Today in Fascism

I am so happy today for all those who died so I could be happy. Live life to the full and be happy. Thank you to all those who gave the ultimate, so I can live a happy and joyful life🙏😄

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Happy? Memorial Day should be solemn, even appropriately sad for some people.
My yogi straight out of India wished me a “Happy Memorial Day”. I forgave him and corrected him. Immigrants I can understand, idiots I cannot. I say have a meaningful Memorial Day. The line a Fort Rosecrans is a long one today!
My yogi straight out of India wished me a “Happy Memorial Day”. I forgave him and corrected him. Immigrants I can understand, idiots I cannot. I say have a meaningful Memorial Day. The line a Fort Rosecrans is a long one today!
Happy Memorial Day Husker Du
Hypocrisy and Idiocracy . . . kinda go hand in hand. And those are the people trying to force themselves on the American public. Only the likeminded and ill-informed buy into the obvious bs. Lazy pukes using idiots to get jobs where they don’t have to do anything. In fact they have convinced those that
vote for them that doing nothing is best!


You losers messed with the wrong Seals. Pain is coming!!
espola jumped sides (so says the liar) to vote for Pedo Joe and his crime family.


BREAKING 🚨 Joe Biden, Hunter Biden Whistleblower Makes New Statement

“This is the reason why I'm still going through this situation. I'm gonna be quite clear and quick. Hunter Biden has been money laundering in my accounts along with Joe Biden ever since I was a congressional intern at age 15.

In addition to that, in 1980, he was convicted of sexually assaulting me, Diplo, and Adam Ord, my ex boyfriend. I didn't realize that it happened to him too.

I don't know how he got through FBI adjudication and investigations for security clearance other than paying bribes. He's the longest running Joe Biden, the longest running politician in the United States, in the federal government. Strom Thurmond had that title, and since he's been president, he has surpassed him. I worked at DOJ for many years, was a DOJ official as well as a federal prosecutor in addition to being an executive at VA.
A piece of writing that so perfectly and succinctly predicted the future. It proves there is clairvoyance in art. Heller wrote this in the late 1950’s. It was published in 1961.

“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.”

Joseph Heller, Catch-22

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You really are a moron, aren't you?
Hypocrisy and Idiocracy . . . kinda go hand in hand. And those are the people trying to force themselves on the American public. Only the likeminded and ill-informed buy into the obvious bs. Lazy pukes using idiots to get jobs where they don’t have to do anything. In fact they have convinced those that vote for them that doing nothing is best!
You referring to Biden and the millions of illegal aliens we tax payers are funding, coward?
Hypocrisy and Idiocracy . . . kinda go hand in hand. And those are the people trying to force themselves on the American public. Only the likeminded and ill-informed buy into the obvious bs. Lazy pukes using idiots to get jobs where they don’t have to do anything. In fact they have convinced those that vote for them that doing nothing is best!
Hey loser, remember the 5th of November and make sure you get your one way ticket(s) to Japan. Time to leave MAGA country. See ya!!!
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The one that starts with "Cardiopulmonary arrest"?

Yeah. Turns out having more than 6 drugs in your system, prior health issues, swallowing a bag of fentanyl and resisting arrest for 30 minutes can really do a number on your heart. But I'll bet you think "Ah caintz breaves" before he ever even got out of his own car is some kind of victim. Can you hold your breath and scream out to mama for 9 minutes? Maybe dumb shit should have just gone back to prison, considering he was committing multiple crimes when he was approached by cops, like he'd done many times before.

Do you want me to post the autopsy here for you? You know the one. It says "no major bruising or damage to the muscles, cartilage or bones in the neck. No life threatening injuries identified."