The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

That was a historic speech. I’m sure good Americans will now change their minds and support the building of a wall.

But you fell asleep at the Spigot for 6 straight QE years during the largest bilk fest the world has ever experienced. Kek!

I'm getting no traction with the go fund me. You may have to wait for Gavin to pass single-payer to get your coverage. Sorry Bruddah. Stay healthy now.
Little Joey Shitstain, Don the Con had 2 years of a majority in in both houses of congress so why didn't he get his wall then? Do you ever stop to look at what is in the tripe Fox News is feeding you? Why was Don the Con risking all of our lives for those 2 years? Don the Con said it would be done on Day 1. The fact is Don the Con is way out of his league, he is intellectually lazy and is simply inept. None of that is the Democrat's fault; Don the Con is not very good at being President or even pretending to be President.

Did you watch The Apprentice? You do know that was all staged scenarios with no basis in reality - right?
Little Joey Shitstain, Don the Con had 2 years of a majority in in both houses of congress so why didn't he get his wall then? Do you ever stop to look at what is in the tripe Fox News is feeding you? Why was Don the Con risking all of our lives for those 2 years? Don the Con said it would be done on Day 1. The fact is Don the Con is way out of his league, he is intellectually lazy and is simply inept. None of that is the Democrats fault; Don the Con is not a very good at being President or even pretending to be President.

Did you watch The Apprentice? You do know that was all staged scenarios with no basis in reality - right?

I think t has finally realized that he can't just call up Ms Pelosi and say "You're fired".
Little Joey Shitstain, Don the Con had 2 years of a majority in in both houses of congress so why didn't he get his wall then? Do you ever stop to look at what is in the tripe Fox News is feeding you? Why was Don the Con risking all of our lives for those 2 years? Don the Con said it would be done on Day 1. The fact is Don the Con is way out of his league, he is intellectually lazy and is simply inept. None of that is the Democrat's fault; Don the Con is not very good at being President or even pretending to be President.

Did you watch The Apprentice? You do know that was all staged scenarios with no basis in reality - right?
15 seasons is pretty real.......coward.
I'm getting no traction with the go fund me. You may have to wait for Gavin to pass single-payer to get your coverage. Sorry Bruddah. Stay healthy now.
Mahalo nui. Btw, your uncle picked up my premium with the proceeds from the Caterpillar. He even took out a whole life policy on me.
Mahalo nui. Btw, your uncle picked up my premium with the proceeds from the Caterpillar. He even took out a whole life policy on me.

Except due to size of your elemu they insisted it be a "second to die" policy - which I thought was just mean!

So, I was gonna hit an ATM and grab some cash, but maybe I can swing by the fed instead? I hear they are printing money.