Today in Fascism

When an army hides behind civilians, civilians die. That's why it's a war crime.
Just think Dad, if we had no war, there would be no war crimes. If we had no vaccines, there would be no vaccine deaths or injuries.
TDS is in full swing today. My gosh, my liberal pal is losing his mind. Like, really you guys, he's lost his mind because of his hate.

Participation in the Fascist Thread is growing and that makes me happy. I do want to caution the class about Dad. Dad is no war expert. He thinks he knows best, but he's been dead wrong. He was so wrong about promoting lockdowns, mask, stand 6 feet away, wash hands and take all the jabs + boosters + flu shots. He has never come on here to say he was wrong. This man is full of shit and full of pride. I do understand the ego has needs, but this man's ego is thick with pride.

"Judge Cannon unseals DOJ docs that Jack Smiths band of miscreants redacted, showing Bidens GSA possessed boxes of 45s papers before they shipped them to MaL.

Translation: #GovernmentGangsters possessed ‘classified’ docs, shipped them to 45, then charged him, because they became illegal in transit? Another DOJ/FBI rig job, just like Russia Gate.

Congress- where are the flipping subpoenas." Kash
Today's Facts and some things to ponder for today's class in The Fascists Kitchen: I came back to the forum 6 years ago to discuss the abuse of girls in youth soccer and got ruthlessly attacked. I also told EVERYONE to stop looking left or right only. I said we need to love over hate. I also said the first will become the last and the last will become first. Kids and then women will actually be first in the New World Order. We were brainwashed into thinking Us vs Them is the way life is. We are consumed & taught dualism in the "System." It's all about our egos. The soul is managing the human body and the human mind. It's like we are each in a body that is 100% a living computer. Each computer comes with the following: Ego, Alter Ego and Shadow. The soul plays the game through the body. The ego has needs, and the ego wants to be right all the time. Trust me, it takes one to know one. The enemy knows this about our brains and how were all wired with fear. The ego cares for me big time. It was my ego that wanted me to go to church for 30+ years, so I wouldn't go to hell. Not a good starting point to begin a loving relationship with a creator that says, "if you don't love me, I'm sending you to hell." "Kneel before the Lord or else." Sounds like, "take the jabs or else." We all have been duped. Either Or, or Else is not how to live life.

God vs Devil
Heaven vs Hell
Jesus vs. Lucifer
Pro Choice vs Pro Life
Christian vs Muslim
Black vs White
Good vs Evil
Russia vs Ukraine
Hamas vs Israel
Russia vs USA
North Korea vs USA
China vs USA
Catholics vs Mormons
Baptist vs Southern Baptist
Mormons vs Evangelicals
Christian Nationalist vs New Age
Democrat vs Republican
Conservative vs Liberal
Man vs Woman
Dog vs Cat
crush vs espola

and so on. Do you see what they & them have done to us? It all starts with each of us. We all have an ego and a shadow. The Ego also has an alter ego. Let me breaks this all down for you.

EOTL=Alter Ego
Husker Du=Shadow

Same Soul playing three rolls in this life and on the forum.

94% of us will become a very powerful force that no one will beat. The other 6% will not be able to walk down the street because they & them support cheating, lying, killing and stealing and everything in-between.
News & Advice From The Bee...........


The Babylon Bee is here to put parents' minds at ease with the following list of critical life skills their kids will learn at an Ivy League school:

  1. How to plagiarize dissertations: Learn from the real experts.
  2. How to pitch a Coleman pup tent purchased from Walmart by George Soros: Those little poles can be tricky, so learning how to assemble them is a big deal.
  3. How to chant in unison by repeating whatever the leader just chanted: Few things prepare students for life in the world than doing exactly what everyone around them is doing.
  4. How to hate all the bad people: And by "all the bad people," we mean whoever you're told to hate.
  5. How to kill at 50 yards with your body odor: You can be a deadly assassin!
  6. How to have drug-induced gay sex for Palestine: The residents of Gaza are sure to be truly appreciative and will in no way want to throw participants off of rooftops.
  7. How to have an opinion on conflicts between countries you're not able to locate on a map: You don't have to know where it's happening, why, or who is involved to know that one side is totally wrong.
  8. How to leverage a degree that costs you $500K into a lucrative job selling overpriced coffee: Each $8 cup of coffee will get you that much closer to achieving your career dreams.
  9. How to treat STDs in the field: You never know what new disease you may wake up with each morning, so knowing how to treat them is key.
  10. How to make your parents reconsider their deeply held liberal values: In just a couple more decades, liberal education will build America into a solidly conservative nation.
Thank you University of Florida for bringing some sanity to all the anti-Semitic BS, instead of indulging the spoiled, ignorant brats like Columbia.

"This is not complicated. The University of Florida is not a day care, and we do not treat protesters like children—they knew the rules, they broke the rules, and they'll face the consequences,"
No excuse? The US and its allies killed about 9,000 civilians when we liberated Mosul from ISIS. Just one battle.i d

For that matter, in Fallujah, we launched an airstrike directly on the hospital. This was legal under the laws of war. The hospital in question was being used as a command post. Compared to us, IDF are a model of restraint. Faced with a similar situation, they went in on the ground.

When an army hides behind civilians, civilians die. That's why it's a war crime.
I don't know that there has ever been a combatant that has ever done more to avoid civilian deaths of their opponent than Israel. Israel has warned civilians of attacks, delayed attacks to maximize civilian evacuation, provided aid to the civilians and gone boots on the ground instead of aerial assault. Not only is this to their significant strategic detriment, its also put their soldiers at far greater risk. I believe this is unprecedented in the history of armed conflict.
Thank you University of Florida for bringing some sanity to all the anti-Semitic BS, instead of indulging the spoiled, ignorant brats like Columbia.

"This is not complicated. The University of Florida is not a day care, and we do not treat protesters like children—they knew the rules, they broke the rules, and they'll face the consequences,"
Rules are made to be followed. Great job Florida😍
I don't know that there has ever been a combatant that has ever done more to avoid civilian deaths of their opponent than Israel. Israel has warned civilians of attacks, delayed attacks to maximize civilian evacuation, provided aid to the civilians and gone boots on the ground instead of aerial assault. Not only is this to their significant strategic detriment, its also put their soldiers at far greater risk. I believe this is unprecedented in the history of armed conflict.
It still sucks, meaning war. It's as if you think it's just the way life is on earth. Killing, murder, torture, rape, bombs away, ground troops, like playing risk but being nice about it. "Hey you Hamas and you animals that live with them. I'm giving you 24 hours to leave your hospital, house or caves you live in to get out now or else were going to destroy your house and urgent care. We feel it's important to follow all the rules of war, especially giving your opponent 'The 24-Hour Warning' of complete and utter destruction. This is new way to fight your enemy that wants to wipe you off the map. New rules of engaging the killing each other. No cheating, lying or stealing in these new rules either."
It still sucks, meaning war. It's as if you think it's just the way life is on earth. Killing, murder, torture, rape, bombs away, ground troops, like playing risk but being nice about it. "Hey you Hamas and you animals that live with them. I'm giving you 24 hours to leave your hospital, house or caves you live in to get out now or else were going to destroy your house and urgent care. We feel it's important to follow all the rules of war, especially giving your opponent 'The 24-Hour Warning' of complete and utter destruction. This is new way to fight your enemy that wants to wipe you off the map. New rules of engaging the killing each other. No cheating, lying or stealing in these new rules either."
100% war does suck. It's mind boggling to me that in today's modern society that we still have wars. If Hamas and its ilk, had the capability (which fortunately they don't) we would be looking at the 2nd Holocaust.

The most important thing right now for our country is to prevent the anti-semitic terrorists from further infecting our young people and the "adults" teaching (actually indoctrinating) them. I'm a free speech absolutist and hate speech is free speech. However, most college campuses have very strict code of conduct for hate speech. If a student violates those policies, particularly if they are using language that is threatening and terrorizing Jewish students, that student should be expelled and any financial aid should be immediately due and payable. If they're non-students (which most campuses have acknowledged many are professional agitators), those individuals should at a minimum be prosecuted with trespassing. The organizations that are funding the professional agitators should be investigated.

Anti-Semitism is illegal when it denies Jews opportunities and services. That is exactly what is happening on these campuses when Jew's are denied safety on campuses and are prevented from attending classes in person. The Federal government should immediately suspend any aid, grants, funding etc to the universities that are tolerating hate and violent speech on their campuses. Any professor that engages in hate speech should be terminated post haste. I'd start first with the Ivy League schools.
I can see how it’s convenient to blame Hamas when 13,000 children are killed, but it’s not correct.
This is the pillar of your argument, and it couldn’t be more wrong. Hamas is a demonstrably evil terrorist group who tell anyone willing to listen, that they want Israel destroyed. They invaded during a ceasefire, committed horrendous atrocities and still haven’t accounted for all the hostages. The moralistic cowards who pass judgement on Israel’s response need to get over there on the ground and work out a solution. Show your commitment to the Palestinian cause.
This is the pillar of your argument, and it couldn’t be more wrong. Hamas is a demonstrably evil terrorist group who tell anyone willing to listen, that they want Israel destroyed. They invaded during a ceasefire, committed horrendous atrocities and still haven’t accounted for all the hostages. The moralistic cowards who pass judgement on Israel’s response need to get over there on the ground and work out a solution. Show your commitment to the Palestinian cause.
The scales of justice overwhelmingly favor Israel, maybe not 100% but pretty damn close.
100% war does suck. It's mind boggling to me that in today's modern society that we still have wars. If Hamas and its ilk, had the capability (which fortunately they don't) we would be looking at the 2nd Holocaust.

The most important thing right now for our country is to prevent the anti-semitic terrorists from further infecting our young people and the "adults" teaching (actually indoctrinating) them. I'm a free speech absolutist and hate speech is free speech. However, most college campuses have very strict code of conduct for hate speech. If a student violates those policies, particularly if they are using language that is threatening and terrorizing Jewish students, that student should be expelled and any financial aid should be immediately due and payable. If they're non-students (which most campuses have acknowledged many are professional agitators), those individuals should at a minimum be prosecuted with trespassing. The organizations that are funding the professional agitators should be investigated.

Anti-Semitism is illegal when it denies Jews opportunities and services. That is exactly what is happening on these campuses when Jew's are denied safety on campuses and are prevented from attending classes in person. The Federal government should immediately suspend any aid, grants, funding etc to the universities that are tolerating hate and violent speech on their campuses. Any professor that engages in hate speech should be terminated post haste. I'd start first with the Ivy League schools.
Jewish students are being targeted. No one race or group be should threaten like this.

Jewish students are being targeted. No one race or group be should threaten like this.

It's impossible to give Palestinians and their supporters the benefit of the doubt based upon their reprehensible behavior. They're terrible spokepersons for their "cause".