Today in Fascism

The t-shirt amuses me. “Palestine is a feminist/queer/refugee/racial justice issue.”

She clearly has no idea what hamas thinks of feminists and queer people, or what happens to such people in muslim theocracies.
I agree with you, but Hamas does not equal Palestine.
It appears that rather than go through another 15-vote public circus to select a Speaker, the House Republicans are holding their circus in secret.
I agree with you, but Hamas does not equal Palestine.
I find myself in the rare situation of agreeing with one of crush's posts.
It appears that rather than go through another 15-vote public circus to select a Speaker, the House Republicans are holding their circus in secret.

I find myself in the rare situation of agreeing with one of crush's posts.
Well, isn't that special. When Ellejustus was Crush, you agreed with me all the time until I dumped that scripture on! We for sure have circus clowns on both sides, let's not just single out the cheaters on the right.
Hey fellas, today is my 27-year anniversary. Both of my kids are out of the nest and it's just my sweet Angel and me. I want to publicly say how grateful I am to my amazing wife. As you would guess, being married to "Crush" is no joke and not easy on any soul. 99.9% of any other woman I married would have left me a long time ago, trust me. I am full of ADHD Energy and a very strong Empath. I think I am a rare man, and wear my heart on my sleeve. I am a Scorpio as well so there's all that too:cool: I love you babe to the moon and back. Thank for being the best wife and mother a hubby could ask for. God knew I needed a sweet, kind and patient partner and God provided big time for me. Let's all come together and MAKE AMERICA GR8T AGAIN!!!

Everyone wants Jim Jordan. I know Espola is no fan of Jim and I'm sure he would love Steve, just like all the rest of the cheaters. Let's see how the debates go on the floor. You do need 217, just saying. Secret votes are for the secret society cheaters. Trump is standing by in the bullpen if you need someone to help Clean the HOUSE for good. 100 days of Trump as Speaker would be freaking amazing!!!

It appears that rather than go through another 15-vote public circus to select a Speaker, the House Republicans are holding their circus in secret.

I find myself in the rare situation of agreeing with one of crush's posts.

Yes, but you still bastardized it by continuing to pretend you're not a democrat. Don't worry about the "Speaker circus" when Ringling Bros. has occupied the White House for the last 2.5 years.
Hey fellas, one of Military pals put all these together over the years and @RealAF put them all on one video. I've posted these over the years but I'm sure most of you didn't watch them. I get it and do not take it personal. I'm just a voice. I love my Country. I love my brothers and sisters in my country. I don't care what color of skin you have or how much money or influence you have. I love all people all over the world. The fact is, most people are good. We all got played. Take some time and watch them all together. It will open your fucking eyes or scare you because you dd wrong and chose wrong in the greatest heist of our lives. I was wrong about 911 and the Bush clan so it's not hard to admit bad choices. They tricked us all. Were all Antz trying to take down the Grasshoppers and once we all realize were stronger and can defeat the Elites and delete these assholes, the sooner we can all build the New Earth together. Imagine building a better world together. It's starts with you, the man in the mirror. We got this you guys.

"This Trophy was given to me by Deutsche Bank because they were so proud of the Loan they made. They had the best Lawyers, the smartest Loan Officers, and were thrilled to do business with “TRUMP.” Interest was fully paid every month (no payment ever missed!), never received a default notice, and if Interest came due on a weekend, I paid it on a Friday. THE LOAN WAS PAID OFF FAR AHEAD OF SCHEDULE! Except for me, because of the Corrupt DOJ, FBI, and Racist New York State Attorney General, there were no Victims, there were only happy Bankers! But despite a PERFECT LOAN, I was sued by the Incompetent, Radical Left New York State AG, Letitia “ Espola-Peekaboo” James, under a Statute that was never used for this before, and where I am not even entitled to a Jury. A Liberal Democrat Judge, with all Trump Haters surrounding him, is going to make this very important decision. If I had a Jury, I would win easily, but regardless, this is a case that should never have been brought. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!" DJT
