"When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear."
– Thomas Sowell
I hope at least EVERYONE here at the fabulous soccer forum knows 100% that I came to speak the truth about the cheating in youth soccer. Pay For Play is over. I came here to help those who asked for my help. My PMs are blowing up with, "Thank You Crush." The Rats have left. I stood tall among the Elites, and they all gone. Cat has their tongue? When you lie and lie and lie and then lie about the lies, you will run out of more lies. Lies can only go so far. The TRUTH is what will last forever. Get on the side of TRUTH no matter where the TRUTH takes you. Espola, Surf Futbol and Hiusker Du are fucking liars, traitors and Marxist. These 3 Amigos will pay everything back for all their evil done under the sun. I came to shine a light with my truth and I still here and they all gone. Gee, I wonder where they went. No dark caves to hide in anymore losers. You will be exposed, everyone one of you snakes will be exposed!!!