to advance their cause. It's just a cheap stunt to get attention, like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Go ahead burn away, its a right of free speech. Just don't expect most Americans to take you seriously.
Hence why its not a smart thing to do, because it distracts from and negativity impacts the credibility of the message. If justice warriors were serious about their cause they would do something substantive to help their cause, instead of performing a controversial symbolic act which does nothing to advance their cause. It's just a cheap stunt to get attention, like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Go ahead burn away, its a right of free speech. Just don't expect most Americans to take you seriously.
It got your attention . . . but then your handlers produced a bright shiny object to entertain your primal instincts.
There certainly are anti-Semitic idiots on the extreme right, but they're typically limited to the backwoods. Its no comparison to the anti-Semites from the left that have infiltrated our universities across the country.
Remember Charlottesville? January 6th? Trump’s 2015 meme showing Hillary and the Star of David? The alt-right group? The various vandalism, bombings and murders at synagogues from here to Christchurch? Nick Fuentes?
Remember Charlottesville? January 6th? Trump’s 2015 meme showing Hillary and the Star of David? The alt-right group? The various vandalism, bombings and murders at synagogues from here to Christchurch? Nick Fuentes?
I remember Hitler and the Nazis too. I was talking about current affairs.
I remember Hitler and the Nazis too. I was talking about current affairs.
Do you remember the German American bund that lead to the America first committee? Some things just don’t go away no matter how tight you close your eyes and try to wish it away.
So you libtards can fly whatever flag you want but republicans can't? Or are they standing in his front yard again like they did last time?
If he is going to obviously take sides in this important case, he should recuse himself from any arguments or decisions on it.

Do you want to know how clueless I am about flags? When I bought my last used car, it had a thin blue line flag sticker on the rear bumper until my daughter explained its meaning to me.

Here is my favorite patriotic flag -- the Green Mountain flag of the Vermont Republic (1777-1791). The Republic existed because New York and New Hampshire were squabbling over the territory until the people residing there settled it for themselves.
