Today in Fascism

More evidence of t treason --

"...told Pratt two pieces of information about U.S. submarines: the supposed exact number of nuclear warheads they routinely carry, and exactly how close they supposedly can get to a Russian submarine without being detected."

How did this get past the Ministry of Truth? Hahaha.

The Mother of all Wars is now playing on Tell A Vision in your house. All the war hawks are out in force today. "War, war, war, war, war and more war." These people are blood thirsty for violence, destruction and death.
Do you not see the mask on this actress's face? That is not the real Witch HRC. I think she not around anymore. After she "fainted" on the way to GITMO, she was no more.

"Israel and Palestine should work towards peace. Russia and Ukraine should work towards peace. No ordinary citizens in the west benefit from either one of these conflicts. In fact, nobody benefits from war ever - except for the military industrial complex that funds them. The establishment often uses these conflicts as a way to further divide us. You will see various figures telling you to “pick a side” I say why? It is always just a conflict between corrupt governments using human beings as pawns in their quest to consolidate power. War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other." Ben

Don’t fall for it, peace is the prize :)
Hamas has two great helpers in Washington -- Matt Gaetz and Tommy Tuberville.
I got you to come out of your hole. Let's not forget about your fav President Obama. He gave Hamas $122,000,000 in cash and another $1.7B in cash to Iran. What kind of rock do you hide under?

Judas Pence just said this. Go get em Mike. Tough guy!!!
Mike Pence suggests Trump, DeSantis share blame in Israel attack for 'signaling retreat' on the world stage.
Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie said on Sunday that the U.S. should provide Israel with "everything that it needs to be able to take whatever actions it needs to take." Blank check book and I bet he's ok sending our troops over to fight this BS. What a place earth is.
OK, I just watched ABC news share about how Israel was caught off guard with a new flying machine. Yup folks, Hamas has highly trained Paragliders who snuck up on one the most highly trained military. Israel security knows when a cockroach is trying to enter at check point. I then see these highly trained militant's drive off in electric golf carts with two elderly people. Something seems off with all the this.

Take this to the bank. Someday, all of you will thank Donald J Trump for taking a stand against ruthless animals. You should all watch this again. They ALL submitted. You are now going to see the 100% dismantle of the deep sate or cabal or whatever evil name like devil or satan. It really doesn't matter because evil swims together and evil will drown together.

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Biden paid Iran $6 billion on 9/11. Let that sink in, Weeks later, Iran funded Hamas’ terrorist attack against Israel on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. Let that sink in, these are not coincidences. This destabilization of the Middle East was planned by evil people on all sides that want war and death.
"By any other Judge in New York, the trial brought by the Corrupt and Racist A.G., Peekaboo James, would be dismissed and over. This case should never have been allowed to be brought - I have NO RIGHTS, & DON’T EVEN GET, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, A JURY. Peekaboo has misrepresented values to the judge, like Mar-a-Lago being worth only $18,000,99. I am worth much more than my Financial Statements, so there can be NO FRAUD! I have a 100% Disclaimer Clause, so again, there can be NO FRAUD! This trial is an Election Interference Witch Hunt, and everybody knows it. New York State should intercede and stop this total travesty of Justice. H" DJT


Thank you Boss. I know you know my dd was wronged by cheats, liars and yellers in socal youth soccer repeatedly, so as her Hawk Dad, I fought back instead of continuing taking one lie after another. That's why the big liar on here has me on ignore.