Today in Fascism

You all better watch out for those MAGA!

"I got Impeached TWICE, was found NOT GUILTY, TWICE, but the Democrats never gave me the benefit or luxury of an Impeachment INQUIRY. Had they done so I never would have been Impeached They went straight to a Trial, before knowing anything about my complete and total innocence. WITCH HUNT! It was disgraceful. Biden is lucky to only have an Inquiry, and he’s GUILTY AS HELL!" t
Hunter Biden is in ‘Contempt of Congress.’ 

There is so much evidence against him and Joe, NO WONDER he didn’t show up for his deposition!


JAMES COMER: “This is an investigation of Joe Biden… What DID THE BIDEN’s DO to receive TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars FROM OUR ENEMIES around the world?”

My Lib pals WHO took all the jabs are STFHs and know 100% deep down in the pit of the heart that they got lied to big time. They hate Trump so much they now think it was a good idea to steal the election and force jab everyone, even kids under 6 months. These same sickos believe in killing babies before birth but the same people get all upset when Hamas cuts off babies heads. We live in a Matrix of hate, murder, ass kissing, back stabers, cheaters, liars and sick fucks that use kids for all sorts of evil. Espola and Husker Du support this shit and they call Trump and his supporters POS.
Donald Trump Jr.: Testifies behind closed doors for 40+ hours.

Hunter Biden: Defies subpoena to give closed-door testimony.

This illegal blatant disregard for Congress will not be tolerated.

Dum Fuk Espola thinks Hunters Laptop is fake and nothing to see and just move right along. Husker Du thinks kids that go missing are just run aways and that Pizzagate is fake. Espola, you are full of shit!!!

Which one is the real Joe? Someone got his Tatoos removed? What a movie were in folks. Grab that popcorn, sit back and watch the whole truth be exposed for all to see. Yes people, your Hate for one man is actually hate for other humans, who believe in freedom and free choice (excpet killing the unborn, that is called murder folks. Yes, the truth hurts but it's the truth).
That's actually an interesting question. You can argue that progressives have considered them white since the Rodney King riots and whiter than white since Harvard raised the admissions standards for Asians.
I'm so white they call me wonder bread with white privilege mayo in the middle. I can't catch a break on earth. Bad time to be a white man, no invite to Christmas party......

This is called a double speak, pony dog, two faced liar. Look at the look in his eyes. What do you see? Folks, people like Espola, Husker Du, Dad and Surf Futbol are cheaters, WHO twist the truth with lies, it's insane. These are professional liars were all dealing with. When you all find out what most of these sick fuks do with children, it will bring us all together. I'm willing to lose as a MAGA White Privileged Male for the betterment of our country. I had it all as a white man. Worked 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to be a winner in Socal. Stay home mom to boot. $500,000 mortgage, car payments, the insurance, more bills and let's not forget youth soccer expense. I got all that because I am a white dude. You guys can have it all and the Oysters that come with it. Enjoy the feast with all the other losers. I'm holding out for the Gr8t Banquet. That is by invite only and you best better be a truthful soul or no entry.
"Biden had 150 Suspicious Activity Reports!!! I never had one!!! As the media has reported, my banks were thrilled with me as a customer, yet I get sued by the Racist A.G. of New York State. WITCH HUNT!" t

We truly live among Witches and Warlocks. Hunters Laptop from hell is nothing compared to Weiners Laptop. The biggest WITCH of them all, HRC is seen doing unthinkable things. We are now entering the stage of Light vs Dark and LIGHT taking over 100%. The LIGHT (TRUTH) won, yay!!! No more darkness to hide in. It's only the light and what you truly believe in and desire. We have fools telling women they need to "learn how to lose graciously" when they lose to a fucking man in sport. This is how evil things have gone. However, it's also amazing to see these fools expose themselves for all to witness and choose what side to be on. These lunatics expose themselves for the perverts that they are. Good vs Evil. Right vs Wrong. Welcome to the game of choice. Pay for Play is over. The new game on the new earth will be TRUTH. No more lying or cheating allowed or hurting children and killing them before their born because. The kids will be first because they have been last. The kids will be the most sacred and protected people on earth. Woman and the Elderly will be next. Let the new game begin!!!