The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Little Joey Shitstain, Don the Con had 2 years of a majority in in both houses of congress so why didn't he get his wall then? Do you ever stop to look at what is in the tripe Fox News is feeding you? Why was Don the Con risking all of our lives for those 2 years? Don the Con said it would be done on Day 1. The fact is Don the Con is way out of his league, he is intellectually lazy and is simply inept. None of that is the Democrat's fault; Don the Con is not very good at being President or even pretending to be President.

Did you watch The Apprentice? You do know that was all staged scenarios with no basis in reality - right?
Hey, Hey, Hey.
Why don't you go ask Obama about having both houses.
Except due to size of your elemu they insisted it be a "second to die" policy - which I thought was just mean!

So, I was gonna hit an ATM and grab some cash, but maybe I can swing by the fed instead? I hear they are printing money.
Just turn the handle on the spigot silly.
To Trump, the wall was never more than an applause line. And now it's failing.

I don’t think Trump has ever cared a bit about immigration or protecting the border. I don’t think he gives a whip about who comes in or where or how or why they enter the country.

The wall, for our narcissist in chief, has never been more than an abstraction, something large and impressive-sounding he could use to get the people who like him excited. I doubt its functionality or purpose has any meaning to him. It simply became a part of his nationalist brand, an idea that was fun to toss around in a crowded auditorium, like a giant beach ball at a concert.

But now that the government is shutdown and Trump’s temper tantrum isn’t swaying Democrats in Congress one bit, that fun, giant bouncing ball of an idea isn’t feeling so fun to our self-serving president.

What Trump needed, in the wake of Democrats winning back the House of Representatives and special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation closing in on him, was a distraction. The focus had to move away from all the people in his inner circle who were flipping or being sentenced to prison time, and he — the Donald — had to grab the spotlight.

So he fell back on the part of his presidential brand he thought he could always count on: The Wall!

But it backfired. It stopped being fun. It required Trump to do a televised speech he didn’t want to do, and now he’ll have to fly down to the border and pretend to care.

He doesn’t care. The wall has never been more than an applause line. And now it’s nothing more than a Trumpian attempt to distract from other things that might make Trump look bad.

It’s not working. It’s just adding to the things making Trump look bad.

You could see it on the president’s face Tuesday night as he squinted at the American people and delivered the divisive, dishonest words that others fed him.

He looked like he knows the con isn’t working. Like he just figured out that the fall guy is him.
To Trump, the wall was never more than an applause line. And now it's failing.

I don’t think Trump has ever cared a bit about immigration or protecting the border. I don’t think he gives a whip about who comes in or where or how or why they enter the country.

The wall, for our narcissist in chief, has never been more than an abstraction, something large and impressive-sounding he could use to get the people who like him excited. I doubt its functionality or purpose has any meaning to him. It simply became a part of his nationalist brand, an idea that was fun to toss around in a crowded auditorium, like a giant beach ball at a concert.

But now that the government is shutdown and Trump’s temper tantrum isn’t swaying Democrats in Congress one bit, that fun, giant bouncing ball of an idea isn’t feeling so fun to our self-serving president.

What Trump needed, in the wake of Democrats winning back the House of Representatives and special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation closing in on him, was a distraction. The focus had to move away from all the people in his inner circle who were flipping or being sentenced to prison time, and he — the Donald — had to grab the spotlight.

So he fell back on the part of his presidential brand he thought he could always count on: The Wall!

But it backfired. It stopped being fun. It required Trump to do a televised speech he didn’t want to do, and now he’ll have to fly down to the border and pretend to care.

He doesn’t care. The wall has never been more than an applause line. And now it’s nothing more than a Trumpian attempt to distract from other things that might make Trump look bad.

It’s not working. It’s just adding to the things making Trump look bad.

You could see it on the president’s face Tuesday night as he squinted at the American people and delivered the divisive, dishonest words that others fed him.

He looked like he knows the con isn’t working. Like he just figured out that the fall guy is him.
Walls are meant to be divisive. Thatʻs why previous administrations have been building them long before Donny T..