The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I'm a slouch that's contributing to my ongoing embarrassment.
Don’t sell me short.
I'm a tremendously snarky slouch.

James Comey blasts Rod Rosenstein, mocks departing deputy AG for thinking 'the country needs me'
By Victor Garcia | Fox News

“I think people like that, like Rod Rosenstein, who are people of accomplishment but not real sterling character, strong character, find themselves trapped. And then they start telling themselves a story to justify their being trapped which is, 'Yeah, he's awful but the country needs me,’” Comey told host Anderson Cooper.


Cooper brought up Rosenstein as Comey was responding to a question about a recent op-ed he penned, in which he wrote that the president “eats your soul in small bites.”

“Republicans are doing this in Congress. ‘Yeah, it's awful, but if I speak I'll get defeated and this nation needs me here right now.’ So they start to make little compromises to stay on the team. Talk about collusion, saying that's what I need to do to survive and in the process, he has eaten their soul, they’re lost. So that's what happens to so many of people,” Comey said.
I think Comey just described how his soul was eaten before he decided to not recommend that Hilz be prosecuted for moving classified info through unsecured servers and lying about it.
I think Comey just described how his soul was eaten before he decided to not recommend that Hilz be prosecuted for moving classified info through unsecured servers and lying about it.
You don't see anything fishy about all the top US intelligence operatives in concern to Russia being railroaded, fired and their credibility undermined, do you comrade?

Number of Dems who’ve eaten fried chicken during a Congressional hearing: 1; Number of Dems who’ve read the less-redacted Mueller report? 0
Trump's influence will be around for the next gereration, no matter how much you people lie, kick and scream.

Mitch McConnell, the most destructive man in America.
McConnell breaks the Senate further, confirms two more judges opposed by home-state senators
May 10, 2019 10:56am PDT by Joan McCarter, Daily Kos Staff
For just the fourth time in history, and for the second time in two days, the Senate confirmed a federal judiciary nominee over the objections of both home-state senators Thursday. Michael Park was confirmed to the New York-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit by a 52 to 41 vote. That follows the confirmation of Joseph Bianco to the same court on Wednesday.

Neither of the judges was supported by New York's Democratic senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand. Previously, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pushed through nominees over the objections of Oregon and Washington Democrats, a new and destructive norm for the Senate. But these two judges are particularly dangerous and will be in a particularly strong position to help Donald Trump. Two more vacancies are likely to come up on this court by the end of June, putting Trump in a position to flip this circuit to a majority appointed by Republicans. Park's obsequiousness to Trump isn't going to be in question. He filed a friend of the court brief supporting Trump's efforts to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census.