Notice the "H" that Mr. T left at the end? Well, Q posted this 5 years ago. Everything Trump post has meaning. Misspellings are not by accident. Dates and time stapes can have double meaning as well. This the Morse Code of our time. Pay attention and don't be afraid of Q. Surf Futbol and Espola tried to make Crush, Trump and Q look like crazy. It's ok, they lied & cheated and will pay back everything. One of them even threaten my dd and one dad wanted to take me out and make me look like a fucking fool on here all because I took a stand on cheating and lying in youth soccer. Well, I'm still standing, and I will never stop until justice is served on these cheaters that will pay anything to win."By any other Judge in New York, the trial brought by the Corrupt and Racist A.G., Peekaboo James, would be dismissed and over. This case should never have been allowed to be brought - I have NO RIGHTS, & DON’T EVEN GET, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, A JURY. Peekaboo has misrepresented values to the judge, like Mar-a-Lago being worth only $18,000,99. I am worth much more than my Financial Statements, so there can be NO FRAUD! I have a 100% Disclaimer Clause, so again, there can be NO FRAUD! This trial is an Election Interference Witch Hunt, and everybody knows it. New York State should intercede and stop this total travesty of Justice. H" DJT
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