The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Gobeargo is apparently now either an inept financial planner or wannabe art critic.

Sad to see a new year has not made old Go any smarter.
Gobeargo is apparently now either an inept financial planner or wannabe art critic.

Sad to see a new year has not made old Go any smarter.

Butthurt about your post being deemed 'dumb' are we? Seems the new year hasn't changed you from being a whiney bitch... didn't hold my breath on that you would anyway. Same old, same old pussy.
Why don't we just let the IRS take care of border security?
Tear gas deployed to stave off caravan migrants again
Jazz Shaw Jan 02, 2019 9:41 AM
Top Pick

Not the sort of fireworks we were looking for, migrants

GAO: IRS Had 4,487 Guns; 5,062,006 Rounds of Ammunition ...
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Dec 29, 2018 · GAO: IRS Had 4,487 Guns; 5,062,006 Rounds of Ammunition. General » General Discussion. AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry. AR15.COM is the world’s largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types.
Nikki Haley, the departing U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, claims that President Trump's unpredictable rhetoric has often worked to the diplomatic advantage of the United States.

In an interview Wednesday with NBC's "Today" show, Haley explained her working dynamic with the president, referencing negotiations with other world ambassadors.

"We would partner in that. He would ratchet up the rhetoric, and I'd go back to the ambassadors and say, you know, he's pretty upset. I can't promise you what he's going to do or not, but I can tell you if we do these sanctions, it will keep him from going too far," she said.

Haley said she was "trying to get the job done."

"I got the job done by being truthful, but also by letting him be unpredictable and not showing our cards," she said.

Haley said working with the president involved being truthful to herself and to him, as well as being able to tell him when she thought matters were going in the right or wrong direction.

Haley also discussed the murder of activist Jamal Khashoggi, saying "I think we need to have a serious, hard talk with the Saudis to let them know we won't condone this, we won't give you a pass, and don't do this again."

"And then," Haley added, "I think that the administrations have to talk about where we go from here."

She also acknowledged how Saudi Arabia has helped the U.S.

"What I can tell you that is so important is that the Saudis have been our partner in defeating and dealing with Iran, and that has been hugely important," Haley said.

But she reinforced her tough response from earlier in the interview, saying "when these things (such as the murder of Khashoggi) happen, we have to step back and never back away from our principles."

Haley will be leaving her post at year's end, but said she has not set plans for the next stage of her career -- despite speculation that she may run for president at some point.

"I think a lot people have talked about what I may be doing in the future," she said. "But I can promise you, Michael (her husband Michael Haley, an officer in the South Carolina Army National Guard) and I have never talked about running for president, what that would look like, anything like that."
QUOTE="Dominic, post: 238649, member: 1"

NoNoNo im with you on trying to MAGA , it is just that I do not think Trump is the right guy.
You are entitled to that opinion, out of the 17 or so candidates on the Republican side HE WAS the
one who went after the CLINTON CABAL and the others were ALL complacent or did NOT articulate
their position AT ALL !

Great message but look at who has fallen around him, he seems to have no integrity.
The ones who have since Jan 20, 2017 " Fallen " are either not :
A. " Team Players " ( Sound Familiar ! ) ( A. includes ALL employees fired/dismissed/quit ! )
or were
B. CRIMINALS who should have been Prosecuted under Obama's watch
or were
C. Set up in perjury traps by Robert Mueller & Co.

I know when someone goes against Trump you automatically go in to slam the dems mode
Yes I do ! Unless they articulate a message that PROVES their point. Lying DOES NOT COUNT !

but don't you think the Republicans can come up with someone better than Trump.
They had 17 + choices at one time, Trump rose to the top didn't he !
He has damn near achieved EVERY PROMISE he made, the Democrats are the ROAD BLOCK !
Not one of his achievements is detrimental to the Country. His picked Jerome Powell the run the
Feds.....Look what Powell was doing until he got called out ! Those moves by Powell were
definitely NOT conducive to Growing a Robust economy, now I think Powell is back tracking....

I think the True anti big government candidate would have been Bearney and the DNC did him in.
Bernie Sanders is a SOCIALIST !
We would not have an economy if he was elected. What Hillary Rodham Clinton did to him was
ROTTEN TO THE CORE, but remember Dominic ...Bernie took the whippin and took the cash !
He showed his TRUE sellout colors ( Kinda like the Tribes who sold out William Wallace ! )

Trump is smart and knows what you want to hear, and knows where the votes are.
If Trump was selling an elixir I would not buy it, he's NOT selling anything, he restoring
a framework that will " MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN " ....big difference.

The best thing Trump has done so far is wake everyone up on how important voting is,
and not taking this great democracy we live in for granted.
100% Correct !!!!!!
And as a result of ripping the curtains back....America is VERY VERY
aware of the corruption. Those that deny it will regret their denial because
they were/are complicit to the corruption that was/is exposed !!!!!


Sometimes you cannot pick the VERY best " Tools " for the job, so settling for the next best
item that will achieve the ultimate GOAL is the course that is needed.....

Donald J Trump was the Next Best and he's doing the JOB even with massive
amounts of Politicians and NWO idiots throwing shoes into the conveyor belt !

Sabotage = Rhinos/Democrats
Dom's a bomb thrower.
Die already,

With 'Not Long' To Live, Harry Reid Speaks Of Trump In 'Worst' Terms 'Ever'

Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
ByJames Barrett
January 2, 2019
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid "does not have long to live," New York Times Magazine's Mark Leibovich states bluntly, but that doesn't appear to have had any impact on the curmudgeonly ex-senator's famously sharp tongue. He's just as combative and surly as ever, and had some harsh things to say about President Trump in a rare interview since being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May.

In addition to making clear to Leibovich during their sit-down in early December that he would not win the battle with cancer — stating in painfully inexorable terms, "As soon as you discover you have something on your pancreas, you’re dead" — Reid offered his thoughts on Trump, whom he declared "the worst president we’ve ever had."

Reid's comments on Trump were prompted by Leibovich asking if he agreed with fired FBI Director James Comey's description of Trump as a mafia godfather. Reid suggested that was a bit too complimentary.

"Organized crime is a business, and they are really good with what they do. But they are better off when things are predictable," said Reid. "In my opinion, they do not do well with chaos. And that’s what we have going with Trump."

Trump, Reid added, is an "interesting person" because he supposedly lacks a conscience.

"He is not immoral but is amoral," said Reid. "Amoral is when you shoot someone in the head, it doesn’t make a difference. No conscience."

Leibovich notes that there was "a hint of grudging respect in Reid’s tone," but that the former senator "seemed to catch and correct" it.

"I think he is without question the worst president we’ve ever had," Reid said. "We’ve had some bad ones, and there’s not even a close second to him. He’ll lie. He’ll cheat. You can’t reason with him."

But again, "a hint of wonder crept into his voice," writes Leibovich, "as if he was describing a rogue beast on the loose in a jungle that Reid knows well."

That "jungle," suggests the author, is one that Reid played a role in creating, as one of the politicians who repeatedly demonstrated that he's willing to play "dirty" to push his agenda, including against a man who was about as opposite of Trump as one can imagine: Mitt Romney.
Creepy Uncle Joe, man of the people.

Joseph R. Biden Jr. spoke with the novelist Jodi Picoult at an event last month in Vermont.CreditCreditHilary Swift for The New York Times
When officials at the University of Utah invited Joseph R. Biden Jr. to speak there in December, Mr. Biden’s representatives listed a number of requirements for the appearance. His booking firm, Creative Artists Agency, said the school would need to fly Mr. Biden and his aides to Salt Lake City by private plane. It would have to buy 1,000 copies of his recent memoir for distribution to the audience. There would be no insertion of the word “former” before “vice president” in social media promotions. And the speaking fee would be $100,000 — “a reduced rate,” it was explained, for colleges and universities.

But three days before the event, Mr. Biden’s aides learned that the public university would be using state funds to pay his fee. They already had a policy against taking tuition dollars, and decided that accepting taxpayer dollars for such a windfall might appear just as politically distasteful. Mr. Biden made the trip anyway but declined to take a check.

That costly last-minute reversal exposes the complicated balance Mr. Biden has attempted since leaving the vice presidency two years ago: between earning substantial wealth for the first time and maintaining viability as a potential 2020 presidential contender.

He has done so while building a network of nonprofits and academic centers that are staffed by his closest strategists and advisers, many making six figures while working on the issues most closely identified with him. It has effectively become a campaign-in-waiting, poised to metamorphose if the 76-year-old Mr. Biden announces his third bid for the presidency.
QUOTE="Sheriff Joe, post: 238750, member: 1585"



The above cartoon sourced by " The Sheriff " is absolutely SPOT on !!!!

The Democrats are becoming the Party of " Blood "......
I don't have a shocked face to cut and paste... but by my count, sure seem like you add Romney and the rest of the establishment Republican's in the Senate in with the Dem's, and you're looking at the 2/3's Senate votes needed to impeach the president?

Hindsight is always 20/20 of course, but with the Senate being so hard to gerrymander and the fact that he's lost the House- I'm starting to think Trumps decision to purely pander to the far right base and count on his ability to yell about Mexican's and Hillary during the elections might have been a big miscalculation. Any guesses from the peanut gallery on what his chances are of staying in office vs getting impeached? Given how poor of a strategist he is proving to be- I'm really starting to wonder if he's got the chops to hang on.
I don't have a shocked face to cut and paste... but by my count, sure seem like you add Romney and the rest of the establishment Republican's in the Senate in with the Dem's, and you're looking at the 2/3's Senate votes needed to impeach the president?

Hindsight is always 20/20 of course, but with the Senate being so hard to gerrymander and the fact that he's lost the House- I'm starting to think Trumps decision to purely pander to the far right base and count on his ability to yell about Mexican's and Hillary during the elections might have been a big miscalculation. Any guesses from the peanut gallery on what his chances are of staying in office vs getting impeached? Given how poor of a strategist he is proving to be- I'm really starting to wonder if he's got the chops to hang on.
Tell us again who you voted for twice and how bad of a candidate she was and why you have such bad judgement.