Good job. In the case of the North Dakota voter ID law it was deemed unconstitutional, it obviously went too far. I don't support unconstitutional voter ID laws. There are Photo ID requirements in at least a dozen other states and those have either been deemed constitutional, or at least have not been challenged due to precedent. If we're going to require state issued photo ID in California, we should make it more accessible, so people don't have to deal with the DMV. Having a government issued ID is a benefit that goes well beyond voting. If the left was really interested in helping people they should focus on helping the poor and minorities obtain ID's, instead of just fighting voter ID laws. There are many reasons minorities and the poor may choose not to vote.![]()
North Dakota Voter ID Law (Brakebill v. Jaeger) - Native American Rights Fund
In January2016, seven Native Americans from North Dakota filed suit challenging North Dakota’s recently enacted voter ID
What's So Bad About Voter ID Laws? | League of Women Voters
Voter ID laws have long been debated in the United States. While supporters argue that voter photo ID laws are necessary to prevent voter fraud and ensure the integrity of elections, reality tells a different story. Not only do these measures disproportionately impact Black, Native, elderly,
The Impact of Voter Suppression on Communities of Color
Studies show that new laws will disproportionately harm voters of color. Federal legislation is
The other three links are just opinion talking points from well known progressive entities. This doesn't necessarily discredit them on their face, but they only talk about potential outcomes and ignore actual outcomes like Georgia. They also want to correlate low minority turnout with voter ID laws, I don't believe that correlation, let alone causation, has been independently proven.
I'm not that worked up about Voter ID, I mostly just find it odd that's it not required, when we require photo ID for many other minor items. For hells sake, during the pandemic I had to show vaccine status to attend public events, HIPPAA be damned.
Truth be told, I'm just pissing in the wind because there is no way that California will ever pass a photo ID for voting.